I keep mistaken those Assist Trohpies for people :'(
Edit: I hate Baloon FIght so much...
Edit2: That Explosive crate o.o
Edit3: Every Single time these bombs...
Edit4: You stole my face Rye ;_;
everytime I roll your shield breaker I end up shielding -_- Stupid lag. Poor falco cant catch a break.
Same problem got used to it^^
Edit6: Forget about getting used to lag -.-"
EditVII: The Tornado reminds me of Smash64.. good times. Also yay another Final Fail
Edit 8: In memory of all the Luma that died today...
Edit9: I think I now had every character...
EditX: Suddenly customs?
Edit11: It's not Fox. It's Wolf!
EditX2: Mosquito right in my screen....aaaaaand im dead :(
Glad we don't have those around here :)
Edit XIII: Sudden Death with Ike vs Samus? ;_;
Edit 14: I woke up then played video games with friends for...6hours?
Edit 15: Almost Mirror. I was Daisy ;)
Edit Sweet 16: Thanks for today^^ Didn't have this much fun playing smash since those Girls Nights in High School. Guess I should eat something now...
last edited at Mar 29, 2015 5:12AM