Strong umu energy
Nicomaki won't get old for a while on here
Well I think the uploads try to keep some cycle in the ships.
I'm glad Kou got tricked into telling Rin that she loves her.
Ah a classic. Surprised it wasn't on here already. Hakunon really is a handsome soul master.
I'd say Nyatune sitting before Noire is the most enviable of all. Either way Noire is only doing everything, as usual.
last edited at Feb 24, 2020 8:43AM
Tied by the scarf, tied by the tail, tied by the red string of fate. ShamiMomo is a gift.
I guess nobody noticed, but the song they are listening to is "Machikado Tangent", the opening of the anime. Here's the cover:
last edited at Feb 24, 2020 2:59AM
Cute XD
need a Yuri serie from her
she wants to try all of the frosted flakes flavors
dragalia lost yuri. whoa
@REDflame23 .... agreed
Rip Yoshika
Kasen introduce technology
last edited at Feb 24, 2020 10:14AM
dat official tag tho
^^ Just because she's a shut-in doesn't mean she doesn't exercise, it just means she doesn't do it in front of anyone else.
And just remeber, no one will ever be able to love you more than you already love yourself
Hatate definitely does not work out lol
I can't believe Hakunon is taller than Nero even with those heels lol The oversized jacket is on point though~
bruh, umi suits homura way better, especially the personality and appearance. i can't imagine nozomi as homura, you just want it to be nozoeli lol
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