Golden Kamuy is more than just a little homoerotic, yeah.
i cant imagine them doing this considering how Adachi always freaks out whenever she holds hands with Shimamura XD
Such a sissy.
That's not a pocky...
Nice. :D
If you tell me that this happened i believe every word
Excellent. :D
Ah, been too long since I've seen anything for this series.
Perfect. :D
'I'm still good and kiss me'
Have I seen these two? :>
Shouldn't this have ecchi tag?
If Compa uses a pocky
Nghnnnnn my heart
Cuddle, lots of cuddle
Fingers crossed the Mass Effect trilogy remaster will restore all the romance options for FemShep (but I highly doubt it will).
@TctyaDDK Noooooo! No! my eyes!
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