Speaking of the author, didn't they use to have an omake or something for If a Lie Is Not Told, It Cannot Become Yuri. Also wasn't this Flip Flappers doujin https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=60578711 translated? What happened to them? I remember reading them, but they don't seem to be on their profile anymore and I can't find them in a search...
^ I think that If a Lie Is Not Told Omake was translated by 8chan and was removed.
Flip Flappers, too, then, I take it? So did they remove everything by 8chan? That seems a little extreme...
The 8chan scans group requested everything be removed. Our staff simply followed out their wishes.
I see. Not going to get into whatever politiks that is, but is there some other place I can view them? Don't want to miss out on stuff because the one site I trust doesn't have them...