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joined Oct 18, 2013

why don't the pages load

joined Jan 2, 2014

why don't the pages load

I don't know works fine for me

last edited at Apr 8, 2014 10:46PM

joined Oct 15, 2013

Mangaka for Poor Poor Lips :o

Whats with that intro? Random futanari... lol...

joined Dec 18, 2014

why don't the pages load

The pages are pretty huge so it might take a while.

joined Oct 31, 2016

The intro's so random and I thought saber was the futa.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

For those confused about the futanari beginning, basically for Saber's backstory the wizard Merlin gave her a penis as a prank for a short while, which ended up leading to the destruction of her kingdom (it's a long story). That being said, this was a really jarring opening sequence, especially for those unfamiliar with the story.

This was a pretty nice doujin despite that though, it was sweeter than I thought it'd be.

joined May 14, 2016

In fate series, Artoria (saber, originally a girl) was a king. Guinevere (the black hair in the intro) was forced to marry Artoria just because the kingdom needed a queen. Thier marriage was just a duty. And thier relationship wasn't good since Artoria was cold and kind of workaholic. The event in the intro was when Merlin (magus) made Artoria have D. so that she and Guinevere could have a child to be future heir of the kingdom. It was a failure, though. I feel pathetic for Guinevere in fate series.

joined Jul 20, 2011

158cm, 52kg. Among the female characters, [Irisviel] was the... plumpest.

A BMI of 20.8 is not "the plumpest", it's "the least über-skinny" (but still skinny).

joined Jul 11, 2019

I think that the Futanari Tag probably could be yeet and replaced by a "Futanari on Page 5-6" Tag

joined Jan 14, 2020

158cm, 52kg. Among the female characters, [Irisviel] was the... plumpest.

A BMI of 20.8 is not "the plumpest", it's "the least über-skinny" (but still skinny).

I know, right?!

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