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joined Mar 8, 2014

Yeah I think it was because too many people were choking on the toy this is why we can't have nice things -_-

Chocking on whaaaat?! I tottaly missed this side conversation and now you blame me for being lewd. lol

Hahaha Kinder Surprise Eggs were banned in the US because of a choking hazard XD

U sure? I thought it's banned bcoz of cancer issue for the wax coating..

Pretty sure it was because of the small toys inside of the eggs that served as a choking hazard. One reason why they actually don't have toys that you can assemble anymore . Nowadays it just comes as a whole piece.. which is so boring and not fun at all @_@ (care to correct me if Im wrong. I just noticed that from the few I've eaten :P)

Anyway.. whats this about being Tofucked Azai dofu.. XD h-how does this even work???

actually you can assemble some but it's not nearly as complicated as it used to be, or so it seems ^-^''

joined Mar 8, 2014

In Germany, surprise eggs are still like they always were. They either come with little figures you can collect or with fun little toys you can assemble. xD I remember when the US banned them, people in Germany were laughing their asses off. Apparently, surprise eggs need to be banned, because kids can choke on parts of the toys, but teaching kids how to shoot a gun while you actually have a gun in your home that you don't keep locked away is perfectly safe. #SuperiorLogic

Anyway, good morning ya'll! :-)

omg, I know right?! But the toys do seem more simple to me now. Not that I got that many.

joined Mar 8, 2014

gosh, I fell alseep 2 times. I hope class was like going in saying you're there and leaving as usual (it has been like this lately) because I totally overslept ^-^'''' Tomorrow I have to make sure I don't because it's not like that though. And I have to rush to the finance office now... I feel so ughh @_@

joined Sep 15, 2015

Just dropped by to say Good Morning !!!! (^_^)
K bye. ;)

joined Apr 3, 2016

Su's answers for you guys

If you can't read something, just ask me. ^_^

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 10:57AM

joined Sep 15, 2015

I agree

joined Apr 3, 2016

Post was already deleted. o_o Either Nez is really fast or they themselves realized their mistake. xD

joined Nov 20, 2015

Wohooooo.... a reply.... XD

i finally get my fav rocking chair and knitting socks stuff... Yayyy!!!!!

Lin, congratz for yr new occupation.. and no worry i can read Su handwriting well. Tbh, its even better than mine. ;D I kinda feel like my fan letter being answered... lolzz..

Thanks again for being our mailman...
Any chance u open a courier service company? I will register as one of loyal customers... XD

joined Nov 20, 2015

Good morrrrnniiiing..... ckckck immediately leaving after morning greeting?! we are a kind ;)

joined Feb 13, 2016

I made Su cry in a corner? (´_`。)

Thanks, Lin! be prepared, because we will probably ask you to be mailman again xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

Good to know Su is doing fine even tho they haveto lock her up in the hospital room. Lol.
Hopefully the surgery comes sooner (if she's ready) sooo we can all have fun here again. XD

**aaaaand, no worries about her handwriting. Hers is better than mine xD

joined Nov 20, 2015


I made Su cry in a corner? (´_`。)

Thanks, Lin! be prepared, because we will probably ask you to be mailman again xD

Is it still about tomatoes?


**aaaaand, no worries about her handwriting. Hers is better than mine xD

See.. We have many similar things xD


omg, I know right?! But the toys do seem more simple to me now. Not that I got that many.

No more cinnamon roll for us... T^T

*****Slepping time, everyone...*****

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 11:36AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

I made Su cry in a corner? (´_`。)

Yes. You did. You actually managed to make the woman that I love cry. /sighs/ Azai, look. I like you and all, but prepare. Because I will find you. And I will end you. u_u

be prepared, because we will probably ask you to be mailman again xD

That's okay. She already tends to use me as her voice whenever her phone is trolling her again, so I'm kind of used to it already. xD

Good to know Su is doing fine even tho they haveto lock her up in the hospital room.

She was just so happy today when I brought Timmy and Jacky (her beloved dog) along and we actually went out into the hospital park and played Volleyball for a little bit. /sighs/ It's hard on her to just stay inside and consider her health, which means basically doing nothing.
I know how corny I sound right now, but I actually can't wait until the day or the transplantation. If everything goes right, and I'm already praying that it will, she will finally be able to actually live and use all that energy she has. I'm excited. Can't wait for what she's gonna do once her weak body isn't an issue anymore. ^_^

joined Apr 3, 2016

Anyways, I'm leaving for today. Still gotta go check on my two little street puppies and 2 of my other kids and finish some paper work before going to bed. I'll see you again tomorrow! Stay sexy, ya'll! ;D

joined Jan 13, 2016

Su's answers for you guys

If you can't read something, just ask me. ^_^

Lin I'm glad to see she was able to write this long notes for everyone. I am Praying for her recovery soon and you and her back together to have your naughty chat.

joined Feb 8, 2016

high five Do what you gotta do, gurrrrrl. Most hospital showers are handicap accessible, so probably, you know... spacious... wet... with things to hold onto.

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 3:13PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Great letter from Su, glad to know she is doing well! I can't wait for her to recover :)

joined Jan 13, 2016

Great letter from Su, glad to know she is doing well! I can't wait for her to recover :)

Me too!

joined Mar 8, 2014

Omg, Suzuma's handwriting is pretty clear but it looks so childish XD
Thank you for drawing me :P You still have to cut that cinnamon roll though :< I actually tried to look for the at the supermarket but I couldn't find any... hmm... I wonder why... well... it took months to find the baking soda so >.>
So today I went to the library to work on my Maya project. Omg that chair... I don't know what size to make it to fit the model correctly -.- Meh... I'll just do whatever, who cares?! Honestly! No one
Okay, I'll share my secrets with you. For monday I need to finish 2 3d ball bounces, table tennis and bowling, a 3d animation of someone talking on the phone (which I was working on today), I need to fix some things in my 3d walk cycle, finish my 3d clock (basically assemble it and add the numbers, the rest is done), do a 50second inforgraphic-style animation about Olaudah Equiano. And I'm not even counting the stuff for the monday after that.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Omg, Suzuma's handwriting is pretty clear but it looks so childish XD

It's also horrifyingly similar to my handwriting. I'm wondering if it says something weird about our personalities o_o'

joined Mar 17, 2016

Omg, Suzuma's handwriting is pretty clear but it looks so childish XD
Thank you for drawing me :P You still have to cut that cinnamon roll though :< I actually tried to look for the at the supermarket but I couldn't find any... hmm... I wonder why... well... it took months to find the baking soda so >.>
So today I went to the library to work on my Maya project. Omg that chair... I don't know what size to make it to fit the model correctly -.- Meh... I'll just do whatever, who cares?! Honestly! No one
Okay, I'll share my secrets with you. For monday I need to finish 2 3d ball bounces, table tennis and bowling, a 3d animation of someone talking on the phone (which I was working on today), I need to fix some things in my 3d walk cycle, finish my 3d clock (basically assemble it and add the numbers, the rest is done), do a 50second inforgraphic-style animation about Olaudah Equiano. And I'm not even counting the stuff for the monday after that.

Lol I understood it pretty well since mine is a lot like that XD
Maybe you should make your own cinnamon rolls haha
And good luck on your project!! ^.^

joined Mar 8, 2014

Omg, Suzuma's handwriting is pretty clear but it looks so childish XD
Thank you for drawing me :P You still have to cut that cinnamon roll though :< I actually tried to look for the at the supermarket but I couldn't find any... hmm... I wonder why... well... it took months to find the baking soda so >.>
So today I went to the library to work on my Maya project. Omg that chair... I don't know what size to make it to fit the model correctly -.- Meh... I'll just do whatever, who cares?! Honestly! No one
Okay, I'll share my secrets with you. For monday I need to finish 2 3d ball bounces, table tennis and bowling, a 3d animation of someone talking on the phone (which I was working on today), I need to fix some things in my 3d walk cycle, finish my 3d clock (basically assemble it and add the numbers, the rest is done), do a 50second inforgraphic-style animation about Olaudah Equiano. And I'm not even counting the stuff for the monday after that.

Lol I understood it pretty well since mine is a lot like that XD
Maybe you should make your own cinnamon rolls haha
And good luck on your project!! ^.^

tbh, mine is not that different either
hahahah, I don't think I wanna make cinnamon rolls! my priorities are chocolate cake and fruit tart XD
also, thank you :), I'm taking a break right now but I will start again soon. Honestly I hope I can do the phone talking animation on my laptop but I don't think it will handle it so I'll need to go the library ;_;

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 3:28PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Glad to know that Suzuma is doing great and getting better :). The letter is cute and her handwriting is like a child's, but still better than mine xD. I remember getting a B in class just because of my messy handwriting lol.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Dofu Ohhh! I think I've seen it before its like a super long ass post right?
and hey xD what's everyone up to?

Lol yeah it was that. Just making dinner and wishing it were new chapter day already >.<

joined Jan 13, 2016

Dofu Ohhh! I think I've seen it before its like a super long ass post right?
and hey xD what's everyone up to?

Everyone is bored without you. I know i am. Now just got off from work on my way home. What about you?

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 5:01PM by drpepperfan

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