Well that was cute.
all charoulette needed was a snack :3
cheeze is better then Mami's head huh
You thought it was snacks? Too bad! It was just Sayaka-chan!
That sort of reminds me of
You thought it was KyouSaya? Too bad! It's SayaKyou!
The reactions are still awesome.
last edited at Oct 11, 2013 10:48PM
Very nice! Kyoko was so cute lmao
Awww.. Kyouko is soooo cute :3 Adorable, enough to eat ^^
Well, now that Rebellion is out, Charoulette feels a little different.
P7: Yes, you can eat her.
Does anyone notes the snack are pic of eachother witches.
Haha, just realized the title of the movie Kyouko wants to see in this is "Not afraid of anything anymore", and it shows Mami. Nice callback to the show.
this is awfully cute, but everytime i re-read page 6 I feel such a need to cry... But again, awfully cute and adorable
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