Forum › Christmas ReiMari discussion

joined Jun 30, 2017

Haha reimu's Christmas.

joined Nov 30, 2017

I understand that mistakes happen or things get overlooked when one draws, but the way Reimu's eyes are drawn on the second panel of page 3 makes her look extremely silly and zoned out! Kinda feels like she should be drooling as well. I couldn't help but laugh at that. :P

Regardless, this was cute and I quite liked it.

last edited at Dec 26, 2017 8:12AM

joined Aug 15, 2016

That face was funy to me too^ I was thinking more like she was thinking, "THIS IS PROFOUND!" which is also funny and made me laugh. That is a smart way of explaining the event to a shinto person if you want them to like it, but you have then also tricked them hehe, sneaky move Marisa.

Fellowship of Freelancers
joined Oct 11, 2010

Since people are having trouble interpreting the last page:
Reimu, upon seeing the Christmas tree, goes wide-eyed, realizing the life she's been living is a lie and coming to embrace Jesus as her Lord and savior; then then hugs Marisa as a platonic thank you for showing her the Truth. Marisa, still believing Reimu to be a pagan, is now worried over Satan using stupid sexy Reimu to lure her into the gay.

joined Nov 30, 2017

Since people are having trouble interpreting the last page:
Reimu, upon seeing the Christmas tree, goes wide-eyed, realizing the life she's been living is a lie and coming to embrace Jesus as her Lord and savior; then then hugs Marisa as a platonic thank you for showing her the Truth. Marisa, still believing Reimu to be a pagan, is now worried over Satan using stupid sexy Reimu to lure her into the gay.

That's definitely an interesting way to interpret the story. I for one am all for Satan corrupting Marisa and pulling her into the gay. Give in Marisa! You know you want to! :D

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