Forum › Kirisame Rhapsody discussion

joined Feb 17, 2013

Hrm - a few things dont work at all in this realy- mainly page 13- where we go from her walking in the door having gathered the components, stood there holding some crackers, to in the next frame knocking the glass away with the potion.

What happened to a frame or 2 of her at least giving her the drink?? You cant just jump time with no indication or explanation like this and have it make sense.

And what gives with going round to give her a spare bag a crackers lol? Thats way silly/flimsy.
Wouldnt a spell book she'd wanted to borrow or maybe some leftover seasonal fresh delicacy type thing be ALOT more believable?

last edited at Apr 7, 2013 4:44PM

joined Nov 11, 2010

The way I understood it was that the potion was partially made and Marisa was out to gather the rest of the components. Then she knocked away the still incomplete potion.

Also, the principle reason for Reimu coming around was just her feeling of "I kinda wanted to see you", so the rice crackers was just an excuse.

Overall I liked this doujin (the art is nice) but the story definitely isn't complete yet, so I do hope to see the suggested Reimu perspective or other ReiMari pieces the author mentioned.

joined Feb 17, 2013

You can understand it that way, but there isnt any real evidence for it, and even taken that IS what happened, just a frame of a martini glass (like she'd serve it in that) falling in the air like it had been dropped or knocked from her hand lacks any context- it should have shown her sweeping lots of components/glassware etc off that bench onto the floor. OR her finishing it then giving it her THEN knocking the glass away at the last second.

And for the crackers, yes i agree and get that they were ofcourse an excuse to come over- im just saying its a naff and unbelivable excuess marisa would come over with a pack of crisps in hand lol. She's smart and would of found a much more belivable excuse to visit.

last edited at Apr 7, 2013 7:08PM

joined Nov 11, 2010

Ahh, that might be the issue then. The container looks to me more like a flask/test tube, rather than a martini glass. That's what lead me to the conclusion that the potion was still in progress.

joined Feb 2, 2013

i hate mariXrei,
the true pairing are mariXali and yukariXrei

joined May 21, 2013

They chopped off the best part?!

joined Dec 18, 2014

i hate mariXrei,
the true pairing are mariXali and yukariXrei

I despise both of those pairings.
But I guess that shows how different opinions can be.

They chopped off the best part?!

Yes, can you believe it?!?

last edited at Jun 13, 2015 3:11PM

joined Aug 28, 2023

Read TWINSPARK! to learn how it might've gone if Maria continued making the love potion

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