Best pairing ever =D
last edited at Dec 14, 2014 4:15PM
Now all we need is honorin.
If you like this artist's EriUmi, be sure to check out their pixiv for loads - no seriously, loads - more!
hahaha pretty good!
I like the art, pretty good
O.O yaaaaaaaassss
Wait, you pronounce Pi as "pie" in English? I had no idea...this feels so wrong...
If her mom's not a circle, then is she a triangle?
I need more things like this of these two, they are too cute together!
Ok if i didnt know the story...their story i would think this was a guy and a girl...O3O
Lots of Brushing is always a win, I died when i saw it, to whomever, thank you.
Lots of Brushing
last edited at Dec 14, 2014 8:10PM
Umi looks really good in a suit (✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Gasp IT HAPPENED!!!! ( •̀ㅁ•́;)
I don't understand what Kotori was trying to say but lol about the circle.
last edited at Dec 14, 2014 8:17PM
Did Maki die?
^^ where? Everything looks there to me.
Jeezs i love this cute vibe this artist gives of XD
Why is this not a doujinshi yet??????? And if it is where???
^ go to your room and carry on loving love live! :3
The neck I don't mind. The WAY too pronounced clavicle, though...
Lol its a hicky. You know all these alt. pairings are making me feel like µ's is one giant orgy or something, canon.
They'll have cute science babies
I think this drawing style is amazing!!! :D
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