Forum › Give Me Back the Panda discussion

joined May 2, 2018

What's this alluding to?

joined Mar 25, 2015

What's this alluding to?

Early on in the series, Kyouko gives everyone in the Amusement Club a set of pajamas (including herself, with the Tomato pajamas). Yui's is a panda, and presumably Kyouko took it and replaced it with that frilly set of pajamas.

joined Nov 8, 2017

Give her back the panda

By the way, Kyouko's pajamas are the only non-animal ones.
She also gets pajamas for the student council in Nachuyachumi, and she's still the only one not to have animal ones.

joined Aug 8, 2012

I vaguely remember this. This whole thing was a challenge or some sort that Namori did. I can't remember the details. It's been a while ago...

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