Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Apr 28, 2016

I agree with sia ue though, with this chap and probably this is the end, 93 is just a bonus chap, wdtfs is more than what it is actually credit for

Take out all the discussions and anylysises from people here, wdtfs is just a typical cliche story where
- the main couple will overcome everything, regardless of how forced and nonsense the story has made them. One makes a mistake once, forgiving is easy, the other also makes another mistake, also easily forgiving. Just because they are the main couple. They are built, no, every event is in their favor, to make them a couple, no matter how nonsense some scenes are
- the third character will let go. And we'll have an open ending for her with someone else or in somewhere else. She will let go for some kind of reason for the main couple to be together. Basically, she is a plot device and everything she did is for supporting and strengthening the main couple's bond

The only thing that TG did it differently from others and honestly, I think its their mistake to make it different: Seju herself. They build Seju too detailed and too beautifully and she stands out too much compare to the main couple. She stole the spotlight and making people root for her, hence all the discussions. If this is the ending in their mind since the beginning, they shouldnt build Seju too much together with the main couple, cause honestly, in the end, Seju is really a wasted character for this kind of ending. There are so much room for her to grow and become, and there are so much "could've been". Overall, imo, Seju shouldnt stand out too much like this if they go for cliche ending for all three characters like this, main couple and one goes far away. We could've made the ending like that with just a normal Seju, instead of a complex and beautifully built Seju.

But well, their only fault is the reason why I love this story, Seju, lolllllll. How ironic!

joined Apr 28, 2016

I'll dedicate one long post for my favorite character later, I promised myself that since long ago when the story ends. I'm done with going around defending other characters like Sumin and Sungji xDDDD. Now, its time for giving my favorite character some nice post xDDDDD

joined May 24, 2017

if this really is the ending then i'm really disappointed- i don't know, i felt like they prolonged the story too much and i honestly thought that sumin would end up with seju. they had more chemistry and they had a better story than sungji and sumin imo. there was so much drama in this story it felt like it was put to waste since sumin and sungji just ended up together and had make-up sex in the end. this ending felt a bit shallow compared to the other chapters but hey, one more chapter to go. I just want seju to be happy.

joined Oct 6, 2015

But well, their only fault is the reason why I love this story, Seju, lolllllll. How ironic!

Truth. Seju is their beautiful mistake so even if I dislike how the story turned out to be, my love for that character is..I couldn't explain it..Iol I'm still thankful she was made :) that feeling of something beautiful and painful. XD it really goes well together.

joined Apr 28, 2016

My ultimate sincere question for Sumin though, like really sincere, for this chap.
She said "if you live well, why are you so skinny? I need to fatten you up then"

Dont you feel the shame, Sumin? Cause just two weeks ago or maybe somewhere along around the time, you also said "I'm always worried, you barely ate anything" to Seju. Do you think when she left you and you left her, she will eat well, live well, no longer being so skinny? You want to fatten your lover up cause she didnt eat well but where are all your worries for your past lover? Lollll, waking up and it evaporated like water?

So to you, Sungji is not living well but you are sure with all your heart right now, Seju is living her life and so well that you dont need to be worried? That you are the person who said you are worried about her and you'll cook for her to make her eat but right the moment her father is dead, you left and now you want to fatten up your current lover cause she is not eating well, a month or so later, totally forgot your own words for someone else.

Have you felt the shame, Sumin? Cause I do. To you, words for Seju are only available for one moment, arent they? Only Sungji matters, dont you?

joined Feb 4, 2017

In Sumin's defense tho, Seju told Sumin to not worry about her anymore..
but all in all.. if anything, now more than ever, I don't want to see Sumin around Seju no more.. there is nothing special that Sumin can give her.. by special I mean both.. to Seju and to herself

joined Apr 28, 2016

My ultimate sincere question for Sungji though, like really sincere, for this chap.
She said "I shouldnt have hurt the person I love this much" and "this is the hands I wanna hold"

Dont you feel the shame, Sungji? Cause you could have not hurt your lover that much if you stayed and talking it out, instead of running away like a pathetic puppy.

Dont you feel the shame, Sungji? When you are the person who said those words but in reality, your enemy in the war of love has done it way better than you, wayyyy better than you

Dont you feel the shame, Sungji? That it needs a trembling hand and a painful period for you to realize this is the hand you want to hold and that painful period is your stupidity to create it while your enemy in the war of love never once questioned which hand she wants to hold for 10 years no matter how painful it has been but ironically, she didnt have the chance. No, to be exact, you are luckier than her but so dont you feel the shame?

Dont you feel the shame when it needs Sumin's tears for you to realize your mistake? When you said you wont hurt your lover?

Dont you feel the shame that there is no apology to Sumin for leaving her and jump right to sex?

Dont you feel the shame that you lost to your enemy in the game of love after all, even though you have the girl. You fail big time to prove your love, for real.

last edited at Sep 8, 2017 10:06PM

joined Oct 6, 2015

^Uhhhh...coz she loves Sungji sooooo much that she forgets all and that her world only revolves around Sungji now?(tho I didn't really see where that happened) I have Sungji and lots of sex with her. So fuck everything and deal with it. Lol

joined Apr 28, 2016

In Sumin's defense tho, Seju told Sumin to not worry about her anymore..
but all in all.. if anything, now more than ever, I don't want to see Sumin around Seju no more.. there is nothing special that Sumin can give her.. by special I mean both.. to Seju and to herself

Nah, what I said is not about SuminxSeju together, they're done. Its just about the logic.

Sumin left Seju before she said dont worry for her, nora. Under the snowfall, remember? Lookkkk attttttt my ava xDDDDDD

So I dont think there is anything to defend her, just a bad written way of prolonging the story with all the extra addition between Seju and Sumin, shouldnt have those scenes though, just make Sumin not tolerable now when she used exact words for Sungji about the same thing, lolllll

last edited at Sep 8, 2017 10:23PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

But seriously though, Nora, you should consider changing your ava, its really traumatizing xD

last edited at Sep 8, 2017 10:13PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

But seriously though, Nora, you should consider changing your ava, its really traumatizing xD

it is because I lose my bet to Momo.. try convincing her to let it go .. I apologise

joined Feb 4, 2017

Nah, what I said is not about SuminxSeju together, they're done. Its just about the logic.

Sumin left Seju before she said dont worry for her, nora. Under the snowfall, remember? Lookkkk attttttt my ava xDDDDDD

So I dont think there is anything to defend her, just a bad written way of prolonging the story with all the extra addition between Seju and Sumin, shouldnt have those scenes though, just make Sumin not tolerable now, lolllll

yoonie, the logic ? really ? what the fuck is that even XD
maybe if I stop thinking logically, I could have seen it better .. whatever it is next chapter.. there were so many lots of beautiful details scattered along the chaptered ready to be tied up.. but we had another awkward scene!!!.. doesn't matter really.. I enjoyed my delusions more

I honestly sincerely don't care what couple it is.. but what's this ?? I don't really get the justification of it!
would someone Team Blond please explain ?

last edited at Sep 8, 2017 10:18PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

yoonie, the logic ? really ? what the fuck is that even XD

Not sure, I lost it when this chap happened. Nothing makes any sense.
I'm not even bitter about teamblonde, I bet for them after all but this kind of ending, I cant even......

maybe if I stop thinking logically, I could have seen it better .. whatever it is next chapter.. there were so many lots of beautiful details scattered along the chaptered ready to be tied up.. but we had another awkward scene!!!.. doesn't matter really.. I enjoyed my delusions more

Your analysis are better than the actual story, lollll. The Seju cheating and Ms Choi XDDDDD

I honestly sincerely don't care what couple it is.. but what's this ?? I don't really get the justification of it!
would someone Team Blond please explain ?

Dont. They'll thow some same old facts about they are the fated one or Sungji is better for Sumin and they deserve each other. I'm tired of reading those. Really.

joined Feb 4, 2017

I am back to watching food network.. it has never disappointed me and the details actually matter XDDD

joined Jun 23, 2017

Nora, wanna make a bet with me? :D

How do you think the story will end now?

joined Feb 4, 2017

Nora, wanna make a bet with me? :D

How do you think the story will end now?

I retired, Jpeg

joined Jun 23, 2017

My bet is a good one!

Just... What do you think?

joined Apr 28, 2016

On another note though, there is no room for development for SuminxSungji anymore. They are literally the end.

So unless TG wants to feed teamblonde fans with fluff, side story about them is just no plot at all, like its purely fan service

Its even more weird to write about sejuxsumin, lolllll, why creating stories about them in the past when we all know they are not even together. Its just make readers feel more regretful for that couple. It did nothing good for the main story. I definitely feel lost if I had to read side stories about them

So a side story is confirmed in 2 months from now, and its a long one, lollllll. What could it be?

joined Feb 4, 2017


My bet is a good one!
Just... What do you think?

Sumin would feel tired of over sex.. she goes to the hospital and they diagnose her for breast cancer .. before she starts the treatment, they find out that there was a translation mistake .. it was not a breast cancer.. but her SIGN is a cancer.. because it is a WTF plot twist, right ?

later on, Sumin buys a shit car, tries to fix it by fingering it and gets severely injured.. Seju comes back to help taking care of Sumin, because it is typical, why not right?

then Sungji sees how sexy Seju really is.. not only that.. she is loyal and caring
they date and Sumin gets a golden hand from Qyburn.
And now, she can't get in planes with a metallic hand like that.. so Seju buys her a plastic one.. Sumin buys it back from Seju.. and Sumin and Sungji get back together because why not. Sumin now can finger Sungji with the plastic hand that Seju once bought her XD

The end

Don't ask me what will happen to Seju.. she will mend her broken heart with a super glue XD

last edited at Sep 8, 2017 11:08PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

sigh Nora...

I don't blame you for giving up, but...

Want to try for a more serious answer? If it comes true, you win.

If you win, you can change your avatar to whatever you want and keep it like that regardless of the ending of the manhwa (if that's okay with yoonie.)

If you lose... I will tell you later. :)

last edited at Sep 8, 2017 11:21PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Use KrazyGlue to fix the krazies

joined Feb 4, 2017


but I just lost two bets in 48 hours.. this is divine intervention to stop me from gambling.. should we make our own stories ? turned out that I have some talent in complicating things that don't really exist XD

but yeah, I don't really expect anything.. let's list the options:

  1. Sumingji -> underdeveloped couple with hella a lot of issues and personality differences. 2.Sejumin -> God forbids that Sumin lays hands on her.. because obviously it is not fair or special to see someone like her hear the words and gets the attention she deserves on temporary bases and of equal of Sumin says and do to Sungji.. that's just disgusting. Let a lone that we can't really solve it all in one chapter when it didn't happen in a 92 chapters.
  2. it doesn't end Sumingji.. and everyone is single -> I mean, wth right ?.. then Nammi will be the only who actually managed to be in a relationship by the end of this XD. Besides, by the time I close Lezhin tab, Sungji and Sumin would be shagging again
  3. someone dies.. whatever !
  4. .... ,,


Use KrazyGlue to fix the krazies

here, help me apply it on mah hart .. (taking off boobs) XD

last edited at Sep 8, 2017 11:34PM

joined Jun 23, 2017


This was meant to release you from those bets, don't you see? XD

shakes head You can trust me. :)

I for one, think you are the least deserving of changing your avatar. Your efforts go beyond anyone else's here.

If it's okay with yoonie, I think you should change your avatar to whatever you want.

last edited at Sep 8, 2017 11:56PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


This was meant to release you from those bets, don't you see? XD

you are so sweet, hug

shakes head You can trust me. :)

hahahah.. I've been hit by a train today XD

I for one, think you are the least deserving of changing your avatar. Your efforts go beyond anyone else's here.
If it's okay with yoonie, I think you should change your avatar to whatever you want.

Thanks for your sweet words..**yoonie** released me from that, and in reality she herself is very disappointed.

I have The Undertaker's avatar now XD

joined Jun 23, 2017


Great. :) I'm glad. yoonie definitely does not want to see the couple she bet on anymore. XD

Thanks for your sweet words.

You're welcome. :) I really mean it.

Your avatar is whatever you want it to be! :D The bet is no more!

last edited at Sep 9, 2017 12:08AM

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