Forum › The Snow Princess discussion

joined Jan 18, 2016

Lol wut
Btw, that woman reminded me of the woman from arachne,

joined Aug 24, 2015

i like mana to have a good ending with shouko but shouko is too much of a insensitive jerk. because in the manga shouko doesn't show any deep feeling towards mana and...god. can you imagine, finally confiding to someone else, knowing you have trust issues and suddenly said someone else quickly abandones you to go after her eye doctor? if i may say, shittiest character development, in my opinion.
shouko is a total false hope giver, especially when she blushed when they performed. dunno why, dunno how, i actually caught a glimpse of hope in my heart, until she freakin jumps into director's arms. i regret reading this, because im gonna get all emo mode. well, should've known from the tag but still, shouko is an ahouko. hands down, mana is best grill

joined May 19, 2016

At least the angst was lighter in the end... Would have died of a crushed heart

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I'm kind of mad/irritated it ended like that but if it went on I probably would've liked it anyway

joined Apr 23, 2015

I kinda like the idea of the lead falling for someone and not getting with that person for (insert whatever reason) and taking this experience into the next relationship. just me though.

joined Jun 3, 2014

When I saw the glasses lady I thought, "Oh, she's pretty, she might be the love rival". Then when I saw the director again and saw her hair style I thought, "Please don't be the same person as the glasses lady, that'll be lame", but my fear came true anyways. Still a nice story though.

joined Aug 23, 2018

I kinda like the idea of the lead falling for someone and not getting with that person for (insert whatever reason) and taking this experience into the next relationship. just me though.

It seems like this is one that splits people down the middle. I don't know I don't really like the Director the more I reread it, it feels like a part of it's done to get a performance from Mana but also to take her ego down a peg or two. Interesting some liked her character. I thought it was a battle of wills between her and Mana, even the look at the end she gives is kind of smug "I got one over her". The Other woman who Mana fancies just seems a pawn in the game.

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