Why the fuck you lyin', why the fuck you lyin' hmmmm oh my god stop fucking lyin'
Well "In God We Trust", guns I bust Got that disgustin, sewer style dumpin And that uhh do you knowwwwww
...You know what, sure
Fantasy OT3 will live forever
Man, Dianakko from the author of pillow talker? Why did we do to deserve such wonder?
We've had a serious shortage of NicoMaki recently. Blessed Pito
Hope the author hear us out and do this
Definitely Margay.
Can't be anymore canon
Aaaw <3 ^ _ ^
Rin-chan is such a prince!! <3
^^^UP unfortunately :) To zip up you need both hands at the bottom - if she had zipped down, her left hand would be at the top.
Oh Reimu, you! :B
Lol- both Kotori and little Umi are jealous.
Aaaawww that Yukari, this is super cute! <3
Lol that hair biting xD
^^ Bwahahaha xD
When doing regular 'yuri' stuff in school isn't exciting enough... You just gotta add BDSM, well done kids!! xD
Both of you. Please do as I say.
What is it?
Ahaha... Well...
R U N .
last edited at Jan 6, 2018 5:35AM
^ U rite.
When you can't stop what you're doing to start a fire in the fireplace... Hey wait, Sensei since when did you got there? The chimney was... Oh, you were hidden the whole time!! Kinky! xD
Lol that blushing :B
Those are the Roselia members right?... Aww, love it!! <3
Aww, they just can't keep their hands off each other ºwº
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