Orangey posted:
I would quite like one day in a student-teacher manga for the bff to actually be like "um no don't do out with a student, you could get fired" instead of always pushing for the two to get together.
From my understanding that sort of thing isn't actually illegal in Japan so you'd be unlikely to see that happen.
I think it's a crossing against the light in a group no one breaks the law thing, and depends on how old you're talking. I was told as a young teacher in the countryside that I should date students, directly by my department head, because it was a small town and there were few other eligible girls, basically. Although I was paranoid and ended up dating someone who lived far away that I could only meet infrequently, I think they meant the seniors, like the 18 year olds. FWIW. My department head said "some of the girls are asking (him) about you." even. I think if I had it to do over again, I'd take them up on it.