Forum › My Girlfriend discussion

joined Nov 8, 2017

Wait, the art quality dropped?

joined Aug 19, 2018

Soon.....they will be nothing but stick figures! And I'll still read it and love the hell out of it if it's this cute!

joined Oct 22, 2018

Even more amazing

joined Feb 17, 2020

Soon.....they will be nothing but stick figures! And I'll still read it and love the hell out of it if it's this cute!

I know exactly what you mean
Already happened while I was reading a cute yuri manga

joined Dec 23, 2019

I keep coming back to this two one shots and wishing the author would make a complete story

joined Feb 11, 2013

Soon.....they will be nothing but stick figures! And I'll still read it and love the hell out of it if it's this cute!

I know exactly what you mean
Already happened while I was reading a cute yuri manga

Whoa which one is this? Yuri stick figures

joined Nov 21, 2020

Soon.....they will be nothing but stick figures! And I'll still read it and love the hell out of it if it's this cute!

I know exactly what you mean
Already happened while I was reading a cute yuri manga

Please don't post NSFW content in the comment threads.

joined Feb 17, 2020

Soon.....they will be nothing but stick figures! And I'll still read it and love the hell out of it if it's this cute!

I know exactly what you mean
Already happened while I was reading a cute yuri manga

Please don't post NSFW content in the comment threads.

First this not NSFW yuri. As far as I remember, this was just a hug. But I sadly don't remember the name of the manga, sorry.

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