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joined Sep 15, 2015

Can't relate that much with the NBA playoffs and games. Lol. Haven't watched any of those this season so, I'm gonna leave for now and take a 6 hour sleep. Goodnight~~

joined Feb 8, 2016

Can't relate that much with the NBA playoffs and games. Lol. Haven't watched any of those this season so, I'm gonna leave for now and take a 6 hour sleep. Goodnight~~

Sweet dreams of me

joined Mar 17, 2016

Yeah a surprise trip may not work out if she has a new job sadly :/

Goodnight! :)

I think I'm going to go to bed too, I think my brother is hosting a network right now so my internet is crap DX

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yeah a surprise trip may not work out if she has a new job sadly :/
I think I'm going to go to bed too, I think my brother is hosting a network right now so my internet is crap DX

Yeah past my bed time too. Enjoy the new chapter, everyone.

joined Nov 20, 2015

We have same name, but very different person..

Where's the pic of pink .....

I'm very sleepppyyyy

joined Nov 20, 2015

Okay.. so you are 11 hours behind

joined Nov 20, 2015

I'm older then...
So many jobs left, and i hardly open my eyes.. =o=

joined Mar 8, 2014

yawn good morning... I fell asleep again while hugging that pillow... sigh~ -.-

joined Mar 2, 2016

Dofu's asian from VeryGay, USA
Llama's non asian from USA
Suzu & Lin is from Germany
Azai & Thiaguinho is from Brazil
Elthundercut is from the East Coast
Faylicia is from Greece, currently living in UK !
Newp is from Canada
mlv lives in the States too & Rainy is from Indonesia

Yess I'm Korean to be more specific ^ ^ was born and raised in Canada though.

And hi guys~ just finished catching up with these posts.. yet again lol. Was out all day with my friend. Ahhh just 7 more hours until the new chapter is (hopefully) posted! Looks like most of you are already sleeping :P See you all tomorrow for the next chapter haha

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 2:57AM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Dofu's asian from VeryGay, USA
Llama's non asian from USA
Suzu & Lin is from Germany
Azai & Thiaguinho is from Brazil
Elthundercut is from the East Coast
Faylicia is from Greece, currently living in UK !
Newp is from Canada
mlv lives in the States too & Rainy is from Indonesia

Yess I'm Korean to be more specific ^ ^ was born and raised in Canada though.

And hi guys~ just finished catching up with these posts.. yet again lol. Was out all day with my friend. Ahhh just 7 more hours until the new chapter is (hopefully) posted! Looks like most of you are already sleeping :P See you all tomorrow for the next chapter haha

Cool. I wonder who would get to read first based on our timezones

I usually wake up right at 9am when its posted so prob me :P

btw I love your new dp hahaha didn't get to see it when I was on my phone

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 3:01AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Now i am worried because i should be sleeping until 5am. Now my eyes are 60% open i'm not sure how to fall back to sleep.

need a hit on head? i can help..

joined Mar 2, 2016

Now i am worried because i should be sleeping until 5am. Now my eyes are 60% open i'm not sure how to fall back to sleep.

need a hit on head? i can help..

Sing a lullaby ;)

joined Nov 20, 2015

Now i am worried because i should be sleeping until 5am. Now my eyes are 60% open i'm not sure how to fall back to sleep.

need a hit on head? i can help..

Nice Honey Bee. Do you have a metal bat? Anything else won't do. I need to be knocked out in less than a second.

Nah.. I'm not that cruel..
I'll be backing vocalist while Newp is singing lullaby for you..

joined Nov 20, 2015

u wouldnt fall asleep if you keep looking on the screen.. Switch it off, and just sleep..

joined Mar 2, 2016

Now i am worried because i should be sleeping until 5am. Now my eyes are 60% open i'm not sure how to fall back to sleep.

need a hit on head? i can help..

Nice Honey Bee. Do you have a metal bat? Anything else won't do. I need to be knocked out in less than a second.

Nah.. I'm not that cruel..
I'll be backing vocalist while Newp is singing lullaby for you..

Hehehe i really wish i get to hear that!

Oh gosh no.. I'm terrible at singing.. sorry for the let down guys hahahah

joined Jul 27, 2015

Suzu & Lin is from Germany

Well, I'm 100% German as far as I know (at least I know the past 3 generations of my family were all Germans o.o), but Lin is actually Italian. She lived on Sicilia until she was 12, then her family relocated here. ^^

Good morning/afternoon/whatever it is where you are XD

joined Jul 27, 2015

Morning mvl. ^^

joined Nov 20, 2015

Morning, morning all ;D

joined Apr 3, 2016

Lin is actually Italian. She lived on Sicilia until she was 12, then her family relocated here. ^^

If you're going to correct people, at least do it correctly. xD I'm half Italian on my father's part and half Egyptian on my mother's part. I also lived in Alexandria at first, but then my grandmother got sick and my father decided to move back to Sicilia to take care of her. My mother, me and my siblings went with him, obviously. That was when I was 5. Then we lived in Sicilia until I was 12 and then we relocated to Bavaria, because my father got a promising job contract in Munich. ^_^

joined Apr 3, 2016

Hello, Rainy. Did you know? Apparently, you and I are the same person and Su is dating us. xD

joined Jul 27, 2015

Lin is actually Italian. She lived on Sicilia until she was 12, then her family relocated here. ^^

If you're going to correct people, at least do it correctly. xD I'm half Italian on my father's part and half Egyptian on my mother's part. I also lived in Alexandria at first, but then my grandmother got sick and my father decided to move back to Sicilia to take care of her. My mother, me and my siblings went with him, obviously. That was when I was 5. Then we lived in Sicilia until I was 12 and then we relocated to Bavaria, because my father got a promising job contract in Munich. ^_^

How am I supposed to know that? You never told me any of it. XD I thought you lived in Italy from birth til you were 12 and then you guys moved cause, idk, you wanted to try Bratwurst? X'D

Hello, Rainy. Did you know? Apparently, you and I are the same person and Su is dating us. xD

...Wut? o.0

joined Apr 3, 2016

How am I supposed to know that? You never told me any of it. XD I thought you lived in Italy from birth til you were 12 and then you guys moved cause, idk, you wanted to try Bratwurst? X'D

My love, it may have escaped your notice, but for most people, food is not as vital as it is for you. And it sure as fuck isn't a reason to leave the country. xD Anyway, you never asked, so I never told. :-) Personally, I don't think it's really important to know. It's all in the past anyway and knowing my background doesn't change who I am.

Hello, Rainy. Did you know? Apparently, you and I are the same person and Su is dating us. xD

...Wut? o.0

xD A few pages ago, mvl thought Rainy is me and thus thought you and her are a couple. I didn't even know I had MPD xD

On a side note, that yoghurt is awesome. Did you put orange somewhere in it? I can taste them, but I don't see them...

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 6:58AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hello, Rainy. Did you know? Apparently, you and I are the same person and Su is dating us. xD

Huhh... ×Ox
Mind her heart a bit..

Anyway, you said that. But you already prepared voodo puppet behind yr back

joined Nov 20, 2015

I'm older then...
So many jobs left, and i hardly open my eyes.. =o=

I wish you are older than me. I always want a friend or sister older than me.

Not that i mind...
Abv line is a cliche line you find in manga

The next line is like.. "Ohh, i'm being rejected.."

joined Jul 27, 2015

My love, it may have escaped your notice, but for most people, food is not as vital as it is for you. And it sure as fuck isn't a reason to leave the country. xD Anyway, you never asked, so I never told. :-) Personally, I don't think it's really important to know. It's all in the past anyway and knowing my background doesn't change who I am.

Food actually is as vital for everyone, because without food, you'd die. XD Anyway, now that you mention it, the topic did never come up, did it? Man...I bet there's a ton more things I don't know about you. o.o

xD A few pages ago, mvl thought Rainy is me and thus thought you and her are a couple. I didn't even know I had MPD xD

So...does that mean I've been cheating on you and I don't even know it? O_O My god, I have Altzheimer's! /)(OoO)(\

On a side note, that yoghurt is awesome. Did you put orange somewhere in it? I can taste them, but I don't see them...

Orange juice, Lin. It's a thing. XD There's also raisins in there, but they prolly sunk to the ground cause they're so heavy.

Hey, Rainy. I guess we're a thing now. I love you, I guess? X'D

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