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joined Jun 17, 2021

That great luck didn't help her find Mai though.

joined Jun 17, 2021

That's when you fall into teacher's trap and go "uh... her! She brought us here!"

joined Jun 17, 2021

So it's okay for Mei to be fawning over multiple girls, but it's not okay for Karin to have multiple girls fawning over her?

This is really starting to aggravate me about this story. The hypocrisy that Mei is allowed to get away with just because she's main girl.

She's literally not dating them, though. She said she couldn't date Karin because of that potential jealousy. She's still hot for her, though.

i assume that if she would pick any one to date, she would not be intimate with other girls.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Omg, this is a battle manga arc I'm down for. Good to see them all acknowledging it.

joined Jun 17, 2021

If the confession was something like teasing, I could understand it still going this way, but Komaki has given her a deep look into her mind and how she sees love, and Wakaba is just like "you do not".

Like, girl, you know she's messed up, and she straight-up told you she has messed up feelings for you, so I'm just sitting here reading like, ???

joined Jun 17, 2021

You don't need to give Makino anything. She's a scumbag, just sex will do.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Everyone's worried that the date promise is a "death" flag, but isn't it just a trouble flag? The system is on its way back. If they do have a date uninterrupted by it, I don't think it'll be for a while.

joined Jun 17, 2021

That question at the end makes me think the answer is ... no.
It'd be funny if it made the sensory sharing swap between people.

joined Jun 17, 2021

I love that Miina's reaction to this is, are you dumb? Why didn't you tell me she was your girlfriend.

joined Jun 17, 2021

The flashbacks reminded me of Mashiro's illness. What ... happened to that? Like, I don't need death flags or hospital visits or anything, just some indication that she's still a somewhat sickly person instead of being like "she had a bit of time off school and now she's in perfect health and we'll never speak of this again".

joined Jun 17, 2021

"If you ask me, I'm more into..."
Watching, right? Please say it's watching, haha.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Naori, I know you have integrity as a bartender and all, but surely in such an emergency, a free-pour wouldn't be out of line?

joined Jun 17, 2021

We've come so far from people doubting whether this manga was even yuri, lol.

I dunno if you're reading the same comment section as me, but people were arguing about it not long ago saying it was yuribait. I'm sure it'll come up again.

To be fair, there's still a pretty good chance that we won't see anything definitive as far as confirmed romance goes. It all depends on how you define ''bait'' in the end.

Look, this might come out as harsh, but it's not about "how you define bait".
If you want to read an out-and-out full-on romance, there are stories for that.
Don't go reading the slowburn, will-they-won't-they stories, and then complain about it being "bait". You've baited yourself, with your expectations. No one else did it to you.

If you really hate when it turns into "won't they", then hold off reading something until you know for sure. Again, don't go splashing around in the comments section attacking the story just because it's not exactly what you want to read.
Dynasty has both kinds of stories, you don't need to get hung up on the ones that aren't your type.

joined Jun 17, 2021

That was a really strange way to end it, causing a bunch of arguments in the comments section (per usual).
Look, I'm a fan of really close female friendships, but this 100% was not like, 'we're just super close friends'. Nothing in the dramatic action of quitting because you want the other person to be the centre, and telling them you only want to smile for them is a "just friends" thing (especially because there was no discussion of it beforehand.) Like, I understand not getting subtext sometimes, but this was just piled high with it.

And latching onto the word "raised", my gosh, you ... know she's not an orphan who went to live at the idol company, right? She meant "raised" as in, into an idol, as her mentor. That's not grooming, ya weirdos. She wasn't a teacher, just a (slightly) older idol she looked up to.

last edited at Apr 17, 2024 8:08AM

joined Jun 17, 2021

Yep, definitely don't dump that girl, she's a keeper.
And her being dense is just a bonus, it seems.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Maki witnesses how the men at the mixer treat Mei: asking creepy and invasive questions, trying to get her drunk, showing a total lack of respect for her as a human being. It seems like she realizes that something isn't right, and though she doesn't confront them directly, she diverts their attention to herself, possibly saving Mei from trouble.

And yet, a few days later she calls the men "bastards" not for being massive creeps... But because she failed to hook any of them. She is even excited at the possibility that one of them might be texting her, and doesn't even seem to know what Mei is thanking her for. Which draws into question whether she indeed realized what was going on at the time, or if she was just jealous of Mei getting more attention.

I'm only making note of this because the oneshot presents it without comment and just kind of leaves it on the table. Maybe there is no other point to it than Maki being an airhead and in denial, but even then she lacks awareness on a level where it's more concerning than funny. And maybe there is something unpleasant about a yuri work using men's misogynistic behavior as a setup without confronting it at all. I have seen the trope of woman A saves woman B from trouble at a mixer, but when foul play is involved there's usually at least some gesturing at the wrongness of it, but the protagonist in this one seems entirely oblivious to it.

Yes yes, it's not that deep, I'm ruining the wholesome gyaru yuri with my yapping, etc. Feel free to throw any stray rocks at me

Maybe it's less about them being creeps, and more about being uncomfortable about the behaviour and the other redirecting it because she was completely fine with it? You don't have to object to the actual thing happening to protect someone from how it's making them feel.

last edited at Apr 14, 2024 10:31AM

joined Jun 17, 2021

I get's it's romantic and yuriful, but that's such a huge nerf.

Yeah, very strange. I kind of hope they come up with another explanation, something about the provisional alcohol not being ... enough any more? I dunno. It's just a bit strange that she'd suddenly be absolutely powerless without a specific type of alcohol now.

joined Jun 17, 2021

We've come so far from people doubting whether this manga was even yuri, lol.

I dunno if you're reading the same comment section as me, but people were arguing about it not long ago saying it was yuribait. I'm sure it'll come up again.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Wakaba not realizing that Komaki is just into her and really jealous/immature sure is a dynamic lol. I'm not sure who's the less mature one between the two of them at this point

Two characters, both alike in dignity, which is none

I'm cackling. Thank you.

joined Jun 17, 2021

They've been teasing the amnesia for an incredible amount of chapters, then do it all right away, not slowly, haha.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Speedrun to the festival day. Just as we like to see.

joined Jun 17, 2021

A brothel tour? I suppose that's how this story is going to stop being so same-y.
Hopefully this is where she meets Mai so we can have some real drama.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Honestly, with AI being where it is right now, the "can robots have feelings" debate is actually pretty important to be having. I mean, people are already in the present day getting deeply emotionally attached to chatbots. Personally, if I started having romantic feelings for a robot it would prompt a deep existential crisis...

Nadeshiko and similar androids have been in fiction forever but we're not really any closer to them being real. The current crop of "AI" isn't remotely like a thinking feeling consciousness, it's all just a bunch of glorified filters, and it takes up way more space than a human body does. State of the art is basically 1% of the thinking and 10,000% of the size, lol. I would be genuinely very surprised if a Nadeshiko could be made within my lifetime. So I don't think the silly sex comedy manga is actually relevant to today's issues lol

I agree with you that today's AI are still shitty. However, unfortunately, there's a very real trend of some people using AI chat bots to replace human contact or even using them to fulfill a boyfriend or a girlfriend function. "Replika" is one AI app that multiple people -- if you can trust the internet -- have reported "falling in love" with. While that doesn't necessarily say much about the quality of the AI, I think it speaks to the human capacity for developing connections with non-humans.

There's also the curious problem of AI bots making up stuff when they don't know the answer to something. There have been hilarious examples, like one lawyer who asked an AI bot to find authoritative precedents to reinforce his position in a certain legal case -- and then discovered that everything the AI found for him was fake information and complete bullshit only after he presented it in court.

It's not such a curious mystery though. An AI's function is to answer our questions. We get it to answer questions by cobbling together information all the time, AI doesn't think, and so doesn't understand why cobbling together a bunch of information to make up something that sounds like it really happened is the wrong thing. The idea of "not knowing" something is kind of unfathomable to an AI, because as far as the AI is concerned, it has all of the answers to everything we could possibly ask within the database.

joined Jun 17, 2021
  • He admitted it in front of a full class after Kaye called him out, I want to see what sort of BS the author contrives to make none of this matter

Since Kaye literally said "get me alone", I'd guess that Caroline grabbed her properly once she was already out of the classroom, and this is not happening in front of the class.

joined Jun 17, 2021

kiku’s a really good character too but ive already written so much its cringe

No, write more!

Absolutely. That was their first post? One of the easiest-to-read "long" posts I've seen on here. And not all that long in the grand scheme of comments here.