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Wow, wow, wow
this woman sleep will sleep with a lot girls
and this girls will sleep with other Shoukaku do with Zuikaku and this two already do with Houshou, wow
The last chapter was confusing, did Nagato end up with Houshou? Or did Shoukakou take Houshou back?
I really can not follow this series at all at the later chapters, maybe they're not numbered but also they all feel like their part connected yet each of them can be a separate one shot.
I was really expecting Houshou to be raped by all the fleet. It would make things very interesting.
wtf just happened? who was talking when? I'm so confused.
Yoori-san, I didnt understand the last chapter. Shoukaku broke off with Houshou because she couldnt take the pain of being cheated on anymore. Houshou turned to Nagato. Mutsu is still sleeping with Nagato, but she is resigned to being cheated on. I guess I got it right until there. But then, the last chapter was really confusing, and I don't know who is with who anymore. I thought all what was going on were memories/flashbacks, but the timeline is still confusing for me. Could you please, if not much trouble, explain it to me?
That aside, I think that the story is so real, and the feelings are so exposed, as if the characters bared themselves. Even Houshou, that confuses everybody, is just plainly clueless, a person that doesn't know what she wants. I really, really liked the story, just would be better if it was wrote in chronologic order.
Sorry about not seeing this question directed at me sooner. Gekkou is my least favorite chapter out of the entire story, and I had already read it on danbooru quite a bit before it was put on here, so I sort of ignored the upload. That being said, I will do my best to answer it now.
The entirety below is spoiler filled, but it's exhausting to read everything in the spoiler tag, so I'm only going to hide the relationship status. Please be aware that the summary that follows belong in there too, I just left it uncovered for ease of view.
Taking all the released chapters (not just the ones uploaded on this site, so spoilers ahead), the present relationship is:
1. Houshou and Shoukaku have broken up
In her sadness, she seeks comfort in Zuikaku quite often. Zuikaku is very torn about this because she finally gets to have Shoukaku all to herself, but without the love she wants. Essentially, Zuikaku is Shoukaku's rebound. However, Shoukaku wants to eventually apologize get back together with Houshou. See: Kodoku, Airen
2.Nagato and Houshou are on better terms, but they are not together.
In Airen (the other Airen, not the Airen Zenpen uploaded here), Nagato shows that she is still going to continue romantically pursuing her and even says the line "Isn't it obvious that [Nagato] is the one Houshou likes?" referencing page 27 in Zanngai where Houshou emotionally declares that she really likes Nagato. I believe Houshou is less torn about Nagato's affections. One complaint she (Houshou) had against Nagato (and made her inch towards Shoukaku) was that she had no idea what Nagato's real intentions were (Gekkou page 11, last panel, and then page 24). The reason being that Nagato was still sleeping around a bit with Mutsu, whereas Shoukaku very clearly stated that all she wanted was Houshou and did not play around with even Zuikaku (ofc Shoukaku later cheats). Somewhere in the timeline Mutsu realizes this and starts pushing Nagato to properly win over Houshou. So then Nagato does just that and properly verbalizes her actual romantic feelings for Houshou. See: Uso, Airen, Kodoku
3. Zuikaku will still not give up.
Uso gives us an interesting view from Zuikaku and actually made her a more enjoyable character for me (in the perspective of this story). She has the simplest views on the angsty love drama between everyone. She still loves Shoukaku because that's just how it is but there's nothing wrong with that. If people love each other, they love each other. If something is wrong, fix it. See: Uso
End of spoilers
Now if you are talking about the released chapters you can read on dynasty right at this moment, then Zanngai is the furthest chapter where Shoukaku finally breaks it off with Houshou. If you are talking about the series as a whole, then Airen (remember, not Airen Zenpen) is the most present chapter. The full timeline is something like this:
* edge-> fake -> 1/2 -> Cage -> Tenohira -> Gekkou -> ~Kodoku -> Zanngai -> Uso (Uso literally happens right after Zanngai, making it probably the only directly sequenced chapter. Though it does show the scene where Shoukaku cheats on Houshou as a flashback, something only mentioned in text in Zanngai) -> Airen** -> {Airen Zenpen}
* edge -> Gekkou
* edge -> Airen Zenpen flashbacks -> Cage
* fake -> 1/2 -> fake (later pages) -> Gekkou -> Cage
* Zanngai -> Uso
* Zanngai -> Airen Zenpen flashback (the Zuikaku arguments)
~ Kodoku is the only chapter I am unsure where to place. The first half suggests sometime after Zanngai, but I am unsure if Yamato's confrontation is before of after the one you see in Zanngai. Plus the second half of the story is still untranslated, so I have even less hints to go on, but I'm about 90% sure this is Kodoku's place.
**Airen is a fun chapter because it's showing us additional scenes that add onto the timelines of the past chapters from Houshou's point of view.
{Airen Zenpen} Upon re-reading both Airen Zenpen and Zanngai I've come to the conclusion that Airen Zenpen's actual place in the timeline is sometime after the main storyline, and everything before the last pages where Mutsu is peacefully looking out of the window (at Zuikaku) is a recollection. Combining both Airen Zenpen and Zanngai you have distinct moments where Mutsu first realizes the "shipgirl dilemma", her attempts to fix/address the issue, and calling Zuikaku out on "being happy only when humiliated". She says this in reference to how she is being used as a rebound by Shoukaku. Her line at the end "I, too, can be free, right?" is her questioning whether or not she can make decisions for herself and break away from "implanted feelings" in a similar fashion as to how Nagato made her own decision to love Houshou.
Alternatively, you can group of the chapters from the various points of views:
* Mutsu: Airen Zenpen, some of Gekkou
* Nagato: edge, Cage, Gekkou (page 3 and 4), Zanngai (last pages), Toge
* Houshou: Gekkou (starting page 12), Tenohira, Uso, Airen
* Shoukaku: fake, Zanngai, Gekkou (page 19 onwards), Kodoku (some), Airen,
* Zuikaku: Kodoku (some), Tenohira (page 24 onwards with some of Houshou's thoughts mixed in at the same time), 1/2 (some, but does not have that much narration in general though)
So you were actually correct with the current status of Houshou's relationship. It really was just the confusion of where to place Gekkou. I think it's best to view it as a sort of "clarification chapter" where we see things like the consequences of what Zuikaku did to Houshou (the scratch marks you see on her from fake, shown to be made by Zuikaku in Gekkou, scolded by Shoukaku in Gekkou), Mutsu understanding Nagato's feelings (for both her and Houshou, what she narrates on in Airen Zenpen and Gekkou), etc.
tl;dr Gekkou comes before Zanngai. Houshou is a single woman. The relationship status is set to complicated.
even shorter: Everybody loves Houshou.
last edited at Apr 8, 2016 2:22AM
Poor housou <3
I think this should not be looked into too much. Imo it's just harem housou with drama =))) And it's not like the characters are dynamics or anything. The author just wanna tell a harem housou story with some spice and fetishes, that's all there is to this actually.
Even if you consider the drama, it's not a really compelling story. Well, the drama is just an excuse for the harem anw.
I like it
Why does this author hate Houshou so much?? I mean s/he makes sure she gets raped by every single character out there.
From what I garnered from other commenters, there is still some parts of this story that's not translated? It's really confusing when the story is jumping from shit to shite, but are the other parts going to be translated and posted here any time soon?
Thank Goddess it got finished. At least I hope so. This is SO typical story about a victim falling in love with her rapist made with some nice arousing art. I'm tired of artists seeing rape like this, showing the rarest incidents of all dark disgusting rape happenings. Please stop this crap already. Use your cute art somewhere without this sick pleasure of other people getting hurt and broken.