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joined Aug 6, 2013

Guys this is so cute! How has no body commented yet!

joined Nov 2, 2013

This is a great one shot! It gave me a lot of feels even though I am not transsexual. There should be more comments on this it was one of the greater reads I have had in awhile.. I wouldn't mind if there were more stories in the transsexual tag. There was even a little yuri in this even though it was pretty sad.. but it was nice to see them understand each other in a way. Because Chiaki-chan wants to be a girl and that older woman probably thinks maybe it would of been better if she was a boy so that her lover wouldn't of left her because she wanted kids..

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Because Chiaki-chan wants to be a girl and that older woman probably thinks maybe it would of been better if she was a boy so that her lover wouldn't of left her because she wanted kids..

I really don't think this is the case. There's nothing in the story that suggests her thinking along those lines, just that a painful thing happened and that the life of a woman can be complex and difficult. She wants to be sure Chiaki knows what she's getting into and that it's not all ruffles and lace, but Chiaki shows her determination. I think any kinship is in terms of willingness to face the future despite knowing it'll be difficult.

joined Nov 2, 2013

Well obviously she doesn't want to BECOME a man. I was just saying that there are certain things she can't do because she is a woman. She is probably accepting of being a lesbian (or bisexual) but she couldn't have kids being with another woman. Sometimes things go without saying.. if you bothered to try to relate at all with the characters and think critically.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Sometimes things go without saying.. if you bothered to try to relate at all with the characters and think critically.

Please stop being insulting just because I disagreed with you.

joined Nov 2, 2013

Ah well if you call out someone for sharing their thoughts saying it's wrong, yeah I will have a bit of a problem with that.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ah well if you call out someone for sharing their thoughts saying it's wrong, yeah I will have a bit of a problem with that.

I didn't call you out by any stretch of the imagination. I disagreed with ONE item in your comment and explained my thoughts. You responded by being insulting, and I ask you not to blame me for your actions.

joined Dec 11, 2013

Whatever you are, just being yourself.

joined Jun 1, 2013

"if you're a girl, you won't have a problem showing another girl what's in your underwear, right ?!" - I wish this could be said by a girl to any girls. Omy gosh what is wrong with me ???
:/ This girl who said it is hilarious. But these little girls are precious.

Little girls sure are precious.

edit: Is there any one else wishes it has a followup chapter, showing Chiaki-chan grown up and the lady in the future too ? or is it just me here... ;[

last edited at Jan 2, 2014 4:13PM

joined Feb 17, 2013

edit: Is there any one else wishes it has a followup chapter, showing Chiaki-chan grown up and the lady in the future too ? or is it just me here... ;[

I'm going to imagine the sequel as Prunus Girl.

joined May 9, 2013

well, if you want something, then you have to accept that you'll lost something. Everything have a price. She had her decision.
"I can live without you, and I can fall in love with someone else" Kiyoka have to move on, and a little kid make her realize that.

I know this oneshot will sad but I still feel uncomfortable when I know they broke up because she want a child. Science will make a big move for happy life in future.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I know this oneshot will sad but I still feel uncomfortable when I know they broke up because she want a child. Science will make a big move for happy life in future.

Hell, we have in vitro fertilization now, have had for decades. All you need is a donor, no need to actually have sex with them or break up a lesbian relationship for it. And, of course, adoption's been around for as long as humans if you're more about the child than the pregnancy.

joined May 9, 2013

Hell, we have in vitro fertilization now, have had for decades. All you need is a donor, no need to actually have sex with them or break up a lesbian relationship for it. And, of course, adoption's been around for as long as humans if you're more about the child than the pregnancy.

I know that, but I want the child with ADN of both of me and my lover. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 of John .B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka will be the start for this. I don't remember the name of that technic but it was appear in 1 episode of Saki.

last edited at Jan 3, 2014 12:43PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I know that, but I want the child with ADN of both of me and my lover. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 of John .B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka will be the start for this. I don't remember the name of that technic but it was appear in 1 episode of Saki.

I can understand that urge (although I don't want kids myself). It kind of calls into sharp relief the idea in the story that having the child for her was more important than her relationship with the pastry cook character. She didn't want to have kids with her lover, she wanted to have kids and decided that was more important than her lover, which I think was a pretty crappy thing to do.

joined Jun 1, 2013

Stem cell reproduction. Here's a link:

Cool right. I wish couples who want their own child can find this marvelous achievement helpful soon in the future.

joined May 9, 2013

I found it.

I can understand that urge (although I don't want kids myself). It kind of calls into sharp relief the idea in the story that having the child for her was more important than her relationship with the pastry cook character. She didn't want to have kids with her lover, she wanted to have kids and decided that was more important than her lover, which I think was a pretty crappy thing to do.

and yeah, I don't like kid too. But maybe I'll try if my lover want one.

last edited at Jan 3, 2014 11:38PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Re-reading this, it's interesting that while the people here seem to pick up on Chiaki being a little trans girl, I wonder if it reads that way to the average Tsubomi reader. Given that I've seen similar stuff with tomboys and masculine pronouns (even the formulation "used to be a boy") it might be read by a lot of Jpanese readers as the story of a tomboy who grows out of that phase but it having trouble being accepted in a new role. At least the ones who don't have personal experience with trans people.

I just got back from the doctor, i've been diagnosed with ADORABETES.

joined Aug 6, 2013

Hadn't read this before, I really like it. Kiyoka is basically a superhero in my eyes, and Chiaki is adorable.

The best detail in this story is Chiaki's completely supportive friend.

I agree, between Kiyoka and her support, this was pretty heartwarming despite the end to Kiyoka's relationship.

joined Jun 27, 2014

This needs a series ... my arms have goosebumps from reading , this is absolutely sweet <3

joined Jul 26, 2014

I wish there was more transsexual yuri out there.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Re-reading this, it's interesting that while the people here seem to pick up on Chiaki being a little trans girl, I wonder if it reads that way to the average Tsubomi reader. Given that I've seen similar stuff with tomboys and masculine pronouns (even the formulation "used to be a boy") it might be read by a lot of Jpanese readers as the story of a tomboy who grows out of that phase but it having trouble being accepted in a new role. At least the ones who don't have personal experience with trans people.

While it could be interpreted that way I think it's fairly clear that Chiaki was born male. It flat out states she was a boy "until last year" on page 3, then on the very next page the middle and bottom right frames don't appear to be ambiguous at all. Then there's the conversation with Kiyoka where she points out that more things will not go Chiaki's way than will. That section wouldn't really make much sense at all if it were referring to anything else. And then to top it off there's the boku/watashi thing right at the end. Though that one from my understanding of the terms is the most ambiguous part of all since apparently tomboys are known to use boku. (Not going to even mention -kun/-chan since that one is even more ambiguous than boku/watashi.)

Unless the translation just happens to be far less ambiguous than the original (not impossible I suppose, the recent discussion around the translation of chapter 29 of Stretch comes to mind though that's the reverse of what I'm saying here) it seems clear enough that even someone who isn't familiar with the subject of transgenderism should be able to connect the dots fairly easily.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Quick lesson in existentialism: we are responsible for all our actions and choices because we are free. So although I'm only a qualified existentialist, I think Rika chose the want to have her own child over her romance. She totally could have gotten vitro fertilization or simply have chosen Kiyoka over the want for kids. Quite selfish on her part. If she did in fact have real feelings for Kiyoka she would have found a way to make it work. Do some research. Adopt a kid. Vitro fertilization. Whatever the case.

By the same token Kiyoka gave up way too easily without even trying to figure things out (as far as we can tell), and said something quite harsh to Rika in the shop there.

I'm not feeling it everyone, I'm sorry. I don't really find this that cute or heartwarming. I'm happy for Chiaki and how Kiyoka helped her figure things out for herself and how her friend is being supportive of her decision, but the deal with Kiyoka and Rika just puts a major downer on it that I don't like.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

She totally could have gotten vitro fertilization or simply have chosen Kiyoka over the want for kids. ... Do some research. Adopt a kid. Vitro fertilization. Whatever the case.

Uh no, no she couldn't have. As you suggested, do some research.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

That's odd, do you have to be married to receive IVF in Japan, or is it explicitly illegal for lesbians? As I understand it it's becoming common for single women to do it here in the states.

I assume it's connected to adoption not being allowed for same-sex couples. Homosexuality isn't good for the kids and all that.

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