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joined May 25, 2014

Some compromise must have been reached between dad and daughter over covering the medical bills.

Dad and son, there is no daughter. The son seemed to have a successful Youtube channel. And his surgery was in Thailand, which is cheaper.

joined May 25, 2014

He didn't just want to go hunting, he saw himself consistently as a boy. A lot of girls want to do "boy" things, but their arguments tend not to include the phrase "I'm a boy"

My understanding of Japan is that they're honestly pretty conservative (you notice Chiaki was sterilized during his gender confirmation surgery, that's basically mandatory in Japan if you transition) on issues and so an old doctor using outdated terms isn't surprising.

This is a really well done story. I'm glad I stuck with it after the first couple pages (when they said Chiaki was a man, I was concerned it was a crossdressing story, which isn't my thing)

joined May 25, 2014

Re-read this in manga format feel amazing, the artist really knows what they are conveying.
The anime was quite a let down tbh. I was hoping it would be a horror, psych anime with yuri sub-plot. But nope, it full vrooms the yuri :v

The manga definitely sells the horror better than the anime. Episode 5 was the one that seemed the best so far (but I could be bias because that's my favorite arc so far, also they gave it more room to breath by not trying to cram everything in one episode), maybe it'll pick up?

joined May 25, 2014

Some age-gap doesn't necessarily bug me (The two of them are pretty much like that, is fine, college studentxworking adult is fine), but this is a middle schooler + clearly working adult woman.

I really hope it becomes obvious the adult (Kyouko) is only messing with Ruri to get back at her ex (giving those gifts, for example, hints at that), versus actually interested in, and frankly grooming, this child.

joined May 25, 2014

Having sex does not make you an adult. At times I get very angry when such lies are spread. Only maturity makes you an adult.

Yeah, honestly, that seems like a thing predators tell teens to groom them. I was an adult before I had sex, and in high school I had a friend who had sex before she was an adult (freshman, dropped out after she got knocked up), finding an appropriate partner and adulthood don't always coincide.

joined May 25, 2014

This is my two favorite J-genres - girls with guns and horror. I've enjoyed the manga, it's been legit scary in parts, but have generally found the anime to be lackluster. It doesn't do as good of a job selling to horror aspect, imho - especially in the early episodes. I'm not sure if it's budget or a lack of skill in composing the story boards or what.

last edited at Feb 7, 2021 9:17AM

joined May 25, 2014

This is the ending I wanted and all but it seems so compromised between the three that it’d eventually collapse.

Well, I mean, it's a relationship between a 16 year old and two 17 year olds... The odds of them being together in 7 years is small (the jr girl will be not-yet-done with college, the other two will be working/in grad school). It's not impossible, but there'd be a million ways for them to fall apart.

Ikoku Nikki discussion 21 Jan 10:18
joined May 25, 2014

This is underrated.

joined May 25, 2014

I... don't understand... but am happy that most people seem happier after transforming.

joined May 25, 2014

My professional account icon used to be a Golang Gopher, now it'll be Wani-san. :-)

joined May 25, 2014

Real Question (Not because I don't have "experience"):
Can you really feel a woman's heartbeats through her boing boings?

No. The best way to detect a racing heartbeat is to put your ear to someone's chest (more specifically the area above the breasts/below the collarbone), if everything is very calm and you feel very carefully, you can probably feel it with your hand from that location, but it's more subtle.

The artist just wanted to draw a girl groping another girl's breast, that is the mostly way to make sense of the scene.

joined May 25, 2014

This was a cute story. The title is very explanatory. :-)

joined May 25, 2014

Here I was expected a long one-shot with drama and tears... instead I ended up with a rushed romance with a punchline of a child gleefully announcing they helped with murder... that creepy tag is warranted.

joined May 25, 2014

I have to say, I read this back in the day, but apparently what I thought was the ending (when Ushio kissed Sumika to convey her feelings), I remember thinking that it seemed like a weak ending. I'm glad I got around to re-reading it (I thought of it again because of "The Two of Them are Pretty Much Like This") the actual ending was better than what I thought the ending was.

It does have some feelings of "why is almost everyone gay?" and the whole "meandering a bit" issue, but those are expected for the genre.

joined May 25, 2014

Cute little manga but that ending is such a blatant sequel/spin off hook.

And by god I'd read it

It seems like it'd be cute.

joined May 25, 2014

When quarantine began, and I had to be 100% WFH and my hours were cut (and my wife's outside-the-house hours went up a lot), the house got a lot cleaner.

joined May 25, 2014

I can't believe I'm saying this but not all girls, in a yuri, have to be lesbians.

I agree but it's possible though, I had like 3 or 4 lesbians in my class and most of them were still in the closet the first few years.

They're at the age where their friend group is more defined by interests versus defaulting to classmates. Queer people end up flocking together. I'm not bothered by it either way.

joined May 25, 2014

This is still one of my favorites. It's much more realistic than a lot of the stories on this site. It's one of the better coming of age/slice of life stories. Not everyone is able to be self-aware enough to accept their identity at a young age (I liked how Tsubaki-kun's story was handled, in re-reading it, you can see some of his worse behavior is gay panic), and not everyone pairs up immediately, even if compatible.

joined May 25, 2014

I've never understood the "parent(s) had debt and ran away so suddenly the child is responsible for it" bullshit that's shown in stuff like this and Hayate no Gotoku. That's not how any of that works at all. It would actually be an interesting story if this could happen in real life.

It actually does happen in real life, with companies trying to foist debts on relatives. Thankfully my family knew to say 'no.' So I could see yakuza trying it.

Anyway... good story!

It happens in America a lot. Protip: if you have an indebted relative who dies, NEVER agree to pay any part of their debt (you aren't legally required to, only their estate is) a ton of people get scammed that way.

joined May 25, 2014

This is cute but also really sad because she was more interesting before. Also glasses are the best.

I think now that she knows her GF is a K-pop nerd, she'll feel more comfortable opening up about her own nerdy side.

joined May 25, 2014

I read this series as being about how self-defeating major depression is, packaged with boobs, because those sell better than pure depression.

You see how much Neeko's family loves her, they never want to hurt her, and they wants her to do well. But you can see how they feel helpless, knowing that they can't just fix her because mental health is complicated, even though the solutions are obvious (just do the things you should be doing). They are willing to go to bat for her often, even though it's thankless.

joined May 25, 2014

This will never be a romance manga. It will always continue to be a "cute girls doing cute things" manga, even if it continues until the characters are middle aged. Expecting anything else is going to be setting yourself up for disappointment. The author doesn't seem interested in exploring exactly what Kasumi and Sakurako's relationship is. You can read them as asexual soulmates, or imagine that they just are very physically demonstrative off-camera, there won't be any clear contradiction of either interpretation.

joined May 25, 2014

My wife is a total fan of male pairings (she asked me to read a ton of crazy Sherlock fan-theory, and right now she's all about The Untamed - which is easier for me to deal with, as the show itself has depth beyond the relationship stuff, and the couple actually ends up together).

joined May 25, 2014

It's been a while. I just re-read it again so I could give a thorough critique.

I think that this story could've been so much better. I think there was a lot of wasted potential to discuss various queer issues. I felt that a lot of the queer plot points seemed to primarily served to be fodder to spur speeches full of platitudes, especially by the straight characters. It felt like a "very special" episode in parts. Basically is was too simple and generic of a story (a girl falls for a endlessly selfless and understanding boy who is helpful to her when she's going through a difficult point in her life) for the (queer) themes it seemed like it wanted to explore.

It's not horrible, but it didn't live up to its promise.

joined May 25, 2014

(I also love her saying she's in the second half of her 20s, despite it being made clear she's 30)

Ages 20-29 are the first half of your 20s, 30-39 are the second half. XD