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joined May 11, 2012

Though like I said before, I'm probably more like Seju, because of the Eternal Bottom thing and passive nature. xD

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 3:50AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Well if that's all you're going on then yes you're more like Seju lol. In general if you look like Seju I think you'd get a lot male attention. If you look like Mel you'll do well with the ladies.

joined May 11, 2012

Well, not sure about that, I would definitely dress like Mel and always have a serious face, and also tell any guy to fuck off too, so it would be pretty obvious what kind of girl I was, at least until a girl hit on me, then there comes my real nature as a slutty slutty bottom like you would say.

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 3:57AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Do you exclusively like women?

joined May 11, 2012

Well, if something happened with a guy I'm not sure I would mind, I care more about feelings, but that's easier said than done, cause I do love a pretty lady, guys bodies not so much, most are kind of ugly, so instead of pan I'm probably more to straight as a man and lesbian if I was a woman, or I would go full in slut mode and fuck pretty much anyone who I found attractive if I was a woman, hard to say how I really would be as a woman, I'm not even much sure how I am as a man, if I even really see myself as a man except for the fact that my body is male, I'm probably more to a woman in mind, I guess I don't really care that much, I guess either way is fine, but I definitely would have prefered to have been born a woman. (T^T)

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 4:06AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Ah okay, more common situation than you'd imagine :) Meeting a woman that's actually a very dominant personality (in relationships) is actually a lot less common than you'd think. Namis, Sumins, Mels are depicted all over yuri lit, but in reality it's actually pretty hard to find lesbian couples where there's an obvious top in both personality and sexual preference. I know several women that have experimented and been interested in other women physically, but as far as chemistry goes, even the lesbians that appear more butch/androgynous actually end up having too passive of personalities for what they want.

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 4:13AM

joined May 11, 2012

If this situation is common or not I have no idea since I don't have much contact with people.

Well, all lesbians I know are from Dynasty or a few artists/mangaka, so I don't know much about how lesbian relationship dynamics work in real life, if I had social life maybe I would know better by meeting people, but I'm pretty much a basement dweller except for the fact that I have a job and no basement, I don't even know how straight relationships really work, probably going to die forever alone without having done nothing with anyone, not that this is a bad thing, I am a being of solitude after all, so it don't really bother me much that I have no social life or real life friends, never met with school friends again, rarely talk with them using other means, not that I had much friends anyway, so I guess I have more acquaintances than friends.

As for dominant woman in personality and relationship, it's not even just lesbian, even for straight woman that is rare, they might look like that but a lot turn more passive later, though maybe it's probably in part because most guys don't know how to deal with dominant woman and so they try too please them? After all man are pretty weak sometimes, a lot, probably most actually, have small egos that can easily be hurt by a more masculine woman, especially if they can do something better than them, even more if it's in physical activities, not a problem for me though, I sure do love myself a strong-willed and dominant woman, being masculine or not either way is fine, maybe one day I'll find one if I ever have a life. (T^T)

This talk made me remember something I always had some interest in, using a collar, but it's not the same if not given by the person I love... Is it just me or that sounded like, really masochist? Guess you can't be more submissive after wanting a collar? xD

And dofudofu, how are things with kanojo? Everything is fine since you two made up?

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 4:45AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

but I'm pretty much a basement dweller except for the fact that I have a job and no basement

Lol this gave me a good chuckle.

As for dominant woman in personality and relationship, it's not even just lesbian, even for straight woman that is rare, they might look like that but a lot turn more passive later, though maybe it's probably in part because most guys don't know how to deal with dominant woman and so they try too please them? After all man are pretty weak sometimes, a lot, probably most actually, have small egos that can easily be hurt by a more masculine woman, especially if they can do something better than them, even more if it's in physical activities, not a problem for me though, I sure do love myself a strong-willed and dominant woman, being masculine or not either way is fine, maybe one day I'll find one if I ever have a life. (T^T)

Yeah I meant that among women, straight or otherwise, dominant personalities are rare, whether it's an evolutionary thing or a result of social expectations. I think the vast majority of fragile male egos are a result of sexism. Femininity is so demonized around most male circles; it's really unhealthy. Sexism is bad for men and women.

This talk made me remember something I always had some interest in, using a collar, but it's not the same if not given by the person I love... Is it just me or that sounded like, really masochist? Guess that you can't be more submissive after wanting a collar? xD

You're a bottom, Harry.

And dofudofu, how are things with kanojo? Everything is fine since you two made up?

Things have been really good. It's not like we've been back together for that long, but we're definitely happier with each other than apart. She was really upset about what happened over the weekend, but maybe at least for my sake she's not griping about it to me anymore. We've talked a lot and it's really obvious the marriage bug is still in her, so I don't think there's anything I can do to quell that. It's probably on me to propose at this point lol, so I think I'll have to do some plotting eventually.

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 4:49AM

joined May 11, 2012

Lol this gave me a good chuckle.

Haha, well, I could have used some other word like hikkikomori for example, but it wouldn't sound as funny.

Yeah I meant that among women, straight or otherwise, dominant personalities are rare, whether it's an evolutionary thing or a result of social expectations. I think the vast majority of fragile male egos are a result of sexism. Femininity is so demonized around most male circles; it's really unhealthy. Sexism is bad for men and women.

I think that it's more because of social expectations and sexism, cause althogh it might look as if it was always like this, but it's been few years since woman got their rights, few decades ago woman didn't have much choice besides marry and have children, go to a convent, or live as single and become a crazy cat lady, did they have any other option? But I agree that most of male small ego is from sexism too, really, if we didn't have so many people of both genders who have sexist mentallity things would probably be a lot better by now.

You're a bottom, Harry.

Things have been really good. It's not like we've been back together for that long, but we're definitely happier with each other than apart. She was really upset about what happened over the weekend, but maybe at least for my sake she's not griping about it to me anymore. We've talked a lot and it's really obvious the marriage bug is still in her, so I don't think there's anything I can do to quell that. It's probably on me to propose at this point lol, so I think I'll have to do some plotting eventually.

What happened in the weekend? If you talked about this I didn't read yet, I still have some pages from the last few days to catch up, and if she's not saying anything on that must be because she's too happy with you two together again and don't want to ruin the moment, as for the marriage, you don't want to marry any time soon? Instead of proposing, what you could plot is a romantic day, ending with you giving her a collar wih her name on it, but that she would put it on you, just to show that you belongs to her, gosh I'm so romantic. xD

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 5:11AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

Good morning ya'll. /yawns/

Sorry for coming here and using you guys as an outlet yesterday. I guess I sort of ruined my "badass" status in here now. ^_^; Also, even more sorry for just popping in, posting that and then disappearing. I actually passed out right after I made that post. It was like typing all that had drained me of my last bits of energy, so I finally fell asleep.

Anyway, thank you for the support and advice. You're right, what counts is my relationship with Su and only what she thinks really matters. Anybody else, including her father, can go suck a fat one for all I care. I know that. And I usually don't let it get to me. I usually don't allow people to have this kind of power over me. But yesterday was different. I guess it was just all a little too much and it ended up crashing down on me. But I'll get over it. In the end, it's just a funk I need to shake off. I'll just take today off and get my mind back in check...and try to convince Reeba, that everything's fine, so she stops mothering me. xD

All this aside...
Thia is a guy? O_O
Mind: blown.

joined Feb 8, 2016

I think that it's more because of social expectations and sexism, cause althogh it might look as if it was always like this, but it's been few years since woman got their rights, few decades ago woman didn't have much choice besides marry and have children, go to a convent, or live as single and become a crazy cat lady, did they have any other option? But I agree that most of male small ego is from sexism too, really, if we didn't have so many people of both genders who have sexist mentallity things would probably be a lot bette by now.

Yeah I meant social expectations that are a result of sexism. Lol I'm pretty sure they had some other options, but most of which were frowned upon by a lot of people.

What happened in the weekend? If you talked about this I didn't read yet, I still have some pages from the last few days to catch up, and if she's not saying anything on that must be because she's too happy with you two together again and don't want to ruin the moment, as for the marriage, you don't want to marry any time soon? Instead of proposing, what you could plot is a romantic day, ending with you giving her a collar wih her name on it, but that she would put it on you, just to show that you belongs to her, gosh I'm so romantic. xD

Ah yeah sorry wasn't sure if you'd read before but I did mention it. I was at a friend's bachelorette party (kanojo wasn't there), and so it was a big group of women getting drunk and clubbing (typical stuff for bachelorette parties here). We got back to the hotel and one of the bride's friends that I was roomed with came into my bed and was being... aggressively inappropriate... verbally telling her off wasn't working and it ended with me punching her in the face and leaving the room. Needless to say it's going to be an awkward seeing her at the wedding, and kanojo's going to be there with me, who was in an absolutely foul mood about the whole thing. I imagine it'll be easier for her to get over it once my hand gets better.

What is with you and collars lol? I have no interest in putting on a collar. Kanojo usually tops in the bedroom, but I wouldn't say she has the more dominant personality; maybe just a bit fussier. I don't know if I really gave marriage a serious thought before all this stuff with kanojo happened, so it's sort of good that it happened. It's not like we hadn't talked about the things we'd want in the future, but I guess part of me was still being a kid about it and feeling like marriage was something far away. It's the sort of thing I'd want to talk to my dad about, but the two of us are never really great about the phone and I haven't visited home since everything happened. I talk to my mom often but she was really upset that I didn't say yes to kanojo the first time so now it's sort of an unpleasant topic to bring up with her.

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 5:34AM

joined May 11, 2012

Hey Lin. good morning, it's actually morning here too, 06:30 as I write, what time is there? Where are you from actually?

You don't need to feel sorry for anything, I believe we all understand it.

As for the support and advice, any time you need it you just need to call for us~~, at least I'm here to help if I can, not sure what more to say, didn't sleep yet so not thinking very well, but there is something I want to say, technically ask, who is Reeba?

And yeah I'm a guy, you thought I was a woman? Cause it's pretty obvious by my name if you know anything about latin america, technically my name is Thiago, how to explain, Thiaguinho would be the same as someone named John being called Little John.

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 5:50AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol, good morning, Lin. Glad you're taking some time for yourself; you deserve it.

joined May 11, 2012


Yeah I meant social expectations that are a result of sexism. Lol I'm pretty sure they had some other options, but most of which were frowned upon by a lot of people.

Yeah they probably had others, life in the past sucked for everyone, of course for white straight male it was cool compared to the others, but if you was a woman, black or homosexual you was pretty much fucked.

Ah yeah sorry wasn't sure if you'd read before but I did mention it. I was at a friend's bachelorette party (kanojo wasn't there), and so it was a big group of women getting drunk and clubbing (typical stuff for bachelorette parties here). We got back to the hotel and one of the bride's friends that I was roomed with came into my bed and was being... aggressively inappropriate... verbally telling her off wasn't working and it ended with me punching her in the face and leaving the room. Needless to say it's going to be an awkward seeing her at the wedding, and kanojo's going to be there with me, who was in an absolutely foul mood about the whole thing. I imagine it'll be easier for her to get over it once my hand gets better.

By aggressively inappropriate you mean she was putting the moves on you? And like, you really did punch her? For real? Damn girl you're hardcore, any danger of kanojo hitting that bitch more? xD

What is with you and collars lol? I have no interest in putting on a collar. Kanojo usually tops in the bedroom, but I wouldn't say she has the more dominant personality; maybe just a bit fussier. I don't know if I really gave marriage a serious thought before all this stuff with kanojo happened, so it's sort of good that it happened. It's not like we hadn't talked about the things we'd want in the future, but I guess part of me was still being a kid about it and feeling like marriage was something far away. It's the sort of thing I'd want to talk to my dad about, but the two of us are never really great about the phone and I haven't visited home since everything happened. I talk to my mom often but she was really upset that I didn't say yes to kanojo the first time so now it's sort of an unpleasant topic to bring up with her.

No idea, guess I'm bad dog looking for a owner, or maybe a cat, there's just something in them that I can't help but want someone to put one in me... I mean, why you won't like a nice collar? xD

It doesn't really matter that much if she's not dominant, it's more for the fact that you're a really big slutty slutty bottom, oh well, you're the one losing by not appreciating a nice collar~~, I think we all have a part of us that always see marriage as something for the distant future, maybe it's a good idea to visit your parents and talk about it? And I guess it's nice that your mother got upset about it? Cause it sure shows that she really think you two should be together, it's in those small details that you see they really accept you I guess, did your father say anything about you not accepting it?

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 5:47AM

joined May 11, 2012

Forgot to ask, but why you thought I was a woman? Is it the way I talk or what? I want others opinion too. xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

who is Reeba?

My cat. ^_^

but why you thought I was a woman? Is it the way I talk or what?

Not really. I didn't know you were from brazil either. xD Thiaguinho just sounded like a female, some sort of Asian name in my ears. And you never objected when we referred to you as "she" either. xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

By aggressively inappropriate you mean she was putting the moves on you? And like, you really did punch her? For real? Damn girl you're hardcore, any danger of kanojo hitting that bitch more? xD

What she did wasn't putting the moves on me; it was sexual assault, and had she gotten away with it, rape. There's no excuse even if she was drunk, but I don't think she's the type to have the nerve to lay one finger on me if she were sober. I'm not violent by nature, but I was scared and that's what happened. Kanojo talks a big game, but she's tiny and this woman is taller and bigger than I am, so I have no idea what she thinks she'd do lol.

No idea, guess I'm bad dog looking for a owner, or maybe a cat, I mean, why you won't like a nice collar? xD

I'm just not into that kind of play...

It doesn't really matter that much if she's not dominant, it's more for the fact that you're a really big slutty slutty bottom, oh well, you're the one losing by not appreciating a good collar~~

I'd say the slutty slutty bottom part only applies if it's just the two of us together. I think when we interact with other people together I do more of the talking and am overall perceived as more dominant. I don't really know what that says about us; it's just the way things are.

I think we all have a part of us that always see marriage as something for the distant future, maybe it's a good idea to visit your parents and talk about it? And I guess it's nice that your mother got upset about it? Cause it sure shows that she really think you two should be together, did you father say anything about you not accepting it?

I don't think kanojo sees marriage as something for the distant future lol... I'm so busy with other travel obligations I think the earliest I can go home is maybe August (my family is on the other side of the country). It's nice that my mom adores her, but it was pretty aggravating having her crying on the phone about my relationship problems. My dad said, "just hang in there kiddo," and I think that was the last thing we talked about that wasn't texting about basketball.

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 5:59AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Sure, just delete my facebook link from your post, I just said to not quote it... (>_<)

Thiaguinho, this is a check mate for you...

joined Apr 3, 2016

Thia Sama. Dude maybe i should be scared fighting with you now. I went to sleep and had a dream that i murdered someone so this young guy came to handcuffed me to be excuted far far away. I was walking with him to be excuted.

Hey, at least a murder is a valid reason for an execution. Last week, I dreamed that a friend of mine sued me, because I didn't let him borrow my car. And he won!

joined Nov 20, 2015


Forgot to ask, but why you thought I was a woman? Is it the way I talk or what? I want others opinion

I honestly thought that u are a woman.. (°\\°)a
Sorry for that...
Thats why i mentioned about women wrestling back then, until this post appeared:

Unfortunately I'm a girl only at heart, only at heart... (T^T)

I mean ever read in the original thread that someone is a guy, but i cant recall who he is. Well, my memory isnt as good as Azai or Kittokatto from the beginning.. T^T

Btw, its a tiring days.. many things didnt go the way it should be... so stressssed!!!!!

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 6:53AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

And now i have time to re read several posts before i slept, i saw Newp translation for wdtfs..

Hey, Newp, thanks for yr hard work.. :)


Thia Sama. Dude maybe i should be scared fighting with you now. I went to sleep and had a dream that i murdered someone so this young guy came to handcuffed me to be excuted far far away. I was walking with him to be excuted.

U retreat bcoz of a dream?

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 7:04AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

No! I am a brave warrior. I won't retreat my challenge of vengence from Thia Sama. I gotta get my revenge from him for taking Honey Bee away. I cannot let him get away. Hahahaha.

You've got my full support. Wanna borrow my Draglin to help you?

joined Apr 3, 2016

Gosh, the word "borrow" has been mentioned twice and immediately I have this stupid ass song stuck in my head.
"Let me borrow that top.
Let me borrow that top.
Hey that's a cute top.
I wanna borrow it.
Aren't we friends?"

/smashes head against table/ Get. outta. my. head! Dx

joined Apr 3, 2016

Go, Draglin! =D

But make sure to feed her properly.

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 7:38AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Poppin in n out again...
I need chocolate ice cream to maintain my sanity.. i have smoke gusting fm my head......

Gosh, the word "borrow" has been mentioned twice and immediately I have this stupid ass song stuck in my head.
"Let me borrow that top.
Let me borrow that top.
Hey that's a cute top.
I wanna borrow it.
Aren't we friends?"

/smashes head against table/ Get. outta. my. head! Dx

haha.. what song is that? XD

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