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joined Feb 13, 2016


I can relate to you only to a certain extent. I grew up in a strict family too and I understand what's like being pressured with a deadline and what's is worse, being afraid of not meeting your own expectations. I grew up kind of afraid of failure. But I developed some hardcore personality, because I end up giving my own blood so I won't fail. And if I do fail, I'm ashamed of myself and I end up trying even harder. There's a downside of being like this, but let's not talk about this right now, since this is about you.

Say, for example, would you shut yourself in a room, spend the whole day immersed on your project, not connected to anything? If you can, do it like this in 7days and you will have it finished. But if you can't be like that, just accept it. Accept the way you are. I think the secret is to adapt your work to your lifestyle, and not the other way around. It's just that to me, it seems that what is really blocking you is your fear and your expectations. Drop the fear for now. Block it, keep going and just stop that negative thoughts somehow (I know it's easier said than done). If you don't meet your expectations, try harder in the next project. You keep improving as long you don't give up.

I'm sorry I'm not making any sense right now. I'm really trying my best to keep myself awake and write a decent text here

joined Mar 8, 2014

so you think I should keep myself busy with other things in order to feel like I have less time?
I understand what you mean. I was always able to do that thing, shutting myself up and working non-stop but I'm afraid I might have a limit and that I might be too afraid now and mess it up... I just need to... do it... somehow... I feel like I can but I'm not so sure... I'll try and do it, honestly. I just start getting fears about what others will think of me as well... I don't think it's good to be like this and overwork yourself. I have a friend like that; she's really good, but she stresses herself all the time, she can't relax at all... I'm not like that but I'm worse, I'm not efficient at all right now and I think I might become a good for nothing to be honest, I just dread it.

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 11:10PM

joined Feb 13, 2016


1- Just try to stop comparing yourself to others.Just stop it. You don't deserve that.
2- you failed? You get up. Failed again? Get up again
3- Your mental health comes first than anything really
4- Don't overthink. Desperate times requires desperate measures; don't think, just do things. Later, you stop to think how you can fix your habits. For now, finish the project, think about it later

I'm sorry if I sound mean and too direct. I really really wanted to develop those, but I just can't
Ugh, girls, I'll leave Faylicia in your care. I can't keep going anymore. I absolutely need to get some sleep.

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 11:17PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Ugh, girls, I'll leave Faylicia in your care. I can't keep going anymore. I absolutely need to get some sleep.

ahaha, thank you for your advice, good night ^-^

joined Feb 13, 2016

Ugh, girls, I'll leave Faylicia in your care. I can't keep going anymore. I absolutely need to get some sleep.

ahaha, thank you for your advice, good night ^-^

Read that post again!

joined Feb 8, 2016

so you think I should keep myself busy with other things in order to feel like I have less time?

Of course I don't know what's going to work specific to you, and Azai's good to point out that you some times just have to own whatever gets the job done for you. I didn't make a conscious decision to be so busy with classes, clubs, job, and socializing that I had to be a more efficient student, but it's how things worked out for me. If I got time off of work for some reason, those hours would always go to waste. Since I wasn't used to having them in the first place, I'd usually just bum around instead of using them for school. One thing I can tell is that you're prone to letting your mind think about inefficient things like fear, expectations, and your own anxiety. Those aren't things you should be ashamed of, because we all experience them, but you also can't let them consume your energy. You'd probably benefit from picking up some other activities you enjoy if only to exercise your mind and body doing stuff that isn't overthinking your circumstances. What I was saying about constraining your time is more about having a schedule. School is your job right now, so you can look at it like a full time job (~40 hours/week). Count how many hours you spend in class, subtract it from 40, and divide by 6. For me it would have been around 4.5-5, and that's how many hours of studying I could usually manage a day when I was in college, and then one day where I didn't do any homework (usually Saturday, so I could party :P). There's always some exception, but it's a nice rule of thumb.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Ugh, girls, I'll leave Faylicia in your care. I can't keep going anymore. I absolutely need to get some sleep.

ahaha, thank you for your advice, good night ^-^

Read that post again!

thank you ^-^ you didn't sound mean it's fine; I like direct people anyway ^-^''' I think it's helpful for me maybe?

joined Sep 15, 2015

Ugh, girls, I'll leave Faylicia in your care. I can't keep going anymore. I absolutely need to get some sleep.

ahaha, thank you for your advice, good night ^-^

Somebody might snatch Faylicia away from you yknow xD

joined Nov 20, 2015

In addition..
Everyone has their own pace and habit.. Comparing ourselves to others are just depressing.. Walk on yr own pace.
Human is the best when it comes to adaptation..

But changing pace is not a bad idea.. Eventually, you'll find the new pace is better or worse than the previous one

joined Sep 15, 2015

FINISHED WORRKKKKKKKK. I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AT LAST. And a little tipsy heehehehe. Omg that 'I'm NOT drunk' webtoon is so good hahahah

Go home you're drunk xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

thank you, I'll try to do that a bit next year. Now I'll try to do as much as I can of this project and finish that lyp sync and I'll drink lots of earl grey tea and yeah.. >.> stop trying to cook fancy dinners with bechamels... >.>
I'm having trouble breathing again... is this a psychological thing...?

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 11:30PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

FINISHED WORRKKKKKKKK. I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AT LAST. And a little tipsy heehehehe. Omg that 'I'm NOT drunk' webtoon is so good hahahah

Go home you're drunk xD

KittoKatto, your game needs work. It's, "Come here, ya drunk".

joined Sep 15, 2015

FINISHED WORRKKKKKKKK. I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AT LAST. And a little tipsy heehehehe. Omg that 'I'm NOT drunk' webtoon is so good hahahah

Go home you're drunk xD

KittoKatto, your game needs work. It's, "Come here, ya drunk".

Uhh...told you before I can't be top..right ??
Soooo...being all a bit... (>////<)

joined Nov 20, 2015

FINISHED WORRKKKKKKKK. I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AT LAST. And a little tipsy heehehehe. Omg that 'I'm NOT drunk' webtoon is so good hahahah

Go home you're drunk xD

KittoKatto, your game needs work. It's, "Come here, ya drunk".

Uhh...told you before I can't be top..right ??
Soooo...being all a bit... (>////<)

Heyy.. heyy..
I am at work now...

joined Sep 15, 2015

FINISHED WORRKKKKKKKK. I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AT LAST. And a little tipsy heehehehe. Omg that 'I'm NOT drunk' webtoon is so good hahahah

Go home you're drunk xD

KittoKatto, your game needs work. It's, "Come here, ya drunk".

Uhh...told you before I can't be top..right ??
Soooo...being all a bit... (>////<)

Heyy.. heyy..
I am at work now...

Bear with it.
No can do when a flag is triggered xD

joined Sep 15, 2015
joined Feb 8, 2016

thank you, I'll try to do that a bit next year. Now I'll try to do as much as I can of this project and finish that lyp sync and I'll drink lots of earl grey tea and yeah.. >.> stop trying to cook fancy dinners with bechamels... >.>

Try to kill the tea habit by the late evening :) Drink something bubbly and decaf, even if it sucks.

I'm having trouble breathing again... is this a psychological thing...?

No more talk about this. If it's severe then go to a doctor. Otherwise I think bringing it up is just letting you think about it more and adding more unnecessary stress.

joined Mar 17, 2016
joined Mar 8, 2014

thank you, I'll try to do that a bit next year. Now I'll try to do as much as I can of this project and finish that lyp sync and I'll drink lots of earl grey tea and yeah.. >.> stop trying to cook fancy dinners with bechamels... >.>

Try to kill the tea habit by the late evening :) Drink something bubbly and decaf, even if it sucks.

I'm having trouble breathing again... is this a psychological thing...?

No more talk about this. If it's severe then go to a doctor. Otherwise I think bringing it up is just letting you think about it more and adding more unnecessary stress.

okay, dofudofu I'll listen to you ;_;

joined Nov 20, 2015

Green tea Kitto Katto is definitely the best!!!!!

I guarantee it.... Droooolllliiinggggg........

joined Sep 15, 2015


It's SFW !! I promise. You won't get in trouble :>

joined Sep 15, 2015

Green tea Kitto Katto is definitely the best!!!!!

I guarantee it.... Droooolllliiinggggg........

Yea !! Droll for KitKat !!
Kito-Kato's the best !!! XD XD

joined Nov 20, 2015

Green tea Kitto Katto is definitely the best!!!!!

And Dave agree with me.
I just cant ever get enough green tea Kitto Katto.......... xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Green tea Kitto Katto is definitely the best!!!!!

I guarantee it.... Droooolllliiinggggg........

Yea !! Droll for KitKat !!
Kito-Kato's the best !!! XD XD

Bahahahaha XD Yes Kitto Katto is the best XP

joined Nov 20, 2015

Today's snack is definitely green tea Kitto Katto............

Alive again... yayyy...

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