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Image Comments 02 Apr 00:04
joined Jul 26, 2016

"Now kiss and make up"

Image Comments 02 Apr 00:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

The Touhou Wiki is probably a good starting point.

joined Jul 26, 2016


What is more lewd? Handholding or finger licking?

This is not a question for decent and sober people to ponder.

Image Comments 01 Apr 22:28
joined Jul 26, 2016

Why do I get this impression the author is quite enjoying themselves...?

Image Comments 01 Apr 22:27
joined Jul 26, 2016

Not quite all according to keikaku

I rather like the undertone of these two knowing each other too well to really be able to pull a fast one though.

Image Comments 01 Apr 22:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

"And on today's episode of Picking Up Social Cues With Prof. Kuroki Tomoko..."

Image Comments 01 Apr 22:15
joined Jul 26, 2016

Tomoko pls, you'd stopped thinking straight already around the time you met Yuu again.

joined Jul 26, 2016

As they say in my home town: Curiosity killed the cast...

Sounds like a late-period Shakespeare script.
Or your average teen slasher flick, either works.

1 x ½ discussion 01 Apr 07:50
joined Jul 26, 2016

I guess I'm in that percentage. It is possible for a story to be disturbing and compelling at the same time and that was I was kinda hoping for. This one is missing the compelling part though

Disclaimer: your mileage may vary.

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Dear diary: the April 1st troll scanlation is proving a gr8 success"

1 x ½ discussion 31 Mar 17:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

But I get it must be very difficult to make this particular relationship veer toward eroticism in a way that won't make the readers (too much) disturbed.

TBH given the very premise of the story anyone inclined to feel queasy about the prospect of hot daughter-on-mom action should have headed for the door already by the end of the third chapter at the latest.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think it's a way they keep themselves from just wallowing in genre tropes or getting swamped by audience expectations.

Sounds about right. And some authors just dislike labels on principle.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm pretty sure I'm seeing some major jumping to conclusions in this thread right now.

Image Comments 31 Mar 15:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^ Doesn't matter, Marisa enters through the windows anyway~

Image Comments 31 Mar 11:08
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Doesn't really help that even the various HI3 materials are inconsistent about various details... Haven't played GGZ so can't comment on that but Honk seems pretty consistent about the Herrschers actually. Where we know enough about the "natural" ones they invariably seem rather like stemming from the repressed bitterness etc. of the host personality - it's probably no coincidence that both Mei (3rd) and Wendy (unnumbered "pseudo-Herrscher") are rather demure self-sacrificing types, and the "Honkai Will" in Sakura Samsara is to a large degree Higokumaru's understandable grudge over being killed. (No real info on the 1st and original 2nd but they probably fit the pattern too.)
Void Kiana is an aberration given that's not the Second's original host but a clone of the original Kiana specifically designed to serve as a vessel for Celine's resurrection, which presumably explains why she's explicitly noted to act and talk quite differently from her original incarnation, because Otto. Seriously fuck that guy and his discount Gendo Ikari shenanigans. >:c

As an aside Celine herself is pretty interesting for the important connecting role she plays in the narrative despite having been dead for over a decade and never actually appearing personally Void Kiana aside - several of the cast have backstories where she looms large in some fashion, notably Theresa, Bronya and Kiana (and her entire now-deceased immediate family for that matter).

last edited at Mar 31, 2019 11:09AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I like the bossy no-nonsense loli already.

joined Jul 26, 2016

lmao Lily you useless gay mess

joined Jul 26, 2016

Bass, or piano, on the other hand... (pun intended)

Bassists need time out for manual breathing, tho. :U

Image Comments 30 Mar 16:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

Reminder that aside from the Herrscher personas being separate entities from their hosts to begin with (Mei literally has an intracranial convo with the Third at least once in-story for ex) Void Kiana isn't exactly Kiana but Celine, the Second Herrscher, resurrected courtesy of some Evangelion shenanigans by Otto Apocalypse, the game's primary reason why we can't have nice things. (Bet he screws with our gacha pulls too.)

The major case of yanderitis the two Herrshcer personas seem to have for each other never ceases to amuse me, though.

last edited at Mar 30, 2019 4:24PM

Image Comments 30 Mar 07:27
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ And conversely if their senses of taste do still work, well, they're already inured to the taste of their own reanimated corpse mouths by default so not like the other one's should be a big deal.
That does indeed rather sound like forcing the joke... which probably isn't all that unusual for fanfic writers. >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

I dunno, guys, this manga seems kinda gay to me.


Oddman 11 discussion 29 Mar 17:41
joined Jul 26, 2016

Actually rereading the story further twintails is nigh certainly #11. Brother Itami you lolicon, I am dissapoint :c

You must be disappointed in Setsu, too, then.

Not her ex-girlfriend.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The way the crowd here is basically screaming blasphemy is more than a little amusing.

Well, it's all about promises not kept. In manga an anime all too often an attraction gets established between two female characters, only for the writers to then go "Fooled ya! They don't have teh ghey. What, you think we're perverts or something?" And to drive the point home the girls either get a boyfriend, get separated forever by whatever means, or have a falling out over nothing.

And no, I absolutely don't care one iota what a writer says on Twitter or in an interview. This about what is happening within the story, and within this particular one the writer establishes a truckload of subtext between Koyuki and Konatsu, only to bail out later on. Koyuki's worries about her future would have a lot more weight in the context of her relationship with Konatsu, but the writer practically ejects Konatsu from the the story and then replaces her with some random other character. Why? It could all be down to incompetence, but stuff like this happens so often in manga and anime that I have become quite cynical.

Like I said, it is getting a bit better, but for every series that is serious about attraction between girls we get a hundred that are like this one.

I like how you're effectively declaring the series ruined FOREVER on the basis of one Twitter post of ambiguous meaning, and please don't try to claim that isn't related to the outburst quoted. Show us on this doll where the bad author touched you...?

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 3:58PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

The way the crowd here is basically screaming blasphemy is more than a little amusing.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The dudes in this are the worst though.

What dudes are you thinking about? There aren't that many in this manga.
I remember Fujishiro's ex-bf and her brother who is a beautician; the first one can be called a bad guy, but the other one has been pretty nice so far.

Probably referring to the random jackasses Fujishiro keeps blowing up at for trash-taking her precioussss.

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 10:18AM