Koma chan
I'd be damn thrilled if Tooyama Ema actually did yuri...I still have fun with her ongoing shoujo series (Watashi ni XX Shinasai) and I fondly remember the one subtext series she did, Hyakuen.
Tooyama Ema-sensei!!!! Love her art as always
I want one of them pillows...
Wow Hotaru sure has good reflexes... I think I wouldn't be able to land on my feet if I'd fall like that
Hotaru's obsession intensifies in every doujin
I want a konata body pillow
So, apparently her mom is totally cool with her making plushies of her friend and now a hug pillow?
my wish are for hotaru to be together with koma-chan forever and ever
I giggled like doge ' v' 。(⌒∇⌒。)
Haha ^_^, the last panel!
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