Thats why I like bakas. They are so adorable.
^^ Oh yeah, Littorio's prob the closest to a canon lesbian. i loved the italian story with Littorio and Lusty.
Kougi is just the absolute best. Bless ChikaRiko.
^ looks at my 10 beagles per week average Yup.
Croix. Give her a kiss.
Ay more Serenata stuff.
Homura mode!
^ That's legitimate to have a prefered ship but that's not very nice to shame those who like another. We understand you don't like SayoHina but that's not a reason to call out those who like it.
That's sure some big hands.
It is very strange. Maybe IntSys wanted to leave the game as is instead of bombarding us with dlc again.
last edited at Jul 28, 2020 8:30AM
What a mess! That cannot be hygienic. Some poor bastard has to sort all that juice stained paperwork!
art looks familiar Checks tag OH...nice!
Vtuber hell is here. This puts a smile on my face.
I personally would rather be princess carried by Claude tbh
Stronk sensei~
^ +1
Not the weirdest yuri I've seen. I'll take it!
Lmao the post-being-walked-in-on moment
they kinda do ^
i can die happy
Can we all just agree that Mei looks beautiful
Tatakai No Kiseki making SayoTsugu art? Does that mean we can expect a doujin from them soon?
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