Forum › Kaminare discussion

joined Nov 21, 2018

Personally, I like what Zounose has done with his doujins, as it gives Gensokyo a darker tone. Sure, I do like the comedy and light-hearted doujins that others have put out, but this one just gives a reminder that, as what others have said, youkais still exist to devour humans.

I wish he makes more of these, they're captivating!

joined May 8, 2015

I.. I love this. The story is horrific and the arc conclusion is basically just whatever “humane” justice you believe, in gensokyo it doesn’t matter. Struggle is meaningless because even the kindest and strongest in gensokyo accept the horrible reality they live in. Repulsive but very well told and mirror our reality. We ignore murders if it doesn’t concern us, we will be disturbed and yet we will do nothing because we are afraid of what comes without the status quo. Fuck my hearts break the more I think about this.

joined Feb 28, 2020

I'm gonna vomit.

Well, let's not forget that Last Supper confirms that human-youkai relations in this author's world can change over time from hostile to somewhat non-aggression. Perhaps in future, things may change with effort from certain characters.
After all, to accept tradition without question is not something that sits well with everyone, as seen in Higan's Camellia where character(s) attempt to defy tradition. It is possible, but not easy by any means.

last edited at Mar 21, 2020 10:34AM

Nekona Shirofumi
joined Mar 30, 2021

it was quite...a read
tho no wonder in other mangas sanae lost all cmmon sense was not bad

joined Jul 28, 2021

What a beautiful gutpunch of a story.
10/10. I absolutely hate it.

I think that sums up my feelings perfectly but to go more into detail, this one certainly sticks out from the rest of Zounoses works. I'm a massive fan of his dark and bloody doujins and this is no exception. But while the others are all still very lighthearted or silly, this one is just incredibly dark. It left me feeling sick.

As I said at the start, I absolutely hate it. But I my goodness, I also love it.

joined Jul 21, 2021

Interesting! I always like what this weirdo does with gensokyo as a setting. I kept expecting Sanae to intervene. I personally think that something like this can work quite well, from time to time.

I quite like Yakumi Sarai's depiction of "parental gods" there's something about them introducing Sanae to these horrible customs in a calm reasoned way that is very dissonant with itself. makes for a very good emotional kick.

last edited at Jun 13, 2024 3:01PM

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