【オリジナル】キミの聖水に乾杯!【おしっコメディ漫画】 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=54972539 http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/watch/mg158606
You could have atleast TRIED to sell me on it, bro.
Is easy to understand what's going on even without translation, is the normal development but with a deviant twist... Good
I approve.
And so the lesbian watersports vampire transfers into her school. What will be in store for her?
She wants to drink my pee raw? How uncivilized.
But it's better raw, uncivilized or no. I tried cooking it once and it was just no good. Or do you have a good way to cook it? I'd be happy to become more civilized.
The type of person who drinks processed pee usually also the type who request their steak well done, weirdos.
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