Forum › Iroha ~Sweet~ discussion

joined May 13, 2015

Jin's art looks different somehow

joined Jul 22, 2015

Woah this was really good!

joined Jul 8, 2013

Honestly, I've always felt that Takemiya Jin is just so much better when she stops trying to make the story overly dramatic by just tacking on bullshit development on top of already bullshit development. Instead, when she just tries to make a normal romance series with super lovable characters, IT'S FUCKING GREAT. I'm not saying that she should never do drama but I think the issue with Takemiya is that she simply has no middle between comedy and OVERLY DRAMATIC lol. FIND THAT COMPROMISE JIN, PLZ! Your talent is constantly being overshadowed by how much bullshit you fill most of your series with lol.
I don't remember the name of the series but I feel like that series she did about the group of four friends that started off as two groups of two friends before fusing together. CHOUCHOU NANNAN! That was it. I feel like that series has the balance of drama and everything else that I feel Takemiya should aim for (although at times that series kinda went overboard too lol). But yeah, that was a pretty good series because Takemiya didn't fill it up with so much god damn bullshit that I felt little else other than anger and hate towards all the characters like she has done so often lol. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

last edited at Dec 14, 2015 2:43PM

joined Jan 8, 2014

Is it Christmas already? ^_^ thats how I felt when I saw a new Jin release ^_^
I always enjoy reading releases from this author, but this one was super fluffy cute, I really loved the inner monologue of the dark haired girl in all those different situations, super funny and cute...

joined May 26, 2011

Sometimes I reread all of Jin's work on the site hoping there will be new updates to come, and here it is!! Blessed day.

I like drama and fluff I just want all the yuri dang you

joined Jun 24, 2015

glad to see her not drawing her usual archetypes. I do enjoy her stuff, but as of late it felt... contrived? Sorta started to make the characters a bit unrealistic. This was a nice change of pace


joined Feb 8, 2013

Well it was nice. But nice is all to that there is ( It didnt make my heart go all doki-doki.
Excepr fot a kiss. Oh God Jin's art is awesome ^3^ Not the best work but nice

joined Jan 17, 2014

Well Takejima you were right about the country finally recognizing same sex marriage. It only took 6 years later after drawing this story for your thoughts to come true. :)

I live in Japan and I can telll you that sadly it's not legal yet :'/ the certificates from Shibuya and Setagaya are only symbolic, they aren't legally recognized. However I do hope we'll soon be on our way to make it come true!

last edited at Dec 18, 2015 7:36AM

joined Jun 26, 2013

Thanks for the heads up! I fix it but Cyfer's the one who can upload, so the fix will be a short while yet.

Edit: I also know about page 37 now.

You're very welcome!

Thank you and the other scanlators for all that you do. You are forever appreciated, and I am forever grateful.

joined Apr 26, 2014


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