Forum › Faster Than Paradise discussion

joined Aug 6, 2013

Haha that would have been so funny if keine fell on page 29. ( ̄O ̄;) But you gotta love vivit grey and his keine x mokou doujin ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)

joined Oct 15, 2013

Oh man, love that art.

joined Sep 24, 2013

Love Vivit Gray!

joined Jun 27, 2013

Haaa... how much I love Vivit Gray~
I'm really hoping for another MokouxKeine doujin by him/her for Comiket 85.

joined Aug 22, 2013

yay!! Vivit Gray!! need MOAR!~

joined Feb 8, 2011

What does it mean when an object with wheels crosses over the barrier? o.O

joined May 30, 2013

The wheel represents death and rebirth. If an object "with wheels" crosses the barrier, it could be perhaps interpreted as an object transcending the cycle of eternity.

The bike helped Keine transcend Mokuo's sense of eternity. Mokou began to notice cycles again, of seasons, of change, of bicycles. Even after Keine is gone, Mokuo would surely remember her.

Keine was always afraid of one day leaving Mokuo behind. Ran's whole lesson about time dug up her fears. Perhaps she wanted a way to slow down metaphorically and physically. Although she knows nothing can go faster than light, she still wanted to go fast enough. To make more cycles and go greater distances. The wheels are Keine's mortality, which she has, upon the end of the story, taken control of. She wants to go faster and faster to make her time with Mokou more worthwhile and memorable.

But take my explanation with a grain of salt, if you choose to take me seriously at all.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Now that was a cute ending

Okami Uploader
joined Aug 1, 2013

I was waiting for Keine to say, "I don't know how to stop"

joined Jun 15, 2015

i can't be the only half drunk who thought Keine on the cover page was Cirno right?

joined Dec 27, 2014

The wheel represents death and rebirth. If an object "with wheels" crosses the barrier, it could be perhaps interpreted as an object transcending the cycle of eternity.

The bike helped Keine transcend Mokuo's sense of eternity. Mokou began to notice cycles again, of seasons, of change, of bicycles. Even after Keine is gone, Mokuo would surely remember her.

Keine was always afraid of one day leaving Mokuo behind. Ran's whole lesson about time dug up her fears. Perhaps she wanted a way to slow down metaphorically and physically. Although she knows nothing can go faster than light, she still wanted to go fast enough. To make more cycles and go greater distances. The wheels are Keine's mortality, which she has, upon the end of the story, taken control of. She wants to go faster and faster to make her time with Mokou more worthwhile and memorable.

But take my explanation with a grain of salt, if you choose to take me seriously at all.

Though it did make me feel stupid I do appreciate your explanation. I had no idea what the author was trying to convey with all the fancy talk and metaphors and you completely cleared it up for me.

joined Sep 18, 2017

pg7 Looks like Mokou kept her promise from before

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