@mint-leaf that song had naughty lyrics? Never read eng subs on it, i just listened to Ring My Bell like everyday back then! ;D
Where did Ruby get this bell from?? Weiss, prepare yourself! ;D
Why da eff did i see Bumbleby here!?!?
Nice handcuffs! ;D
More delicious DiAkko! May this ship continue ever onward!
Seiya is positively mouthwatering here~~
just succumb to the temptation and multiship
Enlightenment is holding two contradictory ships in one's mind simultaneously, and believing both to be true.
Finally those aussie.
Very cute indeed! Love the artwork!
O //// O
Oh, they do look beautiful <3
I knew Sucy would know how to shibari :B
Reimu looks a lot like Kaguya
To both of you: Oh just do it Homura-chan!! xD
^^^ LMFAO xD
Mmm... What if it wasn't Ruby who rang the bell and was.. I dunno, Blake? Does that mean anyone can ring the bell as well?... Oh, you kinky Weiss :B
^ Yeah, I thought that too!
Wish my country would soon follow, but for now, Congrats, to all Aussies!
Oh, Reisen you silly rabbit!!... Kaguya will totally eat you I just know it xD
Cuteness!! <3
I agree, more rewards more rewards!! :B
Woah Riko-chan!! <3
LOL just hang in there Touko! xD
That's a clever way of tying a shirt... Don't let your prey escape Diana!! º w º
Dunno why but I feel the urge to be punish by them <3
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