Forum › 自主制作『NEW GAME』二次創作アニメ予告編(本篇冒頭)

joined May 28, 2011

Edit: Translation
(how did it end up like this?...)

[if i recall.]
...for finishing work with no problems we went to celebrate
we both went drinking...

for some reason from non alcohol,
aoba started to get pushy...
after that I took the completely drunk aoba
to try and help her.

in the end we both missed the last train...
thats all i really remember, however...

(why did it end up like this!!)
i just wanted to slightly tease hifumi-senpai
I only wanted to just pretend to be drunk
because her troubled face is really cute
i accidently went a bit too far...

(before i knew it!!)
(before i knew it!!)
(we went into a love hotel!!!)
(we entered a love hotel!!!)

Next episode
『Carefully observing is also very important』

last edited at Oct 18, 2016 12:07AM

joined Sep 21, 2014

oh wow

joined Apr 20, 2013

I want to canon this

joined Sep 9, 2016

I can't see this. :(

joined Oct 15, 2013

I can't see this. :(

I used this:
just copy the video link on the text box at the top and enter. Video will display and you are able to play it.

joined Sep 9, 2016

O-oh my, Oh dear. That was... wow. I wish this were canon. Well, in my head it already is...

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