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joined Jun 25, 2019

Checking last raw Utena and Kiwi got a new allie and it's a loli.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Holy Hell...


Now let's just hope this doesn't die in 5 chapters.

Supposedly there's 33 already so we can hope.

33 is the last chapter. I do believe it's the manga is finished. I mean, 33 chapters for a Yuri threesome/poly is already big in itself. Before you ask me, i think it's finished because the updates were weekly and it's been a month since last chapter so it's normal to assume that is finished.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Only read 4 chapters + prologue so far (in french version). Already a bit suspicious about the whole thing but have a question Is chapter 1 a flashforward ?. Also I'm not sure about Sheryl. She seem very calm and composed for someone who get her wife killed. I think they got married only to have Claire under control.. It's long past the time of Lily Love 1 where we had only one sex scene. Here Satis only wait 4 before going wild.

Image Comments 23 Jan 07:39
joined Jun 25, 2019

There is no sign who point to NTR other than you like SayoTsugu. You can let people having their ship.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm looking for one that involves two girls living together and they are in a relationship with each other. One of them makes books and art shipping her favorite characters together. From what I can remember it's mostly BL, a few chapters in she gets a chance to work with one of her favorite artists despite the piece going against the characters she ships together. While her girlfriend is worried and jealous that she seems to be so excited about working with this person.

That's will be Paradise and After

joined Jun 25, 2019

"They're lesbians Harold"

joined Jun 25, 2019

Dis good. Some of the looks of a A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow but actual stuff happens.

Friendship intensifie

joined Jun 25, 2019

does anyone believe uta and kaoru can still be endgame or am i just holding onto false hope

There still a probability so maybe. Ch.30 spoiler Well at least Kaoru call Uta at the end ofnext chapter so there is that

They’ve even piqued my interest in what Kuro and Miyabi might be up to.

God no. Never been fan of the side pairing being further in their relation than the main pairing, especially given the main pairing state for the moment.

last edited at Jan 22, 2020 8:06PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ngl but i found the little sister a little bit annoying in Ch.5 especially here "What about making sure to ask her for het contact info ?" I mean, you're mean who told her to. If it wasn't for you asking she would have probably never do it. Yes she could have ignore it and don't ask but the point still stand.I know the sister want them together but she is forcing a bit too much her sister without even asking if she had feelings. Buying doughnuts for a co-worker one time doesn't mean you have fall in love. I much appreciate that the author doesn't make Hinako go the mixer and "save" Satou.

joined Jun 25, 2019

best new release of 2020, calling it right now

I could see it. It's already shaped up spectacularly. I think it started in 2019 tho?

Yep, probably in December but even so, it's a bold move to call it best new release of 2020 when we're only in January.

Anime season 22 Jan 14:13
joined Jun 25, 2019

They're gays Harold.

Seem yuri enough to me already

joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm looking for a certain manga, can't really remember that much, but it has a certain scene where the senpai (actually, nto sure if senpai, but a kind of mature person who can totally do anything), let her kouhai (not sure if she is really a kouhai, but she is the kind of person that is very clumsy) to straight her hair with hair straighteners, but since the girl is very clumsy, she ended up burning the forehead of the girl, which the more girl actually expected from her. the more mature girl actually love that clumsiness of the other girl, that she ended up not wanting to girl to change and be like that for the rest of her life. TIA

Take me a while to found a link because it come from one of the Eclair chapter that hadn't be uploaded here or on Mangadex It's Human Emotions by Shuninta Amano

joined Jun 25, 2019

What is that panel in chapter 9? The one next to the panel where they call out each others Named.

Either it's a nipple or it's just them kissing.

Image Comments 22 Jan 09:21
joined Jun 25, 2019

You can ship Mako/Ryoko if you want, it's not like i care. It's just that i don't buy the canon argument.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I like doughnuts and the story isn't half bad.

joined Jun 25, 2019

She literally only shows up to revert things to staus quo when there's potential emotional progress.

That's literraly her second appearance and that's implying it doesn't happen before. Stop whining about it kill the progress. We had progress before and get kill the chapter just after.

in a comedy-romance manga between two characters, adding a third wheel isn't contributing to the romance

But the romance isn't the main focus to begin with and Omichi don't show up during those moment.The moments with Omichi braely count as romance and Hino clearly show that she is not interested in Omichi either romantically and for bullying/teasing . She only bully/tease her because she thought it will ease Koguma's burden.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I mean,it will be already nice if we had proper progress on Koguma/Hino side to not complicated any further. Omichi is a good plus because it had a change of pace from the Koguma/Hino antics that might get old from time to time. And to be fair, Hino don't seem to really care about Omichi at all, as each time it's Omichi who had to force Hino to make a move and the first time it was even for Koguma's sake more than teasing Omichi.

joined Jun 25, 2019

What is a sweet omelette flavored with?


Image Comments 21 Jan 13:33
joined Jun 25, 2019

isn't Mako x Ryoku canon?

I can hardly take the postcredit scene as canon Mako Ryoku like most people do. It's just an headcanon to me not real canon. "But muh kiss", yeah a kiss during Mako moment so to take with a grain of salt and if it was a real date, they will have been only as two not with Satsuki.

last edited at Jan 21, 2020 1:33PM

Image Comments 21 Jan 12:13
joined Jun 25, 2019

Amazon have the 6th volume plan to release in May so 5th is the latest release but not the last one.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Well those two are friends with benefits, so this case isn’t really poly since none of them are in an actual relationship yet. Imo the MC may end up with the long haired chick

You literally have almost nothing to go on, and both people are interested in her sexually, don't mind sharing, and at least one has expressed romantic interest in the manga (in her thought bubbles), and you're trying to say 1 will be picked over the other? This is like, trying so freaking hard to avoid polyamory. If both of her neighbors are dating her, even if they aren't dating each other, that's polyamory, and that definitely looks like where this is headed.

i think you misunderstand. Madeleine said it isn't polyamory because they aren't a couple but just Friends with benefits meaning they're just friends having sex and not girls actually going out together. I think that for Madeleine, polyamory imply that all the characters are in love relationship and not just sex relationship. And please, don't freak out on anyone who don't see polyamory ending here. Not everyone like polyamory like you do and prefer traditional couple. I mean yeah,the polyamory ending look very possible here and yeah someone said they gonna have threesome so it's probably how it will end but it's only the 1st chapter so anything could happen.

last edited at Jan 21, 2020 11:03AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

You know, i already read the first time. You're not obligated to tell me that a second time. I understand the first time what you mean but i still think it can have a certain common sense. It's not a gag manga or a cartoon.

You were dropped on your head a lot as a baby, weren't you?

Is there a need to be that mean ? You can have ignore the message if you have nothing better to do. Nobody will have bat an eye. Kinda understand why BD don't like you.

Image Comments 20 Jan 21:45
joined Jun 25, 2019

Not picking Sonya. Plebs

Image Comments 20 Jan 21:24
joined Jun 25, 2019

They said love can bloom on the battlefield.

Image Comments 20 Jan 21:23
joined Jun 25, 2019

Love those 2 idiots