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joined Mar 8, 2014

Faylicia No I sadly work today :( and I hope your project is going well! ^.^

Thaaaaank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! But you work at a company, right? Don't you have days off in the weekends? O_O I thought all companies were like that... :<

Not me :( my days off are Tuesday and Wednesday which sucks

why so random...? >.> I have Friday off as well ahahha! Buuut, I'm supposed to be working 41 hours a week or sth >.>

joined Mar 17, 2016

Because I work in loss prevention for our stores so I monitor our stores during the day. I'm also in more of a senior position so I have a lot more projects to do and I have to be here in case employees in my office need help with anything.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Aww.. thats super busy.. Good luck with yr job today.. ⊙⊙V

Hahaha I actually don't have much to do because I was able to get all caught up on stuff this week. So it's going to be a slow weekend for haha unless something goes wrong somewhere

joined Mar 8, 2014

What? I abandoned 19days since last month, and they havent done anyhing that ...errrr... you know... i havent read any updated ch since then..

why would they have to? o_o I don't really wanna see that! >.>
also!, omg, those two are soooooo cute >< they're as cute as the comic version!!

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 10:15AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

Who's that cute couple?

joined Apr 3, 2016

Also, just a quick info: Su won't be around for a while, She got hospitalized today morning after suddenly collapsing in the kitchen. Apparently, it was a severe side effect of the new medication, which she apparently had some sort of hidden allergy to, which neither her nor her doc were aware of. She's fine for now, but weak and the doctors fully intend on keeping her in hospital until the heart transplantation to assure she will be as healthy and fit as possible once the big day is here.

joined Apr 3, 2016

Er mu zi bu.. the illustrator of magan n danai
U dont read it?

Never heard of either. ._.

joined Apr 3, 2016

i thought both of u enjoy yr weekend..

Usually, that would have been the reason why none of us would've been here throughout the weekend, but not this time, it seems.

I hope shes alright.

Su's a trooper. She'll be okay. ^_^ I mean, she will be absolutely pissed off about having to stay in hospital for longer than 3 days and probably nagging to the doctors non-stop, but she'll get over it. xD

pls say hi to her for me..

Will do. :-)

/checked link/ Not a fan of the tsundere tag, to be honest. Tsunderes either make me cringe or want to punch a hole in a wall. I can never quite decide which one I'd like to do more.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 10:39AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Also, just a quick info: Su won't be around for a while, She got hospitalized today morning after suddenly collapsing in the kitchen. Apparently, it was a severe side effect of the new medication, which she apparently had some sort of hidden allergy to, which neither her nor her doc were aware of. She's fine for now, but weak and the doctors fully intend on keeping her in hospital until the heart transplantation to assure she will be as healthy and fit as possible once the big day is here.

omg, I hope she will be fine! staying at the hospital for so long sounds boring :<

joined Sep 15, 2015


Also, just a quick info: Su won't be around for a while, She got hospitalized today morning after suddenly collapsing in the kitchen. Apparently, it was a severe side effect of the new medication, which she apparently had some sort of hidden allergy to, which neither her nor her doc were aware of. She's fine for now, but weak and the doctors fully intend on keeping her in hospital until the heart transplantation to assure she will be as healthy and fit as possible once the big day is here.

Hopefully Suzuma's gonna feel a lot better. Although we all know she's a trooper, we really can't help but still get worried even more after knowing she needs to be confined in a hospital for a few days or weeks.

/checked link/ Not a fan of the tsundere tag, to be honest. Tsunderes either make me cringe or want to punch a hole in a wall. I can never quite decide which one I'd like to do more.

Same. I'd rather have a moe Kuudere or Kuudere in general than a Tsun tsun :>

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh gosh hopefully she will be okay! >.< that will be a long time to stay in the hospital, but it makes sense if they want to keep her safe for her heart transplant. Tell her hi and that we will be anxiously waiting for her to return! ^.^ and hopefully she won't drive the doctors and nurses crazy hahaha

joined Mar 8, 2014

Same. I'd rather have a moe Kuudere or Kuudere in general than a Tsun tsun :>

Kuudere is the best!! Like Sumin ><

joined Apr 3, 2016

Wait a minute, if the doctors intend to keep Su in hospital till the big day, it means that her condition is so fragile.. well, theres nothing wrong with prevention.. but i do worry now..

Well, she has been getting weaker, but I wouldn't call her fragile. The main reason she's in hospital is because the complexity of her heart's condition makes the reactions of her body to certain things quite unpredictable. The medication she had been prescribed contained some chemicals she seemed to be allergic to, but instead of getting a rash or teary eyes or other symptoms you usually associate with an allergic reaction, the effects of the allergic shock she suffered today seemed to aim directly at her heart and caused her broken heart valve to spasm. Then again, there were also a whole lot of times, when I reminded her to take it easy and not put too much strain on her heart and she'd tell me she was feeling perfectly fine. Trying to predict how her body, especially her heart, will react to certain things is almost always a gamble and for the moment, the doctors refuse to take one. She is by far not fit and healthy enough for the transplantation, so they want to make sure to get her in shape in a safe surrounding as fast as possible. All in all, she's there, because there is no safer place for her at the moment. :-) That's the main reason.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 10:56AM

joined Sep 15, 2015


Same. I'd rather have a moe Kuudere or Kuudere in general than a Tsun tsun :>

Kuudere is the best!! Like Sumin ><

I don't see how Sumin is a Kuudere type lol
She'd pretty normal for me xD


Lolz however, tsundere is still better than yandere..
Someone in the forum recomended to read it, and i quite like it..

The yandere tag ?? If it's fiction, yea, I can read it. But dating a yandere would be a big fat NO. Lol
There's a yandere manga here titled: Happy Sugar ?? Or sth like that.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Suzu's gonna be ok right ?? I mean she's got YOU. Also she's in the safest place she could go. So we can only hope she gets well really really soon.

joined Mar 8, 2014


Same. I'd rather have a moe Kuudere or Kuudere in general than a Tsun tsun :>

Kuudere is the best!! Like Sumin ><

I don't see how Sumin is a Kuudere type lol
She'd pretty normal for me xD

She is!! She's kind of mean/cold at first but then you find out she's actually a romantic! :D But she is pretty realistic so she's not the typical moe kuudere that probably wouldn't ever exist. Wow, I reached 100 first!! yoohooo~

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 11:04AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

She's gonna be okay, don't worry. xD I'll keep you updated on her if you want. :-) Now, moving on. What the hell is a kuudere?

joined Mar 17, 2016

She's gonna be okay, don't worry. xD I'll keep you updated on her if you want. :-) Now, moving on. What the hell is a kuudere?

I'm glad you asked because I have no idea what that is XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

It's a sort of mean/cold girl that usually has a sharp tongue but is actually delicate and emotional on the inside. It's a bit like a tsundere but instead of being violent she appears aloof or strict.

joined Apr 3, 2016

Happy 100, people! =D

No, I'm at home. I left hospital 2 hours ago when the docs insisted Su needs to rest and get some sleep. I'll go back tomorrow though.^_^

joined Mar 8, 2014

Damn.. i was hoping im the first one..

you dug your own grave, muahahahahaha

joined Mar 8, 2014

Happy 100, people! =D

No, I'm at home. I left hospital 2 hours ago when the docs insisted Su needs to rest and get some sleep. I'll go back tomorrow though.^_^

aw, mean doctors, trying to separate youuu ><

joined Mar 8, 2014

you dug your own grave, muahahahahaha

XD Not that im fully intended to get the first.. btw r u waiting for the right moment to shoot? And thanks to mvl for her random crazy mumblings, which i have no idea what was that abt, unless we are still at 98/99

hahah, no it was a coincidence :P
Well, she better had done that 'cause we ended up getting to 100 later than we were supposed to after she deleted her comments -.-

joined Feb 5, 2015

Just got here and read the news. I hope Su a speedy recovery and for her to be in perfect condition when the big day comes.

Oh and we finally reached 100, yay!

joined Mar 8, 2014

what does this have to do with anything? >.>

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