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joined Mar 2, 2016

Hahaha you guys actually reminded me of this clip from boku x inu ss for some reason just now

joined Mar 17, 2016

You said tie me up?? (* _*)
Sorry, KittoKatto, I was right in targeting Newp / cunning smile /

I have no idea if Newp is actually into bdsm... shivering

Kinky ;)

Omg ahahah guys get your mind out of the gutter XD or maybe Im only playing this off as a joke to cover up my true, evil intentions * evil laughs *
But Rainy I can be whatever you want me to be ... huehuh..

See what your wifey is doing KitKat she has intentions with Rainy

kitkat Whatever intentions the sparkling llama says it is.. its not true!!

Why do you always have to bring my looks into this?? (ಥ﹏ಥ)

joined Nov 20, 2015

You said tie me up?? (* _*)
Sorry, KittoKatto, I was right in targeting Newp / cunning smile /

I have no idea if Newp is actually into bdsm... shivering

Kinky ;)

Omg ahahah guys get your mind out of the gutter XD or maybe Im only playing this off as a joke to cover up my true, evil intentions * evil laughs *
But Rainy I can be whatever you want me to be ... huehuh..

See what your wifey is doing KitKat she has intentions with Rainy

kitkat Whatever intentions the sparkling llama says it is.. its not true!!

This woman flirts around... just after she said:
"But Rainy I can be whatever you want me to be ... huehuh.."
Can u feel what i feel dude?
I dont show it, but im hurt..

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:02AM

joined Mar 2, 2016

You said tie me up?? (* _*)
Sorry, KittoKatto, I was right in targeting Newp / cunning smile /

I have no idea if Newp is actually into bdsm... shivering

Kinky ;)

Omg ahahah guys get your mind out of the gutter XD or maybe Im only playing this off as a joke to cover up my true, evil intentions * evil laughs *
But Rainy I can be whatever you want me to be ... huehuh..

See what your wifey is doing KitKat she has intentions with Rainy

kitkat Whatever intentions the sparkling llama says it is.. its not true!!

This woman flirts around... just after she said:
"But Rainy I can be whatever you want me to be ... huehuh..
Can u feel what i feel dude?
I dont show it, but im hurt..

There there Rainy Ill comfort you in this time of pain <3

joined Feb 13, 2016

Hahaha you guys actually reminded me of this clip from boku x inu ss for some reason just now

Bhahahahaahahaha. I'm a sadist ;)

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:03AM

joined Feb 13, 2016

You said tie me up?? (* _*)
Sorry, KittoKatto, I was right in targeting Newp / cunning smile /

I have no idea if Newp is actually into bdsm... shivering

Kinky ;)

Omg ahahah guys get your mind out of the gutter XD or maybe Im only playing this off as a joke to cover up my true, evil intentions * evil laughs *
But Rainy I can be whatever you want me to be ... huehuh..

See what your wifey is doing KitKat she has intentions with Rainy

kitkat Whatever intentions the sparkling llama says it is.. its not true!!

This woman flirts around... just after she said:
"But Rainy I can be whatever you want me to be ... huehuh.."
Can u feel what i feel dude?
I dont show it, but im hurt..

Rainy, Rainy... Are you the next cinnamon roll?!

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:05AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

You said tie me up?? (* _*)
Sorry, KittoKatto, I was right in targeting Newp / cunning smile /

I have no idea if Newp is actually into bdsm... shivering

Kinky ;)

Omg ahahah guys get your mind out of the gutter XD or maybe Im only playing this off as a joke to cover up my true, evil intentions * evil laughs *
But Rainy I can be whatever you want me to be ... huehuh..

See what your wifey is doing KitKat she has intentions with Rainy

kitkat Whatever intentions the sparkling llama says it is.. its not true!!

This woman flirts around... just after she said:
"But Rainy I can be whatever you want me to be ... huehuh..
Can u feel what i feel dude?
I dont show it, but im hurt..

There there Rainy Ill comfort you in this time of pain <3

You just want me to get choked by kittokatto

Rainy, Rainy... Are you the next cinnamon roll?!

Im not, mam... its my mental age which is underage

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:09AM

joined Mar 2, 2016

kitkat Whatever intentions the sparkling llama says it is.. its not true!!

Why do you always have to bring my looks into this?? (ಥ﹏ಥ)

hahhah because you're a beautiful Llama ^ ^
as long as you stay away from my wifey no one gets hurt

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:10AM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

What is this all you speak of??

joined Mar 2, 2016

There there Rainy Ill comfort you in this time of pain <3

You just want me to get choked by kittokatto

I mean.. I can make that happen if thats what youre into ^ ^

joined Mar 2, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

Woah woah what are you talking about

joined Mar 17, 2016

kitkat Whatever intentions the sparkling llama says it is.. its not true!!

Why do you always have to bring my looks into this?? (ಥ﹏ಥ)

hahhah because you're a beautiful Llama ^ ^
as long as you stay away from my wifey no one gets hurt

Awww shucks.. (◕‿◕✿) and I'm just going to ignore that last part :D

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

I see no problem with this O.O

joined Nov 20, 2015

There there Rainy Ill comfort you in this time of pain <3

You just want me to get choked by kittokatto

I mean.. I can make that happen if thats what youre into ^ ^

No.. u dont mean it..
I didnt say anything abt getting choked at the top.. i can mean it at the bottom.. shivering

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

Woah woah what are you talking about

Nothing.. Azai is still drunk

joined Mar 2, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

What is this all you speak of??

Admit it, you couldnt resist the temptation of being tied up. You fell for it. You are a part of this all ;)

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:13AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

What is this all you speak of??

Admit it, you couldnt resist the temptation of being tied up. You fell for it. You are a part of this all ;)

Kinky ;) I call bottom...

joined Feb 13, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

Woah woah what are you talking about

Don't you remember last night? KitKat was playing her game on Llama.

joined Sep 15, 2015

I'll leave you all here for now. Need a smoke and probably go straight to work. Need a coffee again too ;/

joined Feb 13, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

Woah woah what are you talking about

Nothing.. Azai is still drunk

I'm sober! Some people just want to watch the world burn.
I'm a villain now, my tragic background consists on being dumped for a supermarket

joined Mar 2, 2016

I'll leave you all here for now. Need a smoke and probably go straight to work. Need a coffee again too ;/

Wifey aww hope you have a good day at work ! We'll be here if anything happens :)

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:17AM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

Woah woah what are you talking about

Don't you remember last night? KitKat was playing her game on Llama.

Shut up. She doesn't remember anything that happened last night xD

joined Feb 13, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

Woah woah what are you talking about

Don't you remember last night? KitKat was playing her game on Llama.

Shut up. She doesn't remember anything that happened last night xD


joined Mar 2, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

What is this all you speak of??

Admit it, you couldnt resist the temptation of being tied up. You fell for it. You are a part of this all ;)

Kinky ;) I call bottom...

Ok, not a problem ;)

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