Forum › Strange Babies discussion

joined Jun 11, 2020

It's done no more drama my ass butt Where's the fruittt WHERES THE FUITY MOMENTSSS

I didn't like how much of a blockhead the mc was and hated the coconut girl too

joined May 3, 2014

glad I skip half of chapter 3 and the full chapter 4 cuz that seemn that the dumb drama with the stupid love triangle is over XD

tho from the looks of it every one does hate this mini series :3

joined Apr 16, 2022

Wow, that was absolutely... annoying. I shouldn't be writing a comment fresh out of reading the entire thing but I do regret reading anything after the first part. It felt like the next 5 chapters were completely unnecessary, so much drama for it to end like that... It's just my own opinion, so I can still understand if other people liked it. I still hate it tho hahahaha

joined Oct 24, 2023

It's about time, Yagi, you goddamn idiot. You nearly screwed the pooch.

joined Dec 3, 2010

The credit page for ch01...
"Ooooow... I sense a threatening feel"

But.. I thought in the prologue, Madeleine and Nagi san are mutual?
Since they decided to be together and create an online channel "Wife and Wife"?
And Nagi san said that they both going out offline and online?

Am I missing something?
I am getting confused..

If Nagi san decided to go out with the Koko san..
Does that mean Nagi san is cheating? (︶︹︺)

last edited at Aug 6, 2024 2:16AM

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