I thought that was Suika xD
^^OMG! I had totally forgoten about that, she is the cutest!!
This will make me forget about the widow x tracer fiasco :D... oh wait! Shait!!!! :'(
I actually ship her with her friend... but the food looks gorgeus... mmm jamon cerrano... now im hungry XD
^she can sense her boobs
@grinseb you can always ship Ruby x Yang because wincest...
Can you even teach a reindeer the down command?
Say "yes" Mercy, say yes!
NozoEli is the best!
They look so adroble !! I want some more pictures of them
Wow So cute
I love this ship!
NozoEli (/> 3<)/
on the search for Santa
Kuma makes my heart flutter with her love live art <3
Honoka...dafuq...your legs... Pray that no one gets their eye stabbed by an antler too. Geeze!
even if she doesn't say yes (yet) Yang's dress is YES
Dat Nozo headlock tho
The 'shipping cousins on the right know what's up.
Aaaaaa! Precious! <3
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