Forum › My comments were marked as spam

joined Jul 6, 2020

I tried to post in the adachi and shimamura novel discussion but was unable to because my comment was marked as spam everytime i tried

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Hi! Terribly sorry about that. Would you mind trying to post the comment here, now, for me? If it doesn't go through, try posting the following sentence.

"This paragraph serves no purpose other than attempting to stop the post being flagged as spam. It'll be ironic if it works."

joined Jul 6, 2020

Well it seems i must have typed some cursed combination of letters when typing out my thoughts on the most recent adachi and shimamura chapter lol

joined Jul 6, 2020

@OrangePekoe so I tried it again and it still didn’t work, but when i pasted the pre-written sentence into the discussion it worked totally fine. And so i ended up just editing my original comment over top of the test phrase and it worked?! Idk what happened but it worked out I guess

joined Nov 21, 2020

Hi! Terribly sorry about that. Would you mind trying to post the comment here, now, for me? If it doesn't go through, try posting the following sentence.

"This paragraph serves no purpose other than attempting to stop the post being flagged as spam. It'll be ironic if it works."

What weirdo came up with that phrase?

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

@OrangePekoe so I tried it again and it still didn’t work, but when i pasted the pre-written sentence into the discussion it worked totally fine. And so i ended up just editing my original comment over top of the test phrase and it worked?! Idk what happened but it worked out I guess

That's great! Terribly sorry for the bother, your account should be cleared from the filter now. Please do get back at us if you have any further trouble!

What weirdo came up with that phrase?

Hmm, now that you bring it up...

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