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joined Mar 17, 2016

It would be amazing if Team Gaji would add more chapters! I think we all would love that lol
And I think it would be interesting if Seju and Sungji had a confrontation.

joined Aug 31, 2014

if you read the official English translation for the chapter after Sumin received a phone call about her parents's decease, it shows that she passive-aggressively blames Seju for her parents' death, since Seju's dad sent her parents on that trip abroad.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Yes I know she did but she regretted that, we see she does when she buys flowers for Seju and stuff and catches her with the bartender. I don't think she went back to blaming her for her parent's death but she did hate her obviously because she cheated on her.

joined Mar 17, 2016

if you read the official English translation for the chapter after Sumin received a phone call about her parents's decease, it shows that she passive-aggressively blames Seju for her parents' death, since Seju's dad sent her parents on that trip abroad.

Well but does she still blame her? And when she snapped out of her little depression mode didn't she mention that she didn't know what she was thinking and that Seju was the only one she had left?

joined Feb 13, 2016

Also, come on Team Pink, people are talking about Seju and I'm the only one defending her?

Team Pink reinforcement on the way!

I may not be able to convey all the opinions written here, since I left the forum for a while and when I came back there were this many posts... But I will try to express my thoughts on Seju.

Seju is a pathetic fool: Yep. And that's why she's, in my opinion, a great character. Because humans are pathetic fools. It's easy to deem someone like Seju as pathetic; no one with a sane mind would wait 10 years for someone to come back. So you guys pointed out right. Seju isn't exactly sane. Is she obsessed, simply broken or something more? We can only infer for now. But one thing I consider is simply the fact that Seju has only known love from Sumin. I can only relate to a certain extent. When my parents kind of distanced themselves from me in a moment of my life, it hurt like hell. But no matter what crap they would throw at me back then, it never made me really give up on them. Maybe I was just a fool, but I would wait and get hurt and try again until they finally accepted me. I could never walk away from them. So Seju can't really let go of the person who loved her and who she loved in return. Would you call it obsession? Maybe. But there's more to it than a simple obsession.

Seju is just passively waiting while wishing for Sumin's relationship to fail: Honestly, I think this is up to the reader. Most of you agree that she's passive and I agree to a certain extent. But waiting for 10 fucking years isn't for the weak of heart. She quit drinking; she didn't fool around with other women. She didn't distract herself from her heartache. Yes, Seju was passive as she didn't fight back for Sumin. But she stood still like a stone and refused to move on. I think that's a choice of hers and I respect that. Maybe she's just chained to the emotional dependency of Sumin and thus she is passive for not trying to fight that. But maybe it's just her stubborn choice and she will accept the pain that will come with it. Don't forget Seju lines in chapter 27 - "She will be mine again". Again, it's up to the reader for now. Some will think of it as obsessive behavior; some will see emotional dependency, some will see a choice.

And regarding Seju's wish for Sumin's relationship to fail. I agree that's never really expressed, though I infered that anyway. I just don't think that's pretty bad. I mean, that stuff of wishing your loved one to be happy, I know that's what people should do. And I don't want to justify Seju, but wishing your loved one back is the natural thing. It may be unhealth, selfish and cruel. But some people can't really care for that. Sometimes we are just too afraid, too desperate of losing someone. Sometimes we can't see our life without someone. So we keep that small hope that they will come back; that they will realize their happiness is with us.

Huh... I wrote too much and, honestly, I don't think it will add much to the forum. For now, most of the things can only be infered. I can see most people kind of understand Seju's side; but somehow it feels like true empathy is still lacking. Or some still think she is annoying for representing some sort of threat to Sungji and Sumin relationship. I know it is all about taste and all, but for those who enjoy drama and mature plot, the fact that Seju was added to the story definetely was a great decision. And I won't even talk about whether Seju is important or not to the story: Team Gaji gave Seju a detailed background, added flashbacks about Sumin and Seju; added 2 whole chapters in Seju's point of view. No author would ever waste his time in that if not for a reason.

Anyway, sorry for babbling, but wobbie Seju was under attack lol.

last edited at Mar 25, 2016 7:05PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Yeah, I think the reason Seju is important is because there will be confrontation later on though and Seju will play a crucial role in Sumin's life again.
I agree with everything you say. I think the fact that Seju is a threat is what makes this story interesting and puts you in the edge of your seat. If Seju wasn't going to be a threat of some sort she wouldn't be that important I think but I'm pretty sure everything is hinting at that. I don't think it will be anything too mind-blowing but she will get involved. Seju is pretty crazy, I don't think she's a bad person at all but really broken and messed up yes. She is a nice character, yes. Sumin is as well but Sumin is more like the stereotypical cold lady with a traumatic part that is actually quite the romantic. Sungji isn't that interesting unfortunately ;_;... it hurts me to say this but after she found out she was in love with Team manager and confessed she hasn't been developed almost at all... I really like her and I hope she gets some progress, it's crucial or I'll be very disappointed!!
Also, I'm looking forward to seeing more of Sumin's romantic side. In this chapter she was more like dominant 'I'm gonna punish you' mode ^-^'''''

joined May 11, 2012

I'm kind of lost in the discussion and I think others replied what I was going to reply, so for now I'll just talk about this, first of all, I don't see Sungji as a plot device to heal Sumin since she's pretty obviously a main character, as for who is the protagonist, I think it is Sumin since she is the one in the center of the story and we see mainly her point of view, Seju is the deuteragonist because the story is as much about her as it is about Sumin, she also have complete chapters that are basically about her, I don't remember but are them in her point of view? As for Sungji, she's the tritagonist, she is definitely more important than just a plot devide to heal Sumin, but she is definitely not the most important here and not the center of the story since she's not fleshed out at all, and like, hardships? what hardships she had? her life is perfect compared to Seju and Sumin, you can't really say this is about her hardships when Seju and Sumin are the one with real problems.

As for Seju she's in no way a subplot, what is happening now is that we're having two parts of the story in parallel, I already said before, but the reason I think we see more Sumin x Sunji is because she is healing first and because less things happens in Seju life, of course I'm not saying Sumin will be completely healed, the problem is that the stories didn't cross yet, because when that happens we're going to go back to the real main plot of the story that is Seju and Sumin relationship and their healing, also, another reason why Seju and Sumin relationship is the main plot instead of Sumin relationship with Sungji? Simple, if Sungji was more important than Seju then not only she would be way more fleshed out, but she would also have chapters that are mainly about her, but Seju is the one who have them because she is the character that matters the most together with Sumin, if Seju was nothing more than something on the sides then it doesn't make sense that since the beginning she is present in the banner, cause from what I remember and in case some of you forgot, originally Sungji was not in the banner because the story was always first about Seju and Sumin, only later when she became relevant that they put Sungji in there, only main characters that are part of the main plot show up in banner, Sungji is in there not just because she is Sumin girlfriend, but because she is the one moving the plot.

Another thing, how is Seju a threat? that doesn't make sense at all, during 10 years she never did anything against Sumin so she won't start doing it now, Seju is important because this story is about Seju and Sumin broken relationship, this is a healing story above all else so how wouldn't she be relevant if both are broken and need healing? Just because she's in love with Sumin that doesn't make her a threat in any way to her relationship with Sungji, not to mention that, how Seju is crazy? she never did anything crazy, a crazy person don't wait for the one they love for 10 years, a crazy person would do everything she could to have that person back, but all she did and still do is wait for her return, she is obssessed that is a fact, but that doesn't make her crazy, that just shows that she is stuck in the past and that just like Sumin she needs to let it go and move with her life.

Well, maybe later I'll make a post to talk about the rest, not much brain capacity to think about the rest now, I'm actually not even sure I said properly what I wanted or if I didn't forgot to say anything...

And oliver, you can defend Seju without wanting Sumin relationship to end, what I argue against is about how some people try to diminish Seju importance to the story, cause like I said above, both Seju and Sumin have the same importance for the plot since this is a healing story, the creators themselves said that and Sungji is not damaged like Seju and Sumin, so there's no logic in her being more important than Seju since she doesn't need any healing, what happens is that some people seens to be blinded by Sumin x Sungji fluffly moments because the story is focusing more on them now, but as soon as they interact with Seju again I'm pretty sure we won't see that as much anymore, besides Sumin having more happening on her life than Seju, I think that another reason their focus is unbalanced is because first Team Gaji will show that Sumin relationship with Sungji is solid, then she'll be ready to finally solve her problems with Seju, we're also going to probably see more of Seju and Nami if they plan on making them a couple when things are finally balanced and we see more of Seju side.

Azai, good to finally have someone else helping, Seju already suffered pretty much her entire life, now some people want to put her to the sides as if this is not her story too? As if she was not a main character since the first chapter and as important as Sumin? Didn't she suffer and lose enough already? I say she did! So we can't stay quiet! Team Pink aside, even if Sumin never comes back to her again, first of all we're people who are on Seju side, so we can't let this happen without saying nothing, that's why I call all of you from Team Pink to fight against this injustice! Who are with me???

Geez, my attempt on making a rousing speech is so embarassing, guess it's time to dig my own hole to hide (T^T)

joined Feb 5, 2016

That Seju's wish for Sumin's relationship to fail has nothing to do with those Sumin's failed relationships.

We know Sumin is still in love with Seju as the fact that Sumin always came back to Seju every time Sumin's new relationship failed, right? Those 34 chapters left can possibly turn the table.

joined Feb 8, 2016

That Seju's wish for Sumin's relationship to fail has nothing to do with those Sumin's failed relationships.

I'm with you here.

We know Sumin is still in love with Seju as the fact that Sumin always came back to Seju every time Sumin's new relationship failed, right? Those 34 chapters left can possibly turn the table.

And then you lost me here.

I 100% get why TeamPink is a thing and the popularity of Seju, but the idea that Sumin goes back to her because she's still in love is pretty bogus to me. She goes back because it's what she knows, like a security blanket. It's like when shit really hits the fan in your life, where do you go? You go to your family (blood or chosen), and Seju is Sumin's family. "Oh something shitty happened in my life? Let me go to the one person I know for sure will love me no matter how fucked up I am."

joined Mar 8, 2014

I disagree, the fact that Sungji doesn't need any healing doesn't mean that she's less important than Seju. Again, did the author ever specify whose healing story this is?
I don't know why you think so but this doesn't give me the vibe that we have two parallel stories of Sumin's and Seju's healing and now that we're done with Sumin we're gonna go to Seju and later on cross the stories. If you read the premise they have on lezhin you will see that it clearly states what the story is about. It's not about how two exes find healing. Seju is not on the same level as Sumin. Sumin has waaaaay more chapters than Seju and so does Sungji along with her. This is not real life it's a story, obviously the reason many things are not happening in Seju's life is because the author chose that; probably because Seju is not the focus. Think about it; if the author really did have the intention of make the story about Seju's healing as well wouldn't she have already started with that. Another point is that Sumin story is far from over. She still has a lot of things to work on with Sungji and there aren't that many chapters left to go on with Seju. This definitely proves Seju is less important than Sumin. Also the fact that Seju suffered doesn't mean that she has some 'right' to be as important as Sumin >.> this is not a biography...
When I say 'hardships' I mean obstacles. Obstacles from a narrative point of view not from a realistic point of view. If you take it literally all the hardships fall on Seju for the most part but that's not what I mean. Seju has chapters dedicated to her because she is important to the main plot. If her life was not a subplot she would have interacted with Sumin way more. Sungji has 1 chapter dedicated to her and if you pay attention you will see that there are a LOT of panels were we see Sungji only and not Sumin. It's hard to tell because we see the chapters through Sumin's POV for the most part.
I will explain why I think Sungji is the protagonist/heroine -> In the first chapters we see her trying to get close to team leader, then we see her finding out she is in love with her (this chapter is largely dedicated to her), then we see her messing up and making Sumin angry and chasing her (definitely an obstacle narrative-wise). Then we see her feeling like Sumin is far away (there is a panel that shows this very clearly) after she rejects her advances. After that we see she agrees to kiss her and tries to get closer to her in the trip. In the following chapters (and previous) there are panels where we see Sungji talking to that guy that wanted to flirt with her and finally revealing she is seeing Sumin (another clear obstacle). After that we follow Sungji as she tries to get closer to Sumin but is rejected (obstacle). Sungji gets angry and gives Sumin the cold shoulder and then they make up. Yes, we see that from Sumin's point of view but the story is supposed to make us feel concerned about how Sungji will do this or that in regards to Sumin and how Sumin will respond. That's why I stand by her being the protagonist. The protagonist is not always the most interesting character or the one that has the most focus on them. As I said before the focal character is Sumin but she is not the one going against obstacles (for the most part) so she is not a heroine.
Again, I am speaking from a narrative point of view not a realistic one. Of course in that case Seju is not a threat. I mean that her role in the story is to be a threat in my opinion. I don't know why else we would have all those monologues about how she wants Sumin back to her or about how sure she is Sumin will be hers. It's not just to state that Seju really loves Sumin.
In any case, we will see how the story unravels and whose analysis is right in due time.

joined Mar 8, 2014

That Seju's wish for Sumin's relationship to fail has nothing to do with those Sumin's failed relationships.

I'm with you here.

We know Sumin is still in love with Seju as the fact that Sumin always came back to Seju every time Sumin's new relationship failed, right? Those 34 chapters left can possibly turn the table.

And then you lost me here.

I 100% get why TeamPink is a thing and the popularity of Seju, but the idea that Sumin goes back to her because she's still in love is pretty bogus to me. She goes back because it's what she knows, like a security blanket. It's like when shit really hits the fan in your life, where do you go? You go to your family (blood or chosen), and Seju is Sumin's family. "Oh something shitty happened in my life? Let me go to the one person I know for sure will love me no matter how fucked up I am."

I think Sumin did have feelings for Seju but I doubt she was still in love with her. I doubt those chapters can turn the table; it's too late for that. I'm pretty sure Seju will try though.

joined Aug 31, 2014

Faylicia & GraciousLlama

oh so that's what you guys mean. i thought that you guys said Sumin never stopped blaming Seju for her parents' death. i must've misread something. excuse me;;


i agree with you. as of now, the idea of Sumin and Seju reuniting healthily is impossible.

joined Feb 8, 2016

That Seju's wish for Sumin's relationship to fail has nothing to do with those Sumin's failed relationships.

I'm with you here.

We know Sumin is still in love with Seju as the fact that Sumin always came back to Seju every time Sumin's new relationship failed, right? Those 34 chapters left can possibly turn the table.

And then you lost me here.

I 100% get why TeamPink is a thing and the popularity of Seju, but the idea that Sumin goes back to her because she's still in love is pretty bogus to me. She goes back because it's what she knows, like a security blanket. It's like when shit really hits the fan in your life, where do you go? You go to your family (blood or chosen), and Seju is Sumin's family. "Oh something shitty happened in my life? Let me go to the one person I know for sure will love me no matter how fucked up I am."

There were many other women to go back to. Why did she only choose Seju? If Seju just like a security blanket, then come on change to someone else next time. It would be kind of embarrassing to ask for helps from only Seju. It looked more like they were excuses Sumin used to see Seju.

I'm just completely confused that this is how you'd see things lol. We're on completely different pages on this one. What other women would Sumin go back to? I'm talking about going back to someone who you don't care if they see you as a complete mess. Sumin doesn't have anybody else in her life like that other than Seju (maybe Sungji now/eventually).

I think Sumin did have feelings for Seju but I doubt she was still in love with her. I doubt those chapters can turn the table; it's too late for that. I'm pretty sure Seju will try though.

They had dated since school, there must be tons of flashback about their romances we've not yet seen. If we could see a bit more about Seju, you guys' perceptions about Seju might change. If Seju from now on stop being a dog waiting for her master to come back by a miracle, the table sure can turn.

Just so much more confusion. The power of pink is strong with this one.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Yes, it's impossible, I like Seju (>.>) but I like Sungji more so TeamBlonde forever ♥♥♥
It seems like she did go to other women as well and Seju also seemed to be calling her. It's not like she wasn't all over Sumin. Regardless I'm pretty sure Sumin had feelings but not enough to make her want to go back to Seju and definitely not now that she has Sungji
Other than that I'm really invested in this omg... I think the Easter holidays (more like workingdays -.-) have messed me up... I wanna go out and have fun... and eat... stuff... >.> unfortunately I have tons of work...

joined Feb 5, 2016

Guys, at which chapter that you started to think that Sumin and Seju reuniting healthily is impossible? Less than 34 chapters ago, right? If Team Gaji could create that "impossible" in less than 34 chapter, she sure also could turn it back to "possible" in the next 34 chapters.:D

joined Mar 8, 2014

Breaking a jar is easy. Fixing it is definitely not.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Breaking a jar is easy. Fixing it is definitely not.

There are people who remarried their ex-spouses. :D

joined Feb 8, 2016

Other than that I'm really invested in this omg... I think the Easter holidays (more like workingdays -.-) have messed me up... I wanna go out and have fun... and eat... stuff... >.> unfortunately I have tons of work...

Go find a pretty girl to mess around and read with :P Does the trick for me. I'm perpetually afraid of running into an ex on this forum now that I'm actually posting on it lol lol looool. It's going to happen.

Also I read a typeset version of the most recent chapter and I couldn't help but roll my eyes when Sumin told Sungji to ask for permission first. Sumin's such a top it's almost laughable. It's like every top (like annoyingly, insistingly top...) I've ever dated just marched single file into a line of text. Ugh lol.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Geez, my attempt on making a rousing speech is so embarassing, guess it's time to dig my own hole to hide (T^T)

Huh... I... I don't want to sound mean, but I could help you dig your hole. lol. Don'tg get me wrong, It isn't like I don't want to answer your call to arms.

I do think we should discuss Seju, because there's a lot of hate going on about her. And what bothers me isn't the fact that people are attacking my favorite character - it's just a story anyway. What really bothers me is that people so easily judged Seju - calling her whore, cheater, clingy and so on. And it's a shame a character gets so much hate for her actions; it honestly bothers me that someone gets to be so easily judged and doesn't get the chance to repent in their eyes.

In short, it really bothers me having to defend Seju, because that shouldn't be necessary. It bothers me having to say again and again that it's ok to make mistakes; it's ok to feel at loss and screwing things up and then regreting and trying to make it better again. It bothers me having to defend someone for being human. It bothers me to say it's ok being pathetic, because fuck it, you're making a fool of yourself but you're cool with it, because that's your call and your choice and maybe your tragedy.

There are some posts here I get ashamed of, because it just sounds so damn hypocrite and, surprisingly, naive. They seem to believe in manichaeism - all that good and bad dichotomy - and automatically place Seju as an antagonist, since they think she is potentially a threat to Sumin and Sungji (this is not specifically about you, Faylicia). And Sumin is a saint in their eyes, for being perfect and all that fangirl stuff. BUT as far as I observed, those people are actually a minority here and that's the reason why I joined the discussion. I wouldn't see a point in discussing Seju with people who still haven't experienced life or who can't at least try to view it through her shoes. Unfortunately, understanding is only possible with a certain level of perception.

So I actually just laugh it off when someone comes with all their hate. Yeah, sometimes they get on my nerves. But their close-mindedness is just a turn off and I rather stay on my bubble looking for people who are actually interesting to talk to. Which this forum is plenty of.

Anyway, even though you're rousing speech was amusing, I think all the discussion about Seju and her importance is getting old. Those who hate her will probably keep at it no matter how much we try to argue. It's just tiring. In my opinion Seju and Sumin relationship is at focus in the story and Seju is just as important in the story as Sungji and Sumin. Problem is people who dislike her won't see her role in the story like Team Pink do, because it's all about the perception of the reader. I say all this and I confess I probably do the same regarding Sungji; I don't dislike her, but I do find her boring. So maybe that's why I can't see any potential development in her character. We are all a little biased in the end anyway.

And I ended up babbling again... Well, I may defend Seju whenever hate starting spreading, but I hope it won't be necessary. I prefer to talk about theories and predictions for future chapters hehe.

last edited at Mar 25, 2016 9:17PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Other than that I'm really invested in this omg... I think the Easter holidays (more like workingdays -.-) have messed me up... I wanna go out and have fun... and eat... stuff... >.> unfortunately I have tons of work...

Go find a pretty girl to mess around and read with :P Does the trick for me. I'm perpetually afraid of running into an ex on this forum now that I'm actually posting on it lol lol looool. It's going to happen.

Also I read a typeset version of the most recent chapter and I couldn't help but roll my eyes when Sumin told Sungji to ask for permission first. Sumin's such a top it's almost laughable. It's like every top (like annoyingly, insistingly top...) I've ever dated just marched single file into a line of text. Ugh lol.

If that pretty girl was like Sumin I'd think about it >.> It'd be fun with a friend as well but most of them are gone on holidays and the ones that are not are busy working and I'm busy too and I want to finish this stupid maya, lip sync and after effects stuff before I do anything else... T_T yeah sorry for bringing my personal issues into the forum again >.>
You think so? some of my classmates seem to be reading wdtfs but I doubt they post here or anything... but maybe they are reading this right now... and they know everything I post!! o///o that's a bit embarrassing... >.>
eeeehhh? I found that really cute >///> and... sexy? She also seemed to just be kind of teasing >///< !! But, see? Sumin lets Sungji caress her as well :) She's like a tigress, cute cuddly tigress... err um >///>

last edited at Mar 25, 2016 9:17PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Guys, at which chapter that you started to think that Sumin and Seju reuniting healthily is impossible? Less than 34 chapters ago, right? If Team Gaji could create that "impossible" in less than 34 chapter, she sure also could turn it back to "possible" in the next 34 chapters.:D

Chapter 1 haha, when it was clear that it's a story about Sungji's interest in her new boss lady. Oh looks the boss is sleeping with someone else? Dramaaaa. But she's still going to get the girl. Ta dah lol.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Guys, at which chapter that you started to think that Sumin and Seju reuniting healthily is impossible? Less than 34 chapters ago, right? If Team Gaji could create that "impossible" in less than 34 chapter, she sure also could turn it back to "possible" in the next 34 chapters.:D

Chapter 1 haha, when it was clear that it's a story about Sungji's interest in her new boss lady. Oh looks the boss is sleeping with someone else? Dramaaaa. But she's still going to get the girl. Ta dah lol.

Exactly :P

joined Feb 5, 2016

Guys, at which chapter that you started to think that Sumin and Seju reuniting healthily is impossible? Less than 34 chapters ago, right? If Team Gaji could create that "impossible" in less than 34 chapter, she sure also could turn it back to "possible" in the next 34 chapters.:D

Chapter 1 haha, when it was clear that it's a story about Sungji's interest in her new boss lady. Oh looks the boss is sleeping with someone else? Dramaaaa. But she's still going to get the girl. Ta dah lol.

And here is the power of Blonde. :D

joined Feb 8, 2016

And I ended up babbling again... Well, I may defend Seju whenever hate starting spreading, but I hope it won't be necessary. I prefer to talk about theories and predictions for future chapters hehe.

I don't think there's any problem putting your foot down to defend your favs, but to be fair, in earlier parts of this forum, I think Sungji took more crap than Seju and it was majority TeamPink talking. Now I think it's a bit closer to 50/50.

I prefer to talk about current chapters and things that were noticed etc, so I think we all have our thing.

joined May 11, 2012

As always there's no brakes on this discussion, get out for a few minutes and there's a bunch of new posts.

Don't worry about it, it's not like we're going to get anywhere anyway, so don't worry about being part of the discussion or not.

Like Azai said guess we should stop discussing about Seju importance? After all how much she is important now don't matter if later she is more or less important, like you said, we need to wait and see what happens.

Well, don't want to reply the rest now, so does anyone else want to help dig my hole? Still embarassed because of my rousing speech... (T^T)

last edited at Mar 25, 2016 9:45PM

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