Forum › Battle Cry discussion

joined Oct 3, 2013

"Some days, Some nights
Some live, Some die
In the Way of the Samurai
Some fight, Some bleed
Sun up to Sun down
The Sons of a Battlecry"

It was the first thing that came to mind when I read the title.

joined Oct 11, 2013

Huh, it's rare that you get any doujins on Patchouli's past.

joined Sep 16, 2013

Stripe Pattern's Remi is overflowing with charisma.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Looks like there's a running theme of people being unable to stand the world in these pre-EOSD works... And that Gensokyo is a paradise which accepts all. Interesting but mixed feelings? Find it hard to believe in this Patchy.

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