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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What I don't get is why this is such a big deal, I think all the people who complain about it secretly pre-ordered at least 2. No one mentions Snake because males aren't the same it's only insulting if it's girls! don't you know? ;)

Well, glad you noticed that boys and girls aren't the same. Have you noticed how breasts are treated differently than pecs? And how there's not exactly an even playing field between the owners of same? That's one of those differences.

I didn't know they were "staples" though =O

I normally don't think of staples as soft, but what do I know?

Personally, this doesn't particularly bug me even though it's a bit weird. What does bug me is he dragged out that tired, overused old trope of rape as a strong/driven woman's backstory. It's a refuge of lazy writers, and carries a lot of crappy baggage with it. People talk up Kojima as a great writer, this ain't evidence for it.

joined May 10, 2014

I don't know that's kinda bringing up the whole "offensive chest" vs "not offensive chest" , not to mention its just a toy and not an actual human being, actually it reminds me of the south park episode where Kyle's little brother hooked up with his teacher No one thinks it's child abuse because it's a female adult with a male kid

Not defending Kojima on the second one but I don't know sometimes ideas just pop on the writers head so I give him the benefit of the doubt.

joined Mar 6, 2014

ideas just pop on the writers head so I give him the benefit of the doubt.

A lot in this case it seems, Quiet is like the fourth Metal Gear character that suffered rape

joined May 11, 2012

ideas just pop on the writers head so I give him the benefit of the doubt.

A lot in this case it seems, Quiet is like the fourth Metal Gear character that suffered rape

But aren't rapes kind of normal in wars and conflicts? And all Metal Gears are about war...

last edited at May 13, 2015 12:08AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

ideas just pop on the writers head so I give him the benefit of the doubt.

A lot in this case it seems, Quiet is like the fourth Metal Gear character that suffered rape

But aren't rapes kind of normal in wars and conflicts? And all Metal Gears are about war...

I've watched war movies, and they never have rape, YOU LIE!

joined Mar 6, 2014

I'm not knowleded enough in the subject to say it's common. Besides, how strong is the female presence in wars?

Also, there's a lot of isolated conflicts in Metal Gear to some degree but the only one to have actual wars is MGS4

joined Feb 4, 2015

I'm not knowleded enough in the subject to say it's common. Besides, how strong is the female presence in wars?

Also, there's a lot of isolated conflicts in Metal Gear to some degree but the only one to have actual wars is MGS4

Female presence in war isn't relevant. Settlements are pillaged for supplies, or cities surrender and that's where the rape happens. At least in most wars, so far as I know.

joined May 11, 2012

I'm not knowleded enough in the subject to say it's common. Besides, how strong is the female presence in wars?

Also, there's a lot of isolated conflicts in Metal Gear to some degree but the only one to have actual wars is MGS4

Well from what I know in the past, Big Boss era, rape was more common, and the woman didn't need to be a soldier, and areas with isolated conflicts between factions the rest of the world don't care or know about, rape is also common, even today.

last edited at May 13, 2015 12:19AM

joined May 10, 2014

ideas just pop on the writers head so I give him the benefit of the doubt.

A lot in this case it seems, Quiet is like the fourth Metal Gear character that suffered rape

PFFFTTTT...it happens.........?

All bad guys are rapists! ...or at least that's the cliche and it's common in western movies at least, I don't think the war setting has anything to do with that.

joined Feb 4, 2015

PFFFTTTT...it happens.........?

All bad guys are rapists! ...or at least that's the cliche and it's common in western movies at least, I don't think the war setting has anything to do with that.

That scene where Sauron raped Arwen still haunts me.

joined May 11, 2012

ideas just pop on the writers head so I give him the benefit of the doubt.

A lot in this case it seems, Quiet is like the fourth Metal Gear character that suffered rape

PFFFTTTT...it happens.........?

All bad guys are rapists! ...or at least that's the cliche and it's common in western movies at least, I don't think the war setting has anything to do with that.

Does that mean americans were the bad guys in the vietinan war? they raped a lot of womans...

last edited at May 13, 2015 12:29AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

PFFFTTTT...it happens.........?

All bad guys are rapists! ...or at least that's the cliche and it's common in western movies at least, I don't think the war setting has anything to do with that.

Kinda funny 'cause the only sexual act the dude with the biggest rape face Kojima ever created did was riding on Anubis's cockpit

joined Feb 4, 2015

ideas just pop on the writers head so I give him the benefit of the doubt.

A lot in this case it seems, Quiet is like the fourth Metal Gear character that suffered rape

PFFFTTTT...it happens.........?

All bad guys are rapists! ...or at least that's the cliche and it's common in western movies at least, I don't think the war setting has anything to do with that.

Does that mean americans were the bad guys in the vietinan war? they raped a lot of womans...

No, the Americans who DID the raping were bad guys. America isn't a conscious entity, it can't be "bad".

joined May 11, 2012

ideas just pop on the writers head so I give him the benefit of the doubt.

A lot in this case it seems, Quiet is like the fourth Metal Gear character that suffered rape

PFFFTTTT...it happens.........?

All bad guys are rapists! ...or at least that's the cliche and it's common in western movies at least, I don't think the war setting has anything to do with that.

Does that mean americans were the bad guys in the vietinan war? they raped a lot of womans...

No, the Americans who DID the raping were bad guys. America isn't a conscious entity, it can't be "bad".

I meant in the context of the war, they attacked vietnan, killed and raped a lot of people, and lost the war, for vietnan they are the bad guys.

last edited at May 13, 2015 12:34AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

I meant in the context of the war, they attacked vietnan, killed and raped a lot of people, and lost the war, for vietnan they are the bad guys.

Just like some americans still thinks that Japan hasn't suffered enough for Pearl Harbor

joined Feb 4, 2015

I meant in the context of the war, they attacked vietnan, killed and raped a lot of people, and lost the war, for vietnan they are the bad guys.

I know, I just find it silly when people call something like a country bad. The people who did the raping did something bad, but there were also people in America caring for sick puppies at the time. "America" didn't do these things, people did.

joined May 11, 2012

I meant in the context of the war, they attacked vietnan, killed and raped a lot of people, and lost the war, for vietnan they are the bad guys.

Just like some americans still thinks that Japan hasn't suffered enough for Pearl Harbor

True, technically all wars could be considered evil vs evil, no one go to war for "good" reasons.

I know, I just find it silly when people call something like a country bad. The people who did the raping did something bad, but there were also people in America caring for sick puppies at the time. "America" didn't do these things, people did.

I wasn't calling the country bad, should have told about the context, my bad o7

joined Feb 4, 2015

True, technically all wars could be considered evil vs evil, no one go to war for "good" reasons.

The indignity caused to Captain Jenkins was certainly a good reason to war with Spain.

I wasn't calling the country bad, should have told about the context, my bad o7

Nah, I was just being picky, my bad.

joined Mar 23, 2013

Well, glad you noticed that boys and girls aren't the same. Have you noticed how breasts are treated differently than pecs? And how there's not exactly an even playing field between the owners of same? That's one of those differences.

Vouch #freethenipple!... And stuff. Those "gaming journalists" should be happy the figurines have the same squish. I bet you the butt is too, afterall Snake has the best one of the series.

Personally, this doesn't particularly bug me even though it's a bit weird. What does bug me is he dragged out that tired, overused old trope of rape as a strong/driven woman's backstory. It's a refuge of lazy writers, and carries a lot of crappy baggage with it. People talk up Kojima as a great writer, this ain't evidence for it.

Kojima has never been a good writer, he relies on tropes a lot ( to be fair all Japanese game devs do that ). And now they can't stop it, because the Otaku indusry of anime and games have cattered to a small but obssesive fanbase and if anything of the formula changes they get mad. This what happens when you let your fanbase dictate sure a large part of your creative process. It's cool that you know your audience but ultimately it will hinder creativity.

He also never remembers what he writes and so plotholes retcon and so are plenty in the MGS universe. To be fair very few games of time travel and/or a bunch of prequels got the whole thing right. Once you start goong back and forth through the ages, a writer is bound to fuck up, we are only human afterall.

last edited at May 13, 2015 12:45AM

joined May 11, 2012

True, technically all wars could be considered evil vs evil, no one go to war for "good" reasons.

The indignity caused to Captain Jenkins was certainly a good reason to war with Spain.

Nazism was a even better reason to start a war (sarcasm).

I wasn't calling the country bad, should have told about the context, my bad o7

Nah, I was just being picky, my bad.

I know, just saying in case someone didn't like what I said.

And about four Metal Gear characters raped, I only remember three, Quiet, Paz who was a prisoner at the time, and one of the Beauty who being raped didn't made her stronger but just broke her, who is the fourth raped character?

last edited at May 13, 2015 12:47AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Nazism was a even better reason to start a war.

How dare you suggest that a war against a genocidal regime was more just than one caused by dirty Spanish infringement on British rights to supply slaves to the New World!

joined Mar 6, 2014

Kojima has never been a good writer, he relies on tropes a lot ( to be fair all Japanese game devs do that ). And now they can't stop it, because the Otaku indusry of anime and games have cattered to a small but obssesive fanbase and if anything of the formula changes they get mad. This what happens when you let your fanbase dictate sure a large part of your creative process. It's cool that you know your audience but ultimately it will hinder creativity.

Leaving the quality of his writing aside, i don't think he gets too stuck on styles or anything, MGS2 and ZoE kind of has a similar feel to it, but MGS3 has a completely different style, so is MGS4 and MGS5
If anything i think MGS5 is a little TOO different, he's trying too hard to make things darker and edgier and only now he decides that he wants Snake to be the kind of protagonist that only serves as a proxy for the player to immerse in the world, i don't think this kind of protagonist has a place in MGS

joined May 11, 2012

Nazism was a even better reason to start a war.

How dare you suggest that a war against a genocidal regime was more just than one caused by dirty Spanish infringement on British rights to supply slaves to the New World!

Sir, you forgot my (sarcasm), I declare war against you! I shall burn and destroy all you love, your house and womans shall all be mine!

last edited at May 13, 2015 12:52AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Sir, you forgot my (sarcasm), I declare war against you! I shall burn and destroy all you love, your house and womans shall all be mine!

Jokes on you, I love no one (which is entirely reciprocated), the house isn't mine, and no women would be caught dead near me!

In other news, Groogy better make good on a wrote up for the last Dev session. It's boring without him.

joined May 11, 2012

Sir, you forgot my (sarcasm), I declare war against you! I shall burn and destroy all you love, your house and womans shall all be mine!

Jokes on you, I love no one (which is entirely reciprocated), the house isn't mine, and no women would be caught dead near me!

Damn you for not being loved so I can destroy your loved ones!

In other news, Groogy better make good on a wrote up for the last Dev session. It's boring without him.

What the hell is Groogy?

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