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joined Jun 23, 2017

being out of the market for a long time, intensifies flirts ignorance XD

I guess that's kind of a good thing right? XD

joined Feb 4, 2017

being out of the market for a long time, intensifies flirts ignorance XD

I guess that's kind of a good thing right? XD

Not always..

joined Nov 8, 2016

Anyways.. we are out of strawberry.. would you like some peach?

If you're talking about a certain peach of yours then yes...

~Reached level 99 in being lewd minded~

lol A lot flirting happens in this forum.

I wonder who is that little troublemaker to be blamed for it? =_=

last edited at Jul 21, 2017 1:24PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

Not always..

The being in a long term relationship part at least. :) But you're right, there are pros and cons.

joined Feb 4, 2017

If you're talking about a certain peach of yours then yes...

~Reached level 99 in being lewd minded~

Chilled and nice ~
My mind is always lewd .. it suprises me when its not XD

I wonder who is that little troublemaker to be blamed for it? =_=

Hehe.. who do you think that is?

joined Feb 4, 2017

The being in a long term relationship part at least. :) But you're right, there are pros and cons.

Long relationship.. long distance.. you get those amazing moments and a 1000 lonely night.. those caresses at the arrivals gates.. and those nasty fights over the phone.. arrrgh

Then.. you forget how to be by your ownanymore.. and the cracks in your false independence.

So maybe forgetting how to flirt is a good thing after all.. so you won't do the same mistake again.. even though you would still do it.

( I think the bartender Fucked me up.. hehehhe I am serious.. Martin gave me way too strong cocktails XD )

joined Jun 23, 2017

Then.. you forget how to be by your ownanymore.. and the cracks in your false independence.
So maybe forgetting how to flirt is a good thing after all.. so you won't do the same mistake again.. even though you would still do it.

That's deep, Nora89. You've lived a substantial life.

joined Feb 4, 2017

That's deep, Nora89. You've lived a substantial life.

Heheh.. really!
My friends call me boring.. XD
Speaking of which, I was being interrogated by a friend who had no idea that I am gay: "so, you have a crush on that dude .. no maybe the other one, or maybe you like that professor"
Kept rolling my eyes.. my other friend (who knows what's up).. laughed her ass out.. I was so drunk to make up a lie XD.. at least the hot waiteress was not around, otherwise she might indirectly be the reason I out myself XD

Btw, yoonie who thinks she is straight, taught me a fun flirt about seeing a Victoria Secret's angel .. hehhe creative things XD

last edited at Jul 21, 2017 7:58PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

Speaking of which, I was being interrogated by a friend who had no idea that I am gay: "so, you have a crush on that dude .. no maybe the other one, or maybe you like that professor"

Haha, how do people react when they find out you're gay? Is there a "politically correct" reaction?

yoonie who thinks she is straight

yoonie0104 is funny to me. She seems to contradict herself sometimes, nothing wrong with that though. XD

last edited at Jul 21, 2017 8:09PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Haha, how do people react when they find out you're gay? Is there a "politically correct" reaction?

I don't know about "how should they react".. but I don't tell people that I am gay unless I truly know that they are fine with it, and it won't challenge them in anyway. The westerns I told them were busy investigating how is it being gay in my home country, then they proceed talking about their relationship and maybe seek an advice (by the way, even lesbians don't understand women XDD)
I have a list "Don'ts" when you know that a friend of yours is gay:

1- don't offer her your other gay friend's number
2- don't ask her if she is REALLY SURE
3- if she never been with men, never ask her to TRY first XD
4- don't ask her about kids and marriage
5- NEVER ask her who is the man in the relationship. I mean, this is the point of being a lesbian.. no man !
6- if she tells you she is gay, that doesn't necessarily mean she is attracted to every women ever walked on earth (actually some of us are very picky XD)
7- Don't treat her differently.. or be extra nice.. just be your normal self.

best reaction will be: "I knew you are gay :P" or "so?"

yoonie0104 is funny to me. She seems to contradict herself sometimes, nothing wrong with that though. XD

YUP.. she says that Libra is so not like her.. but helloooo XD

joined Jun 23, 2017

best reaction will be: "I knew you are gay :P" or "so?"

Nice words of advice. :) So you don't take offense when someone says they "knew" that you were gay? I guess that mainly applies to straight people when people assume that... But again, hoping for a time where there is no negative connotation to the word.

My reaction will probably be, "Oh, cool!" (probably not the best, but due to the fact that the percentage of gay people is very small compared to straight people). And I'll try not to do number 7 on your list.

YUP.. she says that Libra is so not like her.. but helloooo XD

I remember when you asked her what she wants Seju to do. XD Wondering the same thing myself.

last edited at Jul 21, 2017 9:39PM

joined Mar 28, 2017

Good advice, Nora. 2. 3. 5. 6. Happened to me. I know you are curious, but seriously, don't do it.

joined Feb 4, 2017


So you don't take offense when someone says they "knew" that you were gay?

depends, I mean this person is telling you this information probably because you are close to them, so making a chilled reaction would probably make them feel less awkward because "you knew XD", so t them .. nothing has changed.

And I'll try not to do number 7 on your list.

ah, from experience.. this is the hardest one anyways!
I mean if you are friends who used to change cloths in front of each other .. this will be AWKWARD later.. and if she decided to be out one day, it's harder to hang out with her and have the same level of skinship without worrying about your mom suspecting you too XD


Good advice, Nora. 2. 3. 5. 6. Happened to me. I know you are curious, but seriously, don't do it.

argghhh when a man does 3 .. I truly feel offended and disgusted (maybe 15% angry).. I mean, how about YOU, rude guy, try it with a man too and confirm that you are truly straight XD .. oh, can I watch? XDDDD

btw, having a girl changing her cloths on front of me is one of the most awkward 5 min that I will have to put up with.. I don't know what's considered normal.. where should I look and not be suspicious.. what if she sensed me being uncomfortable .. hehe and I am a shy person, taking my cloths nowhere in front of anyone.. what if she questions XDDD

joined Jul 11, 2017

Give it a brief glimpse (good bodies need to be appreciated XDDDDD), but don't linger XD
When you feel uncomfortable, think of something really boring really fast ahhahahaha

joined Jun 23, 2017


depends, I mean this person is telling you this information probably because you are close to them

True... In that case, a chill reaction would come naturally.

I mean if you are friends who used to change cloths in front of each other .. this will be AWKWARD later.. and if she decided to be out one day, it's harder to hang out with her and have the same level of skinship without worrying about your mom suspecting you too XD

Haha that is also a good point. Which is kind of unfortunate, right? It's not like, if you're gay, you're attracted to every girl (your number 6). But that comes with it, I guess.

A good number of people are out on social media these days, so that makes it easier.

joined Mar 28, 2017


Good advice, Nora. 2. 3. 5. 6. Happened to me. I know you are curious, but seriously, don't do it.

argghhh when a man does 3 .. I truly feel offended and disgusted (maybe 15% angry).. I mean, how about YOU, rude guy, try it with a man too and confirm that you are truly straight XD .. oh, can I watch? XDDDD

Believe or not they can make 3 worse by adding something like: you obviously have not tried it with me!, at that point I don't even bother reasoning, just walk away.

btw, having a girl changing her cloths on front of me is one of the most awkward 5 min that I will have to put up with.. I don't know what's considered normal.. where should I look and not be suspicious.. what if she sensed me being uncomfortable .. hehe and I am a shy person, taking my cloths nowhere in front of anyone.. what if she questions XDDD

You need to go to a bathhouse in Japan. You will be around 50-100 completely naked women in different shapes, sizes, ages walking around, relaxing, bathing and drinking. Sooooo hard not to stare BUTT I trained my discipline at last hahahahaha.

last edited at Jul 22, 2017 8:39PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


Give it a brief glimpse (good bodies need to be appreciated XDDDDD), but don't linger XD
When you feel uncomfortable, think of something really boring really fast ahhahahaha

oh, I think of my uncle.. heheh such a turn off XD


A good number of people are out on social media these days, so that makes it easier.

it make it easier depending on your cultural, religious, economic, social, educational...etc backgrounds. I personally don't like the constant pressure on gay individuals to come out and advertising so.. I mean, telling teenagers to do so without any consideration to their circumstances is utterly irresponsible and narrow minded. And.. by Economic background, believe it or not, the better the financial statues of the person the easier it gets.


Believe or not they can make 3 worse by adding something like: you obviously have not tried it with me!, at that point I don't even bother reasoning, just walk away.

hahahahah.. the magical D that will convert all lesbos straight XDDD
== I actually feel offended when a guy flirts with me.. I have no idea if it's the same for other sisters==

You need to go to a bathhouse in Japan. You will be around 50-100 completely naked women in different shapes, sizes, ages walking around, relaxing, bathing and drinking. Sooooo hard not to stare BUTT I trained my discipline at last hahahahaha.

hahahahahahahhahahahha... HEAVEN hahahah
speaking of BUTT, I have no idea how you did so.. because here whenever I go to a gym and they get butt naked I feel so embarrassed and confused, not necessarily aroused.. just literally confused XD

joined Jun 23, 2017


I personally don't like the constant pressure on gay individuals to come out and advertising so.. I mean, telling teenagers to do so without any consideration to their circumstances is utterly irresponsible and narrow minded.

I agree, some internet personalities like YouTubers have been pressured, based on stereotypes, to come out. Personally, I would hesitate to share my relationship even if it was with a person of the opposite gender. But that is probably because I'm not a fan of social media in the first place. To each their own though. :) People can do what they want, as long as they are not forced to.


You need to go to a bathhouse in Japan.

Do you live in Japan? Or just vacation there?

joined Mar 28, 2017

The trick to gym locker room is to strip down ;). Your own body will distract you away, also make you less standout.

joined Mar 28, 2017


You need to go to a bathhouse in Japan.

Do you live in Japan? Or just vacation there?

Vacation. Love Japan <3.

joined Feb 4, 2017

Exactly.. the thing is, and I am sorry to say this, but westerners tend to see the world from their comfortable place and think it's the same everywhere and if it's not, you should simply rebel on it XDDD. Things don't work out this way everywhere nor that it is the best way.. sometimes maintaining the harmony is more important than one person selfish need specially if this need can be met in silence.


The trick to gym locker room is to strip down ;). Your own body will distract you away, also make you less standout.

as much as I admit being a pervert and such.. I truly hate getting naked on front of someone whom I am not dating XDDD

I am the kind of girl who takes her shower at home.
gosh, I remember going to a Mineral-Thermalbad in here.. (and it's mixed gender).. the responsible guy told me that I can't be wearing anything.. not even a towel.. my God.. I ran out because even before I tried to argue, I saw a tremendous amount of genitalia of all ages all sexes and such.. it was an unpleasant shock XDDD (it was my first time to see a real life fully naked man too XDD)

last edited at Jul 23, 2017 4:29PM

joined Jun 23, 2017


Vacation. Love Japan <3.

Been wanting to go for a while now, definitely one of the first places I will vacation if I get the chance.


Things don't work out this way everywhere nor that it is the best way.. sometimes maintaining the harmony is more important than one person selfish need specially if this need can be met in silence.

I am a fan of harmony as well. Hoping for world peace one day... But that's not looking so good right now.

joined Feb 4, 2017

I am a fan of harmony as well. Hoping for world peace one day... But that's not looking so good right now.

but at times, I feel like another shake in this world would ruffle things a bit.. we ,humans, seem to forget the value of peace without wars. Maybe then, capitalism will collapse so communism and all new- slaverism under the name of corporate gains. If sacrificing world peace for a while would achieve this, so be it.

joined Jun 23, 2017


If sacrificing world peace for a while would achieve this, so be it.


I am not a fan of violence, so I was never a fan of wars. But apparently, it is necessary for some countries to be convinced and the only way for them to back down in certain situations. Too bad.

last edited at Jul 23, 2017 4:55PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


I am not a fan of violence, so I was never a fan of wars. But apparently, it is necessary for countries to be convinced and the only way for them to back down. Too bad.

now that I'm doing advanced studies in Economics sciences I truly wonder if all these profit maximization functions were ever beneficial to human race so their creators got Nobel prizes for !! .. everything is cost- benefit analysis for politicians , for businessmen and even among individuals on a social level
I hope this way of looking at things would also collapse.. by any means necessary

(okay.. I forgot how I got to talk about this in the first place.. I was talking about naked boobs in public places, YES booooobs would achieve world peace XD)

last edited at Jul 23, 2017 5:06PM

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