Absolutely beautiful. ^_^
And with this being the actual volume 10 cover, also needs Official. Congratulations to Weee/raemz!
last edited at Oct 5, 2021 4:44AM
"can you crush me"?
i don't know how to read that lol
just kiss already!
ah yes, so this is what Myrtle of Durin means ;)
i really thought she's Nico lol
Summer Kama is a gift to the world that most always be protected
Revolver Ocelot (Revolver Ocelot)
Also I gotta continue the LN
Blushing tag doko? That's a rare face-ear-neck-shoulder combo!
her and barbara are just the two nervous wrecks to rosemary and maryrose's out going personalities
what is deltarune anyway? an undertale spin-off?
i'd say momiji is hen-pecked but it'd be the wrong bird
huh interesting dynamic, for all that ara ara talk you'd think lisa would be a bottom
this just feels like nazrin x shou with less steps which i like
lol dang Shioriko, treat your girlfriend more nicely
And then there were lots of "dancing" that night
Mistaking im@s girls for love live smh
Definitely did not make the same mistake
I'm surprised this is the first Chieri x Kanako given how cute their interactions were in the anime... six years ago.
Lmao Shioriko. That's a good one.
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