If you are talking about first story, it didn't have happy ending per se, but it wasn't bad either. It was realistic ending and pretty much confirmed they will become a couple, but will have some hardships before them. I really enjoyed that story.
sorry , meant the 2nd one, 1st part was actually very good, personally my favorite from kodama
I never said it was. I totally understand people complaining about drama in Kodama works and that endings are not always all fluffy and promise good things to come. I'm not fan of forced and pointless drama myself. My issue is with people complaining how Kodama's stories never end well, when in fact they do, just getting there is not always satisfying. If that is not your cup of tea, you can simply not read it. I don't understand why some many people complain about her every single work before even reading it, saying how they are shitty writer, it is not worth reading their stories etc, but then they go and read them anyway and complain again about how shitty it was and how not worth it it were. Every single new release. I'm confused w/e they are masochists or Kodama fans in denial, or both.
well Kodama has gorgeous art, so it catches your eye and yuri fans cant be choosers kinda