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joined Apr 17, 2015

Hmm… Chapter 47 is out in Japan − without spoiling, we're two chapters in volume 10 and there's no new couple introduced. Looks like this really is the last volume.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Huh… They rearranged the order of events a little bit last episode, but it works better I think. They made that umbrella scene more intense too… You could feel every bit of the atmosphere, the playfulness, the awkwardness, the almost eerie tension at the end… As well as the biting snark in the Sayaka scenes. X) They're really nailing it more and more with each episode.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Everyone's summed it up. Fun and refreshing, but boy does it need to slow down.

joined Apr 17, 2015

…Wait, that childhood friend, is that

joined Apr 17, 2015

@BugDevil While I agree that the people who care enough will probably read the manga anyway, it's still frustrating that more and more anime are doomed to cover only a fraction of the original story… Anime and manga are different formats that offer different experiences, so people who enjoy anime more get the short end of the stick in those cases… Of course that's kind of inevitable when the original story is so long that you'd need 10 seasons of anime to adapt it fully, but in the case of YagaKimi where two seasons would probably suffice (after the manga is over, obviously), that would be a shame. Hopefully it has enough success for that.

But as you said, altering the story to have a conclusion rarely leads to good results, so it's a tough dilemma…

joined Apr 17, 2015

^^ Well, I don't even look at the subs most of the time, but the few times I did they seemed relatively accurate, at least to the idea.

About the "creepy" aspect, it's just the whole "Stay unable to love so that I can use you as a comfort pillow" thing. The VA's delivery might have something to do with it too.

joined Apr 17, 2015

God, that post-credit scene… Even knowing she had no ill-intentions, Touko sounded almost creepy there. And selfish, which… is pretty much the cause of the current mess in the manga.

joined Apr 17, 2015

^^^ I still think this is the kind of series that works better in volumes than read monthly. Even if each chap has subtle developments, short chaps like this one are frustrating as hell. TTvTT Like you're drinking a large cup of tea one sip at a time.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 5:33PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

I don't know if Sayaka's gonna confess, but it might be better if she did at this point. Both to allow herself to move on, and maybe to shake up Touko just enough. At least I think Sayaka's strong enough to take the rejection.

joined Apr 17, 2015

So I just noticed something. There is a big problem with the Dub version of the anime. They localized it to using first names. Problem is the series has two specific chapter 11 and 12 about them switching to using first names along with people making a issue of it.

God, I hate translators who do that. It's such a pointless adaptation to make… It's not even like first/last-name basis is something completely foreign to Westerners; back in middle school, me and my friends routinely called each other by our last names.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 11:59AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

There are way too many posts in this thread. XD

Anyway, I liked that they used a different kind of animation in episode 5. Made the expressions that much funnier. =3 It also made Yuu's deadpan…ness? stand out more I feel.

And Touko's reaction to the photo is as adorable as ever.

joined Apr 17, 2015

^ Well, we can still have a twisted tale about a childhood friend out for payback on the girl she blames for her beloved's misery.

last edited at Oct 28, 2018 4:34PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Chapter 2: "I can't push her to hard, I don't want to break the glass."
Chapter 6: "Fuck it, let's blow this glass to smithereens, I've waited enough."

…I mean, I get her rationale that these two sisters bring nothing but pain to Chitose, but couldn't she wait at least a few days? It's like no one in this series has ever heard about basic human decency.

…But I kinda enjoy it so far.

last edited at Oct 27, 2018 5:15PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

I'm glad they didn't make it a cliffhanger in the anime. There's no reason to make it some shocking plot twist considering how little relevance it has afterwards.

joined Apr 17, 2015

From Ayaka's bedroom, most likely. But she'd never tell you that.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Happy birthday Yurine!


joined Apr 17, 2015

So yeah, bad news, it turns out DA Ex is a seasonal magazine… Meaning a chapter every 3 months. This is gonna be fun. TTvTT

joined Apr 17, 2015

According to Canno the Mushoku to JK chapters have no chronological order, you can read them however you want (they aren't even numbered). There's no plot to follow or anything. The second one is in Éclair Blanche, but no one has translated it yet.

joined Apr 17, 2015

I'm still really bothered by the TL mistakes in episode three. I mean, none of them are really episode-changing mistakes, but the overall enjoyment is definitely hurt by them.

What mistakes? :o

joined Apr 17, 2015

Episode 3… they're really getting the hang of this. It helps that Best Big Sis Rei is in it. :þ Sayaka still looks and sounds a bit off though. Maybe that brief slowmo when Touko leans on Yuu's shoulder was a bit overdone, but it's a nitpick.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Heh. Japanese women can look surprisingly young, so you gotta be on your guard if you live Mao's… lifestyle. X)

joined Apr 17, 2015

It's in Éclair Blanche. No one has tl'd it yet.

joined Apr 17, 2015

^ …Can a high-schooler even do that, legally? >.>

Anyway, I have to thank this chap for making me look up both Japan's economic history and Tokyo's minor protection laws. The things yuri can teach you.

I like that Canno's visibly having a ton of fun drawing these shorts. Their slightly absurd comedy is reminiscent of some of the early AnoKiss chapters, which is refreshing. You can also feel Canno is itching to explore a lewder side of yuri. X)

PS: By the way, page 6, second panel… Hazumi is totally copping a feel, isn't she.

last edited at Oct 16, 2018 12:08PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

They certainly did, but that also means they had reached a point where they just felt like the spark was gone, and they needed some trigger to revive it. To quote a famous song:

And a word to the wise: when the fire dies,
You think it's over but it's just begun!
We fell apart, but let's make a new start…

joined Apr 17, 2015

There's some vague implication that Asuka and Mikaze did more than just sleep during their night together, especially with that bonus page someone posted here a while ago…


last edited at Oct 14, 2018 6:30AM