Couldn't think of a better outcome than this tbh.
Can we have a third wheel/bro tag?
What about switch KuroMaya, where either of them can be top?
last edited at Dec 11, 2020 8:55PM
Ame being a real Teamate!
Holy shit whats going on in the background?
Sasuga Calliope-sensei. "Korosu no koto ga tanoshii."
^ same!
^uh.... Youtube getting bonked for killing a chicken.
tfw you're just joking around with your homie but unironically end up getting swooned by them, happens to the best of us.
I swear this is the best thing I've ever saw in a while. So original.
^Youtube "accidentally" banned Kiara just the other day, so this is retribution from Calli. (they later retracted the ban, and the chicken Phoenix rose again, no worries there)
The kid shipping her moms with such a face 11/10
^^ same
Wow this looks so amazing
Aww... if only Alp does more yuri art instead of his usual het stuffs (still high quality h though).
Cannot believe Kaiba Corp finally brings out virtual yugioh nsfw stuff while Kaiba duels the Pharaoh in the Egyptian after life
That kid is so done with the grownups' shit
^ Unfortunately, Kuro is an eternal bottom, and this is Tendo Maya she's dealing with.
Todos tenemos nuestra forma de ayudar
Well, this is from the person who [animated] the original…
last edited at Dec 11, 2020 9:27PM
Considero que Rin y Eli son las chicas favoritas de Alp para... ustedes ya saben
last edited at Dec 11, 2020 9:25PM
La calidad de imagen... es muy buena...
De las dos formas es bonito
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