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joined Jun 17, 2021

Haha, the Japanese family register thing has come up for me a bit lately.
I was listening to a podcast where they were talking about people reaching 100 years old, and the fact that statistically, Japan has the most people who have reached 100.
... or maybe not. Because their "family register" system is such a mess that they don't actually know when people have already died. Whoops.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Thank you for the gift, it's very thoughtful.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Dang it, Nanao, you coward, taking a confession back like that.
If Asumi is in the line of work you think she is, and is so comfortable just suggesting intimate things, you think she's gonna avoid you if you like her, even if she doesn't like you back?

joined Jun 17, 2021

This manga is working really hard for that wholesome tag. Everything just feels so perfect.

joined Jun 17, 2021

The yuri was so strong the bald dude grew a mohawk.

Since they all changed their look, I'd say it meant they were so refreshed, they went back to a younger time.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Even if Chloe wasn't wondering about that, for sure the rest of us were.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Being a 4-page manga, pacing is indeed an issue in this story, but I think that sometimes it is justified to just skip and give incomplete answers to the readers since the answers themselves are trivial. We know at the beginning of the chapter that they did not have a full conversation, because if they did, we’d get to see it. The author is simply skipping the boring parts and leaving it for flashbacks and assumptions which, given the format, is ok imo.

You can't seriously say that these answers are trivial.

The story is ignoring all the tension and conflict that had been building up for several chapters. Whatever conversation happened after Mitsuki asked the question would not only contain the answer to the question but also continuations to many other things: the fact that Mitsuki is a girl, the fact she pretended to be a guy, her reasons for doing so, the distance they kept from each other for a bit, why they care, etc. All of this was built up and none of it is resolved, addressed or developed simply by having us assume Aya said "yes".

Besides, even if we could make assumptions that answer all of these questions, why not show it? You came up with your own headcanon about what happened so even if we assume you're 100% right about the events, wouldn't you still want to see them? We've just been denied a major culmination of this story.

Imagine if in The Lion King, the story went from Simba looking uphill to see the wildebeest stampeding toward him to Simba having already left and we only learn through dialogue that Mufasa died and Scar took over.
This is what just happened in this story.

A major issue with your point is that she never pretended to be a guy. She just never revealed her true identity. Yeah she could've but on the flip side she never had to do so. Now that she wants to be friends as herself and not her fake self Aya is happy, since that's what she was originally mad at. You're looking way too deep into the story.

Woah, woah woah. I don't agree with the previous comments about the story (this is a completely legitimate way to tell a story), you've gone off on your own unrelated tangent here, and also missed the main conflict.
Mitsuki didn't have to reveal that the store clerk was actually a girl, no. But she did hella need to stop stalking the girl at school under the pretext that they were different people. If you don't see what's wrong with that, then it's actually you who is the one preoccupied with the girl/guy revelations.

joined Jun 17, 2021

. Forgot school Mitsuki was "like that" (awkward and shy as heck)
. Forgot the other side of Mitsuki was "like that" (innocently super hot and flirty.)

I feel you, girl, I feel you.

last edited at Nov 14, 2022 8:20AM

joined Jun 17, 2021

gonna be honest like I don't want to incite anyone but this story is so clearly just having fun that like, to argue about how and why certain characters are bad people if framed through the lens of real life morality seems kind of moot when the story itself literally only cares about how to facilitate sex scenes. Like there sure are stories where taking apart the morality and ethics on display can lead to incredibly thoughtful essays but this is not one of those stories. This one truly just wants to show you how Miyako is having hot lesbian sex with every hot woman in this college area.

Someone else who is like "how dare you discuss things about this manga"
If you don't like the way people's discussion is going, don't participate. While we will continue to discuss the morality of the situations or whatever else this manga inspires us to discuss.
Edit: that was really harsh, sorry. But these kinds of comments get to me.
There's no right or wrong way to enjoy a story. There's no right or wrong topic to get onto or themes to discuss, despite what the "point" of the story is. Being serious about the implications doesn't mean we hate the story (I never understand people who read something just to hate on it), it means that is what we feel about what we just read.

last edited at Nov 1, 2022 7:43AM

joined Jun 17, 2021

Ok, I think I've lost interest in this manga. Having the 'friend' move in with them looks like a way to introduce completely unnecessary drama.

that comment aged poorly

All of the angry comments aged poorly. Jumping the gun and complaining about something that might happen is actually a bit annoying. Criticize if it does happen. If it doesn't, you just look stupid (yes, now you all look stupid).

joined Jun 17, 2021

I feel you, Karin. I'm starving for more of this.

joined Jun 17, 2021

You people are taking this way seriously I mean its for porn crying out loud i can't believe people expect a life lesson out this.

I might point out that you're a bit of a hypocrite here.
We're reading a story, and here we're discussing the story. If you just want porn and to not discuss it, then maybe don't go into the comments section at all?

joined Jun 17, 2021

Author-san ... ran out of ideas? That's what this chapter feels like in the grand scheme of things.

joined Jun 17, 2021

I keep clicking, but it doesn't go to the next page!

This is a dastardly and devious cliffhanger, for sure. Dare I hope for tangible progress?

I feel the same way.
I don't trust cliffhangers, though. For most writers, they are an excuse to start something they just don't want to finish. If there was going to be actual progress, easy enough to start the progress and have a cliffhanger sometime before the resolution.

Sometimes writers surprise me. But not often.

joined Jun 17, 2021

"Just shut up and enjoy it."

Yeah, Nakano definitely the villain at this point x.x I feel like we're setting up for the reporter to actually be the good guy. They picked the perfect profession to hide whether she'd be good or bad though, the easiest professions to make villains or heros are Lawyers and Reporters.

Definitely a villain before this point. She set her friend up with a bunch of possible rape scenarios (a bunch of people who are expecting sex, whether our MC wants to give it or not).

I feel like Nakano's ... actually in love with her though, but her motivation is ... maybe, she's not willing to give up all her other sexual partners and wants Miyako to have the same lifestyle and they can be together? It's all very strange.

joined Jun 17, 2021

I binged this whole series and I'm like ... it should be called How My Friend Turned Me Into a Prostitute With a Taste for the High Life
You know, on-trend with the very specific titles that are so popular these days ;)

joined Jun 17, 2021

What a weird Mother.
I'm not even mad that romance didn't make an appearance here.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Awww, poor girl.
Mitsuki is losing cool points. Even if she's beautiful when playing sports.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Ooh. Some advice that can be applied to more than one thing.
Thanks for being so wonderful, uncle.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Only if it means the two of them will sleep in the same room finally.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Hmm. Doesn't that seem like Satou's perfect job? Time to get married and let the wife have that job.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Looks like next time they'll actually talk.

Hmmm. Maybe?
Or, maybe Aya is just going to take her opportunity to get to know Mitsuki better without letting on that she knows she is also the "oniisan" she knows outside of school.

joined Jun 17, 2021

If that's how you feel about it you are welcome to that, but from my perspective I think anyone should be allowed to lie about their gender, or rather than say lie, I don't think anyone has a right to demand to know your gender.

It's not a question of "rights." Mitsuki has obviously not committed a literal crime. What she's done is (a) deliberately misled another person (b) in a way she knew, or should've known, would cause them great pain if they found out (as we saw happen in this very chapter) (c) purely in order to preserve this pseudo-friendship pseudo-romance thing she had going on with her. What precise information Aya had a "right" to know about is irrelevant. Mitsuki hurt her. She did a mean thing. She should apologize! (And I'm sure she will.) And that's all I have to say about this.

If you take it upon yourself to make assumptions about me and cause yourself some emotional, mental, or other harm by doing so, it is not my obligation to apologize for your self-harm caused by your assumptions. It is not a "mean thing" done to others by not correcting their assumptions. Especially if you don't know if you'll be safe if you do so. The only person responsible for the thoughts and assumptions you come up with in your head is you. So the only person who needs to apologize for making assumptions is the one who made them, not the one they were made about.

This is ridiculous. Everybody makes assumptions constantly in everyday life and we require them to function. When I go to McDonald's, I assume the guy behind the register wearing a uniform is the cashier and is gonna take my order, nobody in the history of ever has asked that guy, "Hey sorry, are you the cashier?"

Sorry to say but 99% of the time assuming someone's gender works fine IRL and people do it constantly. Even if someone isn't gender conforming, they must be aware of this. Even the term non-binary in it implies the existence of the binary. Mitsuki is not wrong because she's not disclosing her gender, she's wrong because she knows that Oosawa thinks that she's a dude and is deliberately letting her keep thinking that she is one for her own benefit.

Phew. I thought this was closed as of the last few chapters, but since it's still ongoing, I need to say what's on my mind.

The issue here is not that Mitsuki has not disclosed her gender. It's that Mitsuki has not disclosed that the "two" people Aya knows are actually just one person. At-school Mitsuki is basically spying on Aya under a different identity. Whether she started doing it intentionally or whether it's because of Aya's assumptions is beside the point. She has concealed not her gender, but her identity so that she can interact with Aya as two different people. (whether she originally interacted with Aya at school or not is beside the point, she is listening in on conversations that aren't as vague as Aya thinks they are because Mitsuki has insider information.)

joined Jun 17, 2021

Kozakura needs hugs. And better friends.

And true that, shes still traumatized and they dont give a shit

Kozakura isn't exactly a great friend herself.
And she seemed to be kind of traumatised before they even met her, so it hasn't really made a huge difference in their relationship.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Baha, the heated discussion on fashion now is just reminding me of the complaints about how there are so many comments on this manga.

There's just so much to argue about, lol.