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joined Feb 8, 2016




but my absolute favorite Gwen-Stefani-anything is actually an Eve song, "Let Me Blow Ya Mind"... Ugh... the strip teases I have done to that song lmfao... #TeamShameless.

I can imagine that. I think "Let me blow ya mind" is one of the most popular amateur striptease songs, right after "Lady marmelade" and "Naughty song" (after L-word made that one famous, lol) I actually prefer "Rich girl" when it comes to Eve collabs, though. The "nanana" part is too damn catchy. xD

My straight friends have informed me that Magic Mike has made "Pony" the absolute number one song for all stripping occasions lol...

This happened to my very first car as well. >_< Back then, I was relieved I didn't necessarily need the car (there were regular bus and subway lines to the uni and when it came down to it, Luce would always give me a ride when I asked her) and it was a cheap, used one as well. So the loss wasn't too big, even though it was bothersome to not have a ride for a while. With the cars we have now though...I would probably rage for days. So thank whichever gods there are for garages. xD

Yeah this new place has a garage, but for years I just leave a full size snow shovel in my trunk during the winter -_- yay for garages.

I don't really know if she's trans, I didn't bother to ask and I don't know if she ever mentioned it at any time. I know she's in her fourties and she identifies as a lesbian. She's getting chewed out in the forum right now. The collective wrath of a group of pissed off lesbians. It ain't a nice thing. u_u

Well I guess leave it to the lezzies to put her in her place?... Lol. Everybody needs a word for this and that. How exhausting o_o'

joined Mar 2, 2016

( ̄﹃ ̄) ... food pls.

joined Feb 8, 2016

( ̄﹃ ̄) ... food pls.

Lol ummmm spinach and mushroom omelets for breakfast but you have to wait a couple of hours :P Or um... a leftover piece of fried chicken from last night.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Umm..Dofu i think you are the only one who is not just smart but know how to cook in this forum. Hey...i even want to eat your food too. How lucky your Kanojo is. I still think it is super nice to have your special someone cooks for you.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Umm..Dofu i think you are the only one who is not just smart but know how to cook in this forum. Hey...i even want to eat your food too. How lucky your Kanojo is. I still think it is super nice to have your special someone cooks for you.

Lol everyone can cook, I assure you :) I've seen elthundergato talk about cooking, and Su mentioned that Lin cooks. I'm at a place in my life where most days I can make meals, work, and have leisure time. Some times it just isn't going to happen or we want to go out to eat so we do. Most of the other folks here seem much more busy with other stuff in their lives; it's hard to fit everything in lol. I agree that it's nice when someone else cooks for you. I grew up with family dinners each night so it's a very comforting and steady routine for me to have kanojo there in the morning and evening to spend a little time together even if we're otherwise busy or tired and whatever. When we were apart I'd still cook for myself, but I would just do it whenever and it really mucked up my schedule.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Umm..Dofu i think you are the only one who is not just smart but know how to cook in this forum. Hey...i even want to eat your food too. How lucky your Kanojo is. I still think it is super nice to have your special someone cooks for you.

Lol everyone can cook, I assure you :) I've seen elthundergato talk about cooking, and Su mentioned that Lin cooks. I'm at a place in my life where most days I can make meals, work, and have leisure time. Some times it just isn't going to happen or we want to go out to eat so we do. Most of the other folks here seem much more busy with other stuff in their lives; it's hard to fit everything in lol. I agree that it's nice when someone else cooks for you. I grew up with family dinners each night so it's a very comforting and steady routine for me to have kanojo there in the morning and evening to spend a little time together even if we're otherwise busy or tired and whatever. When we were apart I'd still cook for myself, but I would just do it whenever and it really mucked up my schedule.

I must have missed the posts about them talking about cooking. Latin American foods seem good as well but i spend my every afternoon buying Chinese food for lunch. They are too tasty but gotta eat more plain food with more veggies too.

Have you moved in with your kanojo?

last edited at May 24, 2016 6:45AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

I must have missed the posts about them talking about cooking. Latin American foods seem good as well but i spend my every afternoon buying Chinese food for lunch. They are too tasty but gotta eat more plain food with more veggies too.

Lol just take it easy on the salt and oil :)

Have you moved in with your kanojo?

Yeah the lease is up on my apartment next month. We've gradually moved my things over here. Now I just have a few things left that I figure I can donate.

joined Jan 13, 2016

I must have missed the posts about them talking about cooking. Latin American foods seem good as well but i spend my every afternoon buying Chinese food for lunch. They are too tasty but gotta eat more plain food with more veggies too.

Lol just take it easy on the salt and oil :)

Yeah definitely gonna stop buying them for a while. It doesn't help too when they give you too much food that can feed at least three people.

Have you moved in with your kanojo?

Yeah the lease is up on my apartment next month. We've gradually moved my things over here. Now I just have a few things left that I figure I can donate.

Nice. I don't think i can give with anyone or anyone can live with me. I feel so bad for my cousin last month. She stayed with me for a mont until she could find a place. While she was living with me i barely said a word or greeted to her lol. She got bored sometimes i could see that.

Well, best wishes to both of you.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yeah definitely gonna stop buying them for a while. It doesn't help too when they give you too much food that can feed at least three people.

Well that's one way to go about it haha.

Nice. I don't think i can give with anyone or anyone can live with me. I feel so bad for my cousin last month. She stayed with me for a mont until she could find a place. While she was living with me i barely said a word or greeted to her lol. She got bored sometimes i could see that.

Well, best wishes to both of you.

Yeah not everyone likes to live with others. Everyone needs a little personal space some times, just some need more than others. Even though we had our own places, kanojo and I have pretty much lived together for a couple years now. We would just stay at her place during the week and mine on the weekends because my place was in the city and closer to more of our friends and family. I used to find the idea of sleeping in a bed with someone every night really bothersome, but I guess eventually it starts to make sense and you're used to it.

joined Mar 2, 2016

( ̄﹃ ̄) ... food pls.

Lol ummmm spinach and mushroom omelets for breakfast but you have to wait a couple of hours :P Or um... a leftover piece of fried chicken from last night.

Yess. Either one sounds great to me T__T
Fell asleep hungry and woke up extra hungry.. but no time to eat.

But back to people who dont cook.. I know Azai and kitkat dont cook XD

last edited at May 24, 2016 8:32AM

joined Jan 13, 2016

( ̄﹃ ̄) ... food pls.

Lol ummmm spinach and mushroom omelets for breakfast but you have to wait a couple of hours :P Or um... a leftover piece of fried chicken from last night.

Yess. Either one sounds great to me T__T
Fell asleep hungry and woke up extra hungry.. but no time to eat.

But back to people who dont cook.. I know Azai and kitkat dont cook XD

A lot of is just buy and eat. Too busy to cook or don't know how to cook delicious food like Dofu.
What about you Newp? Do you cook?

last edited at May 24, 2016 8:45AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yess. Either one sounds great to me T__T
Fell asleep hungry and woke up extra hungry.. but no time to eat.

Lol well sleepy worm gets no breakfast. Omelets are eaten and the chicken is in a container in an office refrigerator waiting to be eaten for lunch by kanojo. You have to eat though -_- keep some cereal bars around or something.

But back to people who dont cook.. I know Azai and kitkat dont cook XD

Some how those two don't surprise me haha

joined Mar 2, 2016

Yes I cook when I have time. Its fun. :) But all of my family likes to cook so I dont do it as often as I would haha.

Yess. Either one sounds great to me T__T
Fell asleep hungry and woke up extra hungry.. but no time to eat.

Lol well sleepy worm gets no breakfast. Omelets are eaten and the chicken is in a container in an office refrigerator waiting to be eaten for lunch by kanojo. You have to eat though -_- keep some cereal bars around or something.

Dofu T^T Nooooo my omelette! . I was in a rush to catch the bus this morning so I forgot to take the leftover pizza from last night.. I even wrapped it up all nicely too..

But back to people who dont cook.. I know Azai and kitkat dont cook XD

Some how those two don't surprise me haha

Ahaha right? XD Azais burnt burger story could make headlines :P sorry waifu dont kill me

last edited at May 24, 2016 9:11AM

joined Jan 13, 2016

Newp lucky you that everyone in your family likes to cook. This is the first time i heard about a whole family that likes to cook.

joined Mar 2, 2016

Newp lucky you that everyone in your family likes to cook. This is the first time i heard about a whole family that likes to cook.

Yeah I suppose I am haha. My sister is also amazing at baking. Id show you some of her cakes but I dont want to boost her ego too much :P shes been so moody towards me lately.. >:/

joined Jan 13, 2016

Newp lucky you that everyone in your family likes to cook. This is the first time i heard about a whole family that likes to cook.

Yeah I suppose I am haha. My sister is also amazing at baking. Id show you some of her cakes but I dont want to boost her ego too much :P shes been so moody towards me lately.. >:/

I wanna see them. Only second sister cares to bake something or celebrate something. I am willing to pay for the ingredients if she cooks. My third sister said our family has become so boring after my second sis got married. As for me eating just rice is fine.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Dofu T^T Nooooo my omelette! . I was in a rush to catch the bus this morning so I forgot to take the leftover pizza from last night.. I even wrapped it up all nicely too..

Aw :(

But back to people who dont cook.. I know Azai and kitkat dont cook XD

Some how those two don't surprise me haha

Ahaha right? XD Azais burnt burger story could make headlines :P sorry waifu dont kill me

I clearly missed that story, but I can only imagine xD

Yeah I suppose I am haha. My sister is also amazing at baking. Id show you some of her cakes but I dont want to boost her ego too much :P shes been so moody towards me lately.. >:/

Lol such a typical sister thing to say. Love and disdain at the same time haha. I see it all the time with kanojo and her imoto. I don't have a sister so it was pretty alien to me until I witnessed those two.

joined Apr 3, 2016

We need to have a cooking contest one of these days, lol.

joined Jan 13, 2016

We need to have a cooking contest one of these days, lol.

I volunteer to be the judge.

joined Apr 3, 2016

I volunteer to be the judge.

I don't know if that would be such a good idea. With your palate being used to simple foods like rice, water and veggies, even something as relatively simple as my baked salmon could probably kill you and send you straight to heaven before you'd even be able to judge anything. xD
/totally doesn't have a big ego/

joined Jan 13, 2016

I volunteer to be the judge.

I don't know if that would be such a good idea. With your palate being used to simple foods like rice, water and veggies, even something as relatively simple as my baked salmon could probably kill you and send you straight to heaven before you'd even be able to judge anything. xD
/totally doesn't have a big ego/ are right. But being a judge does seem simple.

last edited at May 24, 2016 10:12AM

joined Nov 20, 2015


Rainy365 you are my slave. Being a spy is the best task from me to you.

Since when i became yr slave? Remind me again, pls..

Yes, i miss dumping you. I think that was how you put it. Let's hook up so i can dump you a again. Hahaha...

Lmao.. Which mouth said that? /ready with hot chili pepper in my hand/


I didn't see you as a person, just your username in this forum. xD I dreamt I was online here and you posted that notice about you being mom to a baby giraffe named Azai now. Someone even offered to move in with you and help take care of the giraffe like it's the most normal thing ever, but I've forgotten who it was.

Lol... btw, where my baby giraffe? Azai comes to this thread even more rarely than i do. I m gonna pinch her cheeks...

I volunteer to be the judge.

I don't know if that would be such a good idea. With your palate being used to simple foods like rice, water and veggies, even something as relatively simple as my baked salmon could probably kill you and send you straight to heaven before you'd even be able to judge anything. xD
/totally doesn't have a big ego/


These posts are really killing me lol... xD i hv cramp on my stomach...

Fried Tofu San

Some how those two don't surprise me haha

Why lol? Thats kinda rude xD

last edited at May 24, 2016 10:50AM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Lol such a typical sister thing to say. Love and disdain at the same time haha. I see it all the time with kanojo and her imoto. I don't have a sister so it was pretty alien to me until I witnessed those two.

Haha yeah.. we have our on and off days. Its worse with my brother though. Him being 8 years older than me and all.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Newp lucky you that everyone in your family likes to cook. This is the first time i heard about a whole family that likes to cook.

Yeah I suppose I am haha. My sister is also amazing at baking. Id show you some of her cakes but I dont want to boost her ego too much :P shes been so moody towards me lately.. >:/

Oh, are we talking cooking? I'm making home-made artisan bread right now. In fact I just put it in the oven in the middle of typing this sentence.

joined Nov 20, 2015

Newp lucky you that everyone in your family likes to cook. This is the first time i heard about a whole family that likes to cook.

Yeah I suppose I am haha. My sister is also amazing at baking. Id show you some of her cakes but I dont want to boost her ego too much :P shes been so moody towards me lately.. >:/

Oh, are we talking cooking? I'm making home-made artisan bread right now. In fact I just put it in the oven in the middle of typing this sentence.

Ohh nice.. share it, Nezchan..

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