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joined Feb 14, 2016

I like the primal use of scent to identify her target.

The punchline is of course this was always secretly an Omegaverse story

joined Feb 14, 2016

Mpreg while a bit strange to me, is fine enough. People want kids and a happy fantasy. So I get it. I just don't get why Omegaverse content has rape baked so heavily into it...and weird "justifications" for the rape.

Rape fiction as an outlet for internalized misogyny I understand well enough (though I am not a big fan of it either), and I don't think it's coincidental that omegaverse stuff is (from my limited delving into the medium) written and read mostly by women.

That said, the justifications built into Omegaverse creep me out. At least most overt/explicit rape stories are forthright that their content is about unacceptable behavior; I'm more creeped out by the stories that try to sanitize it.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Some surprisingly good panel composition for what I'll politely call a multiverse-brain story concept. TFW you write your dialogue to be natural speech between the two main characters and not to exposit to the reader directly

joined Feb 14, 2016

It's canon, and AERITH, y'all just have to accept it

What, you don't trust the localization team that gave us the "y burn"?

joined Feb 14, 2016

I struggle to recommend Yuri danshi because it actually kind of is about that sort of Otaku creep personality that people are talking about here.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I'm whichever one is the one that gave up on this mbti sex thing halfway through the third paragraph

joined Feb 14, 2016

Would work in English, but since it's ニー子 in Japanese, it only really works with NEET.

It does work in English, and I'm reading it in English. So it's an unintended double-meaning.

This would make sense if "onee-san" were an English word

joined Feb 14, 2016

I only realized after reading it that "Lulu Yeah" is meant to be a pun on "R'lyeh".

Damn real galaxy brain hour on this one, I love it

last edited at Mar 4, 2021 2:25AM

joined Feb 14, 2016


Welcome to the amazing world of fiction, where real world issues don't matter squat.

Sure but when that's your standard, "it's not supposed to be realistic" or has little to nothing to say beyond "isn't this hot", you're inviting the (unfavorable) comparisons to porn stated upthread.

Hardly the end of the world, but time spent reading this is time not spent reading actual porn.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Aaand just as expected. sigh

You were the one who brought moderators into this so I'm not sure what you expected

joined Feb 14, 2016

I wouldn't take a moment's hesitation to render the last part as just "(Unless...)" but that's me and my idiosyncrasies at it again

joined Feb 14, 2016

So this is the porn version of "no way I can have a lover" from what I'm getting here

joined Feb 14, 2016

There wasn't much here and a lot of what there was utterly sucked.

joined Feb 14, 2016

So editor-lady would have asked her out if she hadn't thought Sakuma was straight. Oops!

joined Feb 14, 2016

I might have enjoyed this more if it wasn't so easy to compare with the story Shuninta is doing which is nearly the same concept but with more room to breathe narratively. This was OK but I just don't like it as much

joined Feb 14, 2016

Character says she doesn't know how to communicate with her dress but I think a flannel buttondown means "I want to get naked next to my hot coworker" in a few dialects

joined Feb 14, 2016

Usually with a lot of art it's easy to tell when the localizers have reversed the art to fit a more natural reading style for the communities buying it. I've got a couple older releases of stuff where that happened.

Mezashi's style is clean and simple enough that you don't really notice it here, which is funny in a way.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Bits of narrative convenience notwithstanding I like that these characters and their circumstances mostly feel plausible, rather than having the characters basically serving as drama elementals in service of the plot. They're dumb, yes, but dumb in a way that feels reasonable for a high schooler to be.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Jamal_Williams69 posted:

Why must every thread degenerate into such a shitfest over one or two people nitpicking things to get offended over every time? It's just narcissism at this point.

I know right

Why would anyone on this site take depictions of trans narratives personally

joined Feb 14, 2016

Reading a PNG? What is this, some weird chemtrail-tier paranoid conspiracy document on imgur??

joined Feb 14, 2016

My tastes are simple. I see a story with that title, I have to click on it.

joined Feb 14, 2016

kickap00 posted:

loli's are girls that are grade school age. So anything middle school or above does not constitute as a loli. I'm saying love live has girls in high school so yes they are underage most of the time but they're not loli's. Also not everything tagged as loli is porn.

ah, the classic "no, you mean ephebophilia" argument

joined Feb 14, 2016

Hauteclere posted:

I of it. I think there's value to the idea, but it needs more care than this.

I think the properly-considered version of this idea is basically Still Sick

joined Feb 14, 2016

Definitely seems like something whose premise comes from the write-what-you-know strategy. By which I mean the main character definitely feels closer to how the author presents herself and what she does for a living (designing and writing very character-driven stuff)

last edited at Jan 1, 2019 11:29PM

MikuRiina discussion 23 Dec 16:32
joined Feb 14, 2016

There's probably a good joke about speaking in tongues to be made here