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joined Jan 13, 2016

Nope. We are strangers from now on hahaha...
Jk...we have run out of energy. Going to reach to 300 will not be easy like you said. I thought Lin and Su could do it because they have a lot of love to push them througj lol...maybe next time.

Aww that's too bad ;(
We'll reach 300, eventually...

KitKat has volunteered to lead everyone to 300. If we can't then she is responsible to fight by herself until she takes over 300.

Hmmm i usually spend my weekend and nights wandering off in my dreams to wherever my mind wants to go. There is nothing new except my aunt tried to hook me up with this guy. On his first call with me he already called me love and wifey then sweetie and darlin then came with a couple of kids and marriage hahaha it was so funny that i had to block him forever.

Wow, that guy's in rush hahaha, and kind of creepy imo. I mean calling you love and wifey when he doesn't even know you o.o...

In addition to that when he spoke in English he talked like a gangster and he was below average looking too. Pretty much i rated him 0 rank.

U gotta tour me around those nice places when i wander to your city.

Sure...I'll tour you around the places I know

Cool. Better try super hard from now on to be able to wander to your city.

last edited at May 2, 2016 4:27PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Anyone arooooound ??

joined Sep 15, 2015

Hey !! I'm still here xD
I told you guys I'll be around when I'm done with work hahahahaha
And about Llama, I'm hiding her on the other side, youknowwhere. I'll tell her to pop up in here. Dw ;)

last edited at May 2, 2016 8:41PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I don't have a hairy butt... XD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Rainy Whaat. I aint lending no waifu of mine to you! Shes all mine sorry . I dun like to share. :P

joined Mar 17, 2016

Hey !! I'm still here xD
I told you guys I'll be around when I'm done with work hahahahaha

Yeahh and I have sixth sense to know where you are.. No break, not Kitkat..

And about Llama, I'm hiding her on the other side, youknowwhere. I'll tell her to pop up in here. Dw ;)

Wow... you are really the master...

I don't have a hairy butt... XD

Wotttt?? So wanna force me to believe that you dont have a hairy butt? I am not convinced, dude.. I mean, i mentioned sth normal... but I m okay with that.. So from this day on you are a sparkling Llama with smooth bald butt.. How does it sound now? All better? XD

Lmao I guess that sounds better XD

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hey !! I'm still here xD
I told you guys I'll be around when I'm done with work hahahahaha

Yeahh and I have sixth sense to know where you are.. No break, not Kitkat..

And about Llama, I'm hiding her on the other side, youknowwhere. I'll tell her to pop up in here. Dw ;)

Wow... you are really the master...

I don't have a hairy butt... XD

Wotttt?? So wanna force me to believe that you dont have a hairy butt? I am not convinced, dude.. I mean, i mentioned sth normal... but I m okay with that.. So from this day on you are a sparkling Llama with smooth bald butt.. How does it sound now? All better? XD

Lmao I guess that sounds better XD

Ahaha... its gross n weird, lol...
Did you have fleas problem before? Or maybe its bc you force yourself to have pinky hair color.. Rotfl..

joined Mar 17, 2016

Hey !! I'm still here xD
I told you guys I'll be around when I'm done with work hahahahaha

Yeahh and I have sixth sense to know where you are.. No break, not Kitkat..

And about Llama, I'm hiding her on the other side, youknowwhere. I'll tell her to pop up in here. Dw ;)

Wow... you are really the master...

I don't have a hairy butt... XD

Wotttt?? So wanna force me to believe that you dont have a hairy butt? I am not convinced, dude.. I mean, i mentioned sth normal... but I m okay with that.. So from this day on you are a sparkling Llama with smooth bald butt.. How does it sound now? All better? XD

Lmao I guess that sounds better XD

Ahaha... its gross n weird, lol...
Did you have fleas problem before? Or maybe its bc you force yourself to have pinky hair color.. Rotfl..

Hahahaha I didn't have fleas! XD

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hahahaha I didn't have fleas! XD

Dont mind, dont mind... i can keep it as secret for you..

Well bc I am all alone now, and i could turn insane if it continues.. I will bury myself with my work today..

See u all.. ;*

last edited at May 2, 2016 9:28PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Hahahaha I didn't have fleas! XD

Dont mind, dont mind... i can keep it as secret for you..

Well bc I am all alone now, and i could turn insane if it continues.. I will bury myself with my work today..

See u all.. ;*

Lol have fun at work!! :D

joined Sep 15, 2015

Damn. I keep showing up at the worst time ever. Nobody's around anymore ?? Hahahaa

joined Jan 13, 2016

Damn. I keep showing up at the worst time ever. Nobody's around anymore ?? Hahahaa

Dude i am still waiting to see u take everyone to victory. You owe the rest of the pages now.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Fried tofu san
I havent bought any tofu with me.. i hardly can finish my meal nowadays... maybe a delicious recipe can help me.. pls share me yr famous Peking duck recipe.. i know u have yr family secret, but pls make an exception for this time...

Ummmm what do you usually cook for yourself? Secret family Peking duck recipe does not exist lol. That's a northern Chinese dish so anything I make would be imitation. I've never cooked a Peking style duck though. I've roasted a goose though... why not making something simpler haha. Do you like spicy food? Make mapo tofu :) Super easy and tasty. Just ginger, garlic, scallions, minced pork, dash of soy sauce, hot bean paste, chicken broth into a pot; then cut silk tofu into it and simmer; mix a little corn starch with water and slurry it through and simmer for a few more minutes; serve over rice :)

joined Jan 13, 2016

KitKat did you run away? Remember you have a job to do here. We barely have enough strength to beat 295. Dude the rest of battles belong to you.

joined Feb 5, 2015

I will rely on you to be my cheating sheet lol... i know u has secretly noted down our history.. pls come to this thread more often... u have been quit from yr hermit job, tho.. now u are a wanderer with not clear direction, following yr sexy chief to no where..

Hahahaha, I don't know about no history / whistles/
Why, Rainy, why? You make me sound like a lost soul XD
Hey, we do have a direction, we wonder to places with breathtaking views around the phantom world, wanna join? xD

last edited at May 3, 2016 5:22AM

joined Jan 13, 2016

I will rely on you to be my cheating sheet lol... i know u has secretly noted down our history.. pls come to this thread more often... u have been quit from yr hermit job, tho.. now u are a wanderer with not clear direction, following yr sexy chief to no where..

Hahahaha, I don't know about no history / whistles/
Why, Rainy, why? You make me sound like a lost soul XD
Hey, we do have a direction, we wonder to places with breathtaking views around the phantom world, wanna join? xD

Totally agree. We have seen many of the world's most beautiful places.

joined Mar 8, 2014

I'm not sure what happened you were gonna do sth else but then you accidentally turned into a train and couldn't stop o_o
I have weird dreams so don't mind me.
Today I had a dream that I got a job and I went to buy an apron but it was a plastic apron so I didn't want it...

joined Nov 20, 2015

why not making something simpler haha.

Ahaha.. bc it looks to taste delicious? XD

Hahahaha, I don't know about no history / whistles/
Why, Rainy, why? You make me sound like a lost soul XD
Hey, we do have a direction, we wonder to places with breathtaking views around the phantom world, wanna join? xD

Dont know about 'no history', huh? /whistle back/
So, where is the city of undead actually?
And no, i wont join u two.. i enjoy wandering by myself to safe places. i dont wanna die young or getting old too early, lolz...

Totally agree. We have seen many of the world's most beautiful places.

No pic = hoax... xD

I'm not sure what happened you were gonna do sth else but then you accidentally turned into a train and couldn't stop o_o
I have weird dreams so don't mind me.
Today I had a dream that I got a job and I went to buy an apron but it was a plastic apron so I didn't want it..

I mean how do you know it was me, not Fried Tofu san or Su? XP Ahaha..
Well, I know someone who has that kind of imagination.. creative persons seem to have weird dreams xD. I mean to praise, btw....

joined Apr 3, 2016

Wow...this thread dies a little more every day. Hello, if anyone is here. xD

joined Jul 27, 2015

3 possibilities: Either people have completely moved to Skype for the most part and are leaving this thread behind, or they're all just busy AF or they just lost interest in general and aren't coming here that often anymore. shrugs That's the 3 main reasons why forums die at least, so I just guessed. XD Anyway. Hey there. :* How was your day?

joined Mar 2, 2016

3 possibilities: Either people have completely moved to Skype for the most part and are leaving this thread behind, or they're all just busy AF or they just lost interest in general and aren't coming here that often anymore. shrugs That's the 3 main reasons why forums die at least, so I just guessed. XD Anyway. Hey there. :* How was your day?

Naw we dont talk that much on skype. I think everyone is just busy atm. I still like to peek in time to time to see whats up with you guyss.
Ill be going back to school next week so Im prob gonna be busy busy as well.. but Ill drop in whenever possible!
Ahh Ill be attending the same art classes as people 5- 6 years younger than me.. xD I wonder how thats gonna go. Ill prob see how super good those youngsters are and become super sad
that I wasnt capable of such things at their age ㅠ ㅠ

joined Apr 3, 2016

Let's just hope it's the second and people are going to come back here after a while. It'd be such a shame if this thread died like that. :-(

How was your day?

Educational! xD A bunch of colleagues from the behaviorism department gave presentations about recent studies, theories and theses today. Some of them were really good! Others though...not so much. There was one guy, who embarrissingly enough was a professor and actively teaching at a uni, claimed that young people could actually have the ability to be completely self-sufficient and independent by the age of 13 and the only reason, why they are still so dependent on guidance in that age is because their parents and teachers do not "challenge" them enough. You know, where I studied, we had a slightly different word for this "challenging" he spoke about: negligence. I mean, any healthy person usually has the ability to take care of themselves when they need to, even when they're really young. But that doesn't mean we should strive for that. Experiences of this kind tend to leave horrible scars on a soul and that's where people like me usually come in so we can fix what others fucked up. =_= I'll stop here. Well, but as you can see: this guy pissed me off. I hope his students have by now learned not to listen to him. >_< But like I said, there was also pretty good stuff. I stopped attending after 7 presentations though. My brain just couldn't take anymore. xD

How about you? You had to see your doctor today, right? What did he say?

Oooh, you're attending an art school? That's awesome! Share something about it! :D Like, what kind of classes do you have? Is there a dorm? What do you wanna do later on? /curious stare/

last edited at May 3, 2016 2:04PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

Also, another thing, which ticked me off a little today, was me having to remind the majority of people I spoke with today that I actually am a doctor and unless I give someone permission to call me "miss", I really do want to be addressed as such. We all got name tags so we can skip boring introductions. There's our names, titles and alma mater on these tags. I've been giving my best to respectfully address everyone I had a conversation with with their title, so the least they could do is to do the same. There's a "Doctor" on my name tag, because I studied for 8 long and sometimes pretty hard years to gain that title, and not because I fucked all my professors to breeze through uni. However, judged by the looks most of these old farts give me, that's exactly what they seem to think. /sighs/ It's hard being young in this business...

last edited at May 3, 2016 2:21PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Dr.Lin haha yeah its not necessarily an art school but their art related programs are all amazing. Better than my previous one atleast.
Umm well basically I have a Fine Arts degree under my belt but its not really going to do much for me so I decided to go back to school for some art fundamentals for 1 year. Its gonna be pretty much a beginner program for me because I already have good knowledge of the basics.. but I think itll be fun in terms of practice and toning my life drawing skills. Ive been out of practice for so long that I feel my skills slipping away xD. After that Ill most likely be going back to school yet again to get a degree in 3D art and animation haha.
Tldr: School school and more school for mee.

Btw, what kind of doctor were you again? Your job sounds intriguing xD

last edited at May 3, 2016 2:22PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

Sounds pretty sweet! Once you get that degree in animation, do you already know what you wanna do with it? As in, what do you want to work as?

what kind of doctor were you again?

I have a double PhD in psychology (specialized in adolescent psychology) and sociology.

Your job sounds intriguing xD

It is. xD Very taxing, emotionally as well as physically sometimes, but also very rewarding. ^_^


Pffft. xD Drop that. :-) I gave you people permission to just call me Lin the moment I came here, so it's cool. xD Also, you're not a colleague working in the same field. I don't really mind it if most people call me "miss." I'd just really prefer it if my colleagues would respect me enough to address me with my title, since they really don't have any reason not to.

last edited at May 3, 2016 2:34PM

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